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Year 3: Changing Faces

Concepts: change and inspiration


The focus for this half terms learning is on the changing face of Dubai. Using their
knowledge from our Big Bus Tour and visit to the Dubai Museum, the children will be
learning about what Dubai was like in the past and comparing it to the Dubai we live in
today. We will be looking at the inspirational rulers of Dubai and seeing how their vision
has shaped and changed Dubai. In Literacy, our focus will be on recounts and we will be
using the story of the Pearl Diver to write diary entries in role as some of the characters.
In addition to this, the children will be having another 2 week block of ICT learning where
they will be using their programming skills to animate the story. In Art, we will be studying the changing landscape of Dubai. Using painting techniques, the children will create
their own vibrant landscape picture to be displayed during Arts Week.

What inspires change?

This half term we will be focusing
on refining written methods for
all 4 operations of number. Multiplication facts and division facts
are also an integral part to this
half terms learning. In addition
to this, we will be revisiting some
areas covered already this term
such as shape, measure and data handling.

Year 3 will learn the names of the colours this half term as well as how to
spell them. They will also learn to recall the numbers to 39.


This half term, the children will be
using the programming language of
Scratch to retell the story of The
Pearl Diver.

In PE this half term, the children will take

part in a variety of invasion games activities. They will cover simple attacking and
defending principles. Pupils will be encouraged to develop their technical abilities such as dribbling, passing and shooting and develop their teamwork skills.

Some students will learn

about school facilities, and
some of them will learn about
classrooms items. Students
will be encouraged to talk, in
Arabic, about King Al-Barsha
School and to describe it in
Arabic .

How you can help


Across the half term, the children will be continuing their Black Belt recorder
unit alongside learning theory; both by playing games and consolidation with

One aspect of recounts is diary writing. Children could

keep a diary ensuring
they are including the
key features taught in
school e.g. past
tense, order, time
Download scratch
(ICT program) for free
to use at home to
hone your skills!
Get learning your
times tables by heart!
By the end of year 3,
the expectation is that
children know their
x2,x5,x10,x3,x4 and

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