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Manual Telephone


Manual Telephone
The switchboard is usually designed
to accommodate the operator, who
sits facing it.
It has a high back panel which
consists of rows of female jacks, each
jack designated and wired as a local
extension of the switchboard (which
serves an individualsubscriber) or as
an incoming or outgoing trunk line.
The jack is also associated with a

When a call is received, a jack lamp lights on the

back panel and the operator responds by placing
the rear cord into the corresponding jack.
The operator then converses with the caller, who
informs the operator to whom he or she would like
to speak.
The operator places the front cord in the associated
jack and pulls the front key backwards to ring the
called party.
The supervision lamps light to alert the operator
when the parties finish their conversation and go

Automatic Switching
1. Electromechanical Switching

Strowger or Step by Step Exchange


2. Electronics Switching

Strowger or Step by Step Exchanges

Basic Elements of Strowger Switching System
(a ) Uni-selector
b) Two motion selectors.

Almon Brown Strowge

Diagram of a Uni-selector

Two-Motion Selector

A Two-Motion "Final"

simplified routing of local call in a strower switching


Line Exchange
100-Line Exchange
1000- Line Exchange
Dial no. 786
First Digit as Group Selector (7)
Second as Final Selector (86)

10,000- Line Exchange

Dial no. 4321
First Digit as Group Selector (4)
Second as Group Selector (3)
Third and Fourth as Final Selector (21)

100-Line Exchange
Range : 00 - 99

100-Line exchange with one two-motion selector

1000- Line Exchange

Range : 000 - 999

Dial no. 786
First Digit as Group Selector
Second as Final Selector (86)

1000- Line Exchange

10,000- Line Exchange



Block Diagram of Electronics


ElectronicPrivate Branch Exchange

public switched telephone network(P

analog-to-digitalanddigital-toanalogconversion of voice,offhookdetection, ring supervision, line

integrity (Some time to )
generateringingcurrent and

Block Diagram of EPBAX

public switched telephone network(PSTN)
subscriber line interface card (SLIC)
CO (Central Office)

Stored Program Control


A simple Functional Block Diagram of SPC


2-6 Digits

1-3 Digits
7-9 Digits

2-4 Digits

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