Technology Literacy Project

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Whitley Kluesner

EDCI 270Jieun Lim

Part One:
Attached document.
Part Two:
1. Davies, Rs., Dean, DL., Ball, N. (2013) Flipping the Classroom and Instructional Technology
Integration in a College-Level Information Systems Spreadsheet Course. Etr&D-Educational
Technology Research and Development, Vol. 61(4), pp. 563-580.
2. Forsey, Martin., Low, Mitchell., & Glance, David., (2013) Flipping the sociology classroom:
Towards a practice of online pedagogy. Journal of Sociology, Vol.49(4), pp.471-485.,
3. Herreid, Clyde F., Schiller, Nancy A., (2013) Case Study: Case Studies and the Flipped
Classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, Vol.42(5), pp.62-67
4. Park, Yun Jeong., Bonk, Curtis J., (2007) Synchronous Learning Experiences: Distance and
Residential Learners Perspectives in a Blended Graduate Course. The Journal of Interactive
Online Learning, Vol.6(3).
5. Strayer, Jeremy F., (2012) How Learning in an Inverted Classroom Influences Cooperation,
Innovation and Task Orientation. Learning Environments Research, Vol.15(2), pp.171-193
Part Three:
1. Abdulla, Dalya., (2012) Attitudes of college students enrolled in 2-year health care programs
towards online learning. Computers & Education, Vol.59(4), pp. 1215-1223.
This article stated the importance of gaining knowledge about information technology in
order to be able to perform well in many health care jobs. They decided to do research this
statement by surveying students enrolled in a math course through two different 2-year health
care programs three times over the course of their semester. Through this research they
concluded that students enrolled in this online math course did in fact gain the skills necessary
for their career path.
2. Sung, Eunmo., Mayer, Richard E. (2012) Five facets of social presence in online distance
education. Computers in Human Behavior,Vol.28(5), pp. 1738-1747.
This article states that social presence as being effective in online learning. To prove this
point, researchers had participants from two online universities take part in a study. Through this
study they found that there are five factors that play a major role in online learning.
3. McGready, John., Brookmeyer, Ron., (2013) Evaluation of student outcomes in online vs.
campus biostatistics education in a graduate school of public health. Preventive Medicine,
Vol.56(2), pp.
142-144. doi.10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.11.020.
This article looks into the similarities between online and on-campus learning.
Researchers wanted to know whether or not students can attain the same outcomes through the
different course styles. After having roughly 100 students enrolled in an online and on-campus
course fill out a survey, it was concluded that students have the ability to complete the course
with passing grades.
Part Four:

I believe that it is extremely important to be literate in information. Being literate in

information includes to not only knowing information, but also, to know how to find out
information you do not know. When conducting research, students, teachers, parents, co-workers,
partners need to know how to effectively find material that is useful to the type of research they
are conducting as well as make sure the resources found are legitimate resources and are factual.
There is a huge difference between finding an answer to a problem on the internet and actually
finding information about the problem that could be useful in fixing it and preventing it in the
As a student, as well as, a future teacher I believe it is vital to know how to find,
examine, and use the information found during research. Technology is advancing every single
day, and with the advancement of technology comes the advancements of information. It is our
job to sift through the many different pages of information found on the internet to find the good
and the bad sources. Literally anyone can post things on the internet. That means that there is a
lot of information that is truthful and posted by intelligent people who know a lot about a certain
subject, but there is also a lot of information that is made-up and useless when it comes to
When looking at the ISTE standards, it is easy to see them reflected in every single
standard for teachers. It may not clearly state it, but I believe information literacy can definitely
be tied in to each of the five standards. The first standard includes facilitating and inspiring
student learning and creativity and what better way to facilitate student learning and creativity
than allowing them to conduct their own research and find knew information on their own by
reading and searching. Standard number two: design and develop digital age learning
experiences and assessments has information literacy written all over it! It is highly important to
use the digital tools to find new and improved information for kids. Standard number three:
model digital age work and learning also incorporates the idea of using the digital tools and
information to promote learning for students. Teachers can show students how to properly go
about researching information for projects in the classroom. Promote and model digital
citizenship and responsibility, or standard number four, can be demonstrated by teachers
through teaching students about becoming literate in information. Lastly, standard number five,
engage in professional growth and leadership, teachers can show students how they can grow
professionally and in leadership by using the information they have found to teach their peers.
When talking about information literacy with students it is extremely important to bring
up important matters such as: plagiarism, copyrights, and fair use of information. Students must
be aware of the guidelines of using information they have found in a proper manner. It is vital
that we teach them right away about the consequences of the improper use, plagiarism, and
copyright infringements when finding and using information throughout their lives. Plagiarism
is very relevant when dealing with information literacy because it is important not to copy and
paste information and claim it as your own. It is incredibly important that everyone gives credit
where credit is due. Stealing anyones thoughts or ideas is wrong and should most definitely be
punished. Copyrights are a great way to keep tabs on different things to make sure they are not
being used without permission.
Through the advancements in technology comes an important need for information
literacy for students and teachers. Not only students and teachers, but many other people need to
increase their information literacy in order to keep up with todays society and world. This is
because everyone needs to be able to find out the appropriate and correct information and
thought information literacy they will have the skills and tools necessary to make this happen.

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