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Year 4: Changing Faces

Concepts: Freedom and Rule

The second half of our Spring term children will be learning about how the Romans
changed the face of Britain. They will learn about the legend of the founding of Rome
through the story of Romulus and Remus. They will study what life was like in Britain before the Romans came and understand some of the reasons behind the Romans success
in invading Britain. Children will learn about the events leading up to Boudiccas rebellion
and use a simple script to create a short drama depicting these events. They will begin to
understand how the Roman numeral system works. They will learn how the Roman army
and train together, being given orders by a centurion. They will learn how Roman roads
were made and where they were built and how the Romans carried water using aqueducts. Children discuss what a legacy is and explore the different aspects of the Roman

1. What happens when you stand against or question rule?

2. What does it mean to be free?
3. Can freedom ever be given?

This half term, children will learn
to recognise and write decimal
equivalents of any number of
tenths or hundredths . They will
learn to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
and solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities. They will solve
simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places
Children will use a variety of sorting diagrams to compare and
classify numbers and geometric
shapes based on their properties
and sizes.
Children will continue to identify
horizontal and vertical lines and
pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines. They will
acute and obtuse angles and
compare and order angles up to
two right angles by size.

Some students in Year Four will
learn new vocabulary and verbs
associated with the school facilities, and some of them will
learn about classroom items.
They will be able to write a
small paragraph using verbs
and prepositions.

Year 4 children will continue
to learn about hobbies they
like/dislike. We will also learn
to spell the numbers to 59.

In this half term pupils will
take part in a variety of invasion game
activities, covering basketball,
football, rugby and netball. All
pupils will develop their technical abilities such as dribbling, passing and
shooting. Pupils will challenged to work as a part of
small teams to
develop their tactical awareness and teamwork skills.

Year 4 will continue with their keyboard skills unit, linking their
knowledge to the theory they are learning. There will also be
some compositional opportunities this half term.

How you can help suggestions:

Read regularly with your

child at home
Encourage your child to
research Ancient Rome at
Support your child with
their Home Learning each
Helping children to see
that Mathematics is part of
everyday life can help
them see that it is relevant
and can be fun
Multiplication table practice so that the children
have immediate recall is of
great help. Especially

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