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World Cultures

Name:Alyssa Barr
Unit- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Block 2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

How many human rights are guaranteed, according to the document?

There are 30 Human Rights.

According to the Universal Declaration, how should respect for human
rights be promoted?
They should be promoted through Teaching and Education.
Which two articles of the Declaration do you think are the most
important? Give reasons for your answer.
Article 13 is the most important because it states Everyone has the
right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of
each state. And Everyone has the right to leave any country,
including his own, and to return to his country. Another important
Article in the Declaration is number 3 stating Everyone has the right
to life, liberty and security of person.
4. Should a nations record on human rights be the major factor in
determining the United States relationship with that nation? Explain your
Yes, I believe this because the United States enforces and believes
these rights are justified and good for the wellbeing of all humans. So
If another nation does not believe in these rights that would cause
conflict between the two and that would defeat the main purpose of
the United Nations.

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