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UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PLATTEVILLE PRE-STUDENT TEACHING FINAL EVALUATION, Sade Cae Shere Semetor See Ye Sabet Taught Gove eon ete te Ramet — fatima Paton oah__— Rags re 5 Some, ‘cwumiaanz minimap, Eavrin/paciee SEERUBRIC Sieimesdam: | Resulunher| quer supensioe saa i Shs cho i loakSinpaenc ee ce ht Ba pen [tow aemen ofthe stent ener a nos Kale Ca ad Pe p [Dense Kao of Sets e Demo Kove of Ramet 2 | segs ee nin ri Se Sh Caren naa = ie aa Lar . {as Coen Pres D | mg Se aor > re 2 [Demi tates xm tac 2 [ns Qing nD ecg E ge Se es 2 es a Demare [Di rte eon neo eng > re |W (nuattactory) eS) ee mak comments oncering ht san rng srt ado ara of acdedimprovementnce etre tl pte es ern yo Carrie Scherer completed her pre-tuent teaching placement in Mrs. Kel’ fist, ‘uae loom inthe sping of 2014 atte Mineral Point Elementary School, Carie ‘ompleted » 120 hour pracieum experience in which he planed, instructed, and assessed Teamers using developmentally appropri practices. She also diferentiatd instruction to ee the needs ofl learner. ‘Daring her placement, Cre ed morning sctvits, and worked indepen with students. She alo worked with whole group activities, and managed a small group of Children. Ca planned reading/language ars lessons. She also displayed an ents Smile in her delivery. She employs pres teaching exression, which act students" ‘ttenon and ges them to fous onthe ta at and Carle demonsated enuslasn fr all ‘Sects of er president eachingexpeience. Care lo participated ina fly fn ‘vent at her practicum school, Care demand a proficient level of performance fora preston! teacher candidate senecopner man —uecune fe Kebn. —___ sdoanieie___ Mineral Paint Elementary School sion otresmier texte Coins. A Cahiers nme out DISPOSITIONS AND BEHAVIORS EVALUATION - FINAL studensniame Carnie. Scherer onecomiaes_/22/20n4 reachersname_Seuson Ke[in Grae tevet_/ ay fF re sing oe Rating — Poo ee ‘Attendance and Perfect attendance | Rarely absent and | Frequently absent | Does not follow ee bec ar a user ce eee |cetnetceer inl pa 4 mores Sel titive | Resourceful; elf | Works efecvely | Depends on others | Exhibits inabiliy to Sie [anes | pepamoten | Ban rr | mE lameness a Sepa Taf aaa —Theprste Thee — ata eens ||Raceiae | [Sees og| meten fom imnmedtey | wii ronating | SaTand wikia ——T teas | Stand Soe manne wate TRG Language “expresses self ‘expressions are | or unclear ‘speaking or writing, 4 gape eee oem, (eee ‘Gritieal Thinking Sls Thinks crtally and.can easly distinguish ‘between relevant ‘and irelevant information ~TOnce issues are Identified, can| thinkeeriicaly Does nat think citealy without support. Thable to think critically, = ae: iH Disposition Distinguished Proficient asic Unsatsaetory felective Response to | Sols suggestions | Receptive and Receptive bt does | Defensive Feedback/Sunenision | and feedback om | ajuts netimplement | Uneceptive to 3 others performance Suggestions | feedback "| Recordngy Tact hudement (with | Diplomatic: [Can be sensive to | Uited senstty | Anpears Deesfinstactors) | Sonsitve tothe’ | others feelings | and splomacy and | thoushlss and And Collealty fesings and. | andopinian and | reluctant toshare_| insensitive and opinion nds | ean work dese works in isolation Strong team player | effectively a ta | Reflective Response to | Sos feedback Recepiveto Receptive but | Defensive Feedback rom and suggestions | feedbackand | doesrtimplement | Unreceptiveto | Superior adimmatiatay [implements | suggestions | feedback 3 implements | sungestions | : suggestions oles | Deir to improve Own | Contninly eke | Some efoto | Expreseeile | No wfotto Knowiedge/Performance | new and better | knproveown | Intrestin Improve own waysofteaching | Knowledge and | improvingowm | knowledge and performance | krowedge and_| performance performance | Aititudes Toward eontinually “Generally believes | Can be judgmental | Makes negative Students optimistic about | alstudentsean | about certain | comments and fhe potemislofa | lem Students nd ther | shows frustration | students bitty to learn. | toward ceria | students Gommizmenttothe | Anpear deeply | Expresses interes | Exprestesnterent | Unsure of teaching Profesion commitestthe | andemthusasm | but cts asa profession teaching forteaching | enthusiasm for srofesion tesching Corrie Scherer has ben pre-staent teaching in my frst grade lasroom at [Mineral Pein Elementary School during the ering semester of 2014, Corie has demonstrated numerous strengths asa pre-student teacher. Tt is evident that Corre is ery caring invidelwho ely loves beng in the classroom. Her confidence in Teaching has grown by leap ond bounds dring the time she wasn my Corrie dees an excellent job relating to the stents, They are aways excited \ahen Miss Scherer i going Yo be teaching them. She did asuper jb in ll of the lesson of using god diecsion questions that required the student to think ‘beyond simple answers. Her classroom managemet skills developed a grat deal hile working with first graders Carve ida thorough job preparing her lessons a always had everything ready in ‘advance, Organization isa strength of Carrie's. The lessons she tought were ‘developmentally propriate and designed to meet the varied needs ofthe learners inmy cassroom.Carie went beyond her college requirements ond taught guided reading group for mast of the tne she was in first grace. She di some indvgoa instroction for alittle boy who has an extremely hard ne staying on task She ‘quickly became invlve in the classroom ad could ses toss thet needed Yo be ‘Sone without being tld whet to d. [Mise Scherer has ony been in my dssroom fora short time, but Ican see that she as the kl, work ethic, ond personality to become a great teacher, Overall, ‘Carrie hasbeen a wonderful pre-studert teacher whe has the potential of Influencing many ives asa teacher. Senne oC sai. Mineral Point Urified Schoo District Sion the siien Tox COyaift, Satur 4/22/2014

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