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Issued by:


FEBRUARY 18, 2015

MVE Development Opportunity

Page 2



The title of this RFP is:

Please use this title on all correspondence.


The Contact Person for this RFP is:

Ms. Anne Cooper
Superintendent (ret.)
Project Coordinator, Disposition of Mountain View Site
Board of Education of School District No. 19 (Revelstoke)





The closing time for this RFP is 2:00:00PM (local time) on April
16, 2015, as determined by the clock at the School District office
Reception Desk.
All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope and
addressed to:
Mr. Mike Hooker
Revelstoke Board of Education
School District No. 19 (Revelstoke)
P.O. Bag 5800
501 11th Street
Revelstoke, BC
V0E 2S0
Do not submit your proposal to the School District by fax or

Request for Proposal

February 18, 2015

MVE Development Opportunity

Page 3

1914 Mountain View School building means the original 1914 building located on the
Mountain View Site;
City means the City of Revelstoke;
Closing Time means 2:00:00pm (local time) on April 16, 2014, as determined by the clock at
the School District office Reception Desk;
Contact Person means Ms. Anne Cooper, Superintendent (ret.), Project Coordinator,
Disposition of Mountain View Site, Board of Education of School District No. 19 (Revelstoke);
Mountain View site or site mean the area bounded by Second Street, Third Street, Garden
Avenue and Pearson Street in the City of Revelstoke, as more particularly described in Section
1 - Background;
OCP means the Official Community Plan of the City of Revelstoke;
Redevelopment Lands means the lands remaining on the Mountain View site after
accounting for the 1914 Mountain View School building and the land to be dedicated or
conveyed to the City for use as a park;
RFP means this Request for Proposals; and
School District means the Board of Education of School District No. 19 (Revelstoke).

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The School District is committed to the disposition of surplus school assets, including the
Mountain View site, in accordance with a Project Agreement with the Ministry of Education. The
School District must generate significant local funds as its contribution to the completed
Revelstoke Schools Project.
The School District received approval for the disposition of the Mountain View site from the
Minister of Education on February 15, 2012. All uses of the Mountain View site were terminated
in June 2012, save for the storage of some materials currently surplus to the needs of the
School District.
The Mountain View site is bounded by Second Street, Third Street, Garden Avenue and
Pearson Street in the City. The Mountain View site contains 32 fee simple lots. The area of the
32 fee simple lots comprising the Mountain View site is estimated to be 1.01 hectares (2.50
acres), consisting of the following:
Lots 1 to 20, Block 6, Plan 636, Section 34, Township 23, Range 2, Meridian W6, Kootenay
Land District (PIDs 017-132-215, 017-132-312, 017-132-321, 017-132-339, 017-132-347,
017-132-355, 017-132-258, 017-132-886, 017-132-894,016-221-036, 016-221-044, 017132-908, 017-132-916, 017-132-924, 017-132-223, 017-132-231, 017-132-240, 017-132266, 017-132-274, 017-132-291)
Lots 1 to 11, Block 53, Plan 9504, Section 34, Township 23, Range 2, Meridian W6,
Kootenay Land District (PIDs 013-838-717, 013-838-776, 013-838-792, 013-838-814, 013838-831, 013-838-849, 013-838-857, 013-838-890, 013-838-920, 013-838-954, 013-838997)
Block 58, Plan 9504, Section 34, Township 23, Range 2, Meridian W6, Kootenay Land
District (PID 013-910-132)
The 2015 property assessment notices provided by the BC Assessment Authority indicates an
assessed land value of $2,290,800 for the Mountain View site.
The Mountain View site also includes the following closed lanes and streets with a total area of
approximately 0.29 hectares (0.73 acres). These closed lanes and streets are not required by
the City for vehicular access purposes:
Block 53, Plan 9504, Section 34, Township 23, Range 2, Meridian W6, Kootenay Land
District, CLOSED LANE (DF 5049)
Block 6, Plan 636, Section 34, Township 23, Range 2, Meridian W6, Kootenay Land District,
The School District intends to work with the City to ensure land uses from the disposition of the
Mountain View site are consistent with the Citys Official Community Plan (OCP) and the
Revelstoke Integrated Community Sustainability Action Plan.
Based on consultations
undertaken with the City in 2013, the School District has initiated the Heritage Designation of
the 1914 Mountain View School building as a heritage site. This designation is intended to help
protect the building regardless of its future use or ownership. The City will complete the
Designation process by the end of April 2015.

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The School District will not rezone or subdivide the Mountain View site in connection with this
RFP. However, following completion of the RFP, the School District will assist the successful
proponent with the preparation of any rezoning or subdivision application it intends to submit to
the City in relation to the Mountain View site. The Manager of Development Services for the City
of Revelstoke, Dean Strachan, can be contacted to discuss development paramenters and
potential options (250) 837-3637 or, or in person, at 216 Mackenzie
Avenue, Revelstoke.
Redevelopment of the Mountain View site is expected to result in a parcel containing the 1914
Mountain View School building, a park dedication or conveyance to the City and reconfiguration
and residential redevelopment of the Redevelopment Lands. The exact requirements for the
park to be dedicated or conveyed to the City (including the size and location of such park) have
not been determined but a preliminary estimate is shown on Appendix H. It will be the
responsibility of the successful proponent to negotiate an arrangement acceptable to the School
District and the City in this regard. Based on previous discussions, the City has indicated its
support for these objectives.
All building additions to the 1914 Mountain View School building have been demolished, leaving
the original school as a freestanding structure. Depending on the successful proponents
proposed time schedule for redevelopment of the Mountain View site, the undertakings of the
successful proponent may be affected by the School Districts final demolition activities at the
site.The demolition of the remaining foundations and levelling to grade will be completed in early
Through this RFP, the School District is prepared to dispose of its interest in the Mountain View
site through a single sale of the entire site or two or more partial sales. A proponent may submit
a proposal to acquire the 1914 Mountain View School building only, part or all of the
Redevelopment Lands, or the entire site (excluding land to be conveyed or dedicated to the City
as parkland). It is the School Districts intent to enter into a conditional Agreement of Purchase
and Sale with one or more interested proponents that best meets the needs of the School
District and is consistent with the School Districts community obligations.
Revelstoke High School, circa 1915

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MVE Development Opportunity

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The Mountain View site is centrally located in a developed urban residential setting. The site is
rectangular with a total area of approximately 1.30 hectares (3.23 acres). The site is bounded
by Second Street, Third Street, Garden Avenue and Pearson Street. The street frontage along
Second Street and Third Street is approximately 199 m (653 feet) with 67.1 m (220.1 feet) along
the two side streets.
The Mountain View site consists of 32 fee simple lots plus adjacent closed streets and lanes.
These are shown on an orthophoto of the site (taken prior to the demolition of additions to the
1914 Mountain View School building) attached as Appendix A. The fee simple lots have a total
area of approximately 1.01 hectares (2.50 acres) and are owned by the School District.
Individual lots have variable configurations. A majority of lots have frontages of 10 metres (33
feet) with a depth of 30.5 metres (100 feet). Most of the remainder have frontages of 20 metres
(66 feet) with a depth of 30.5 metres (100 feet). The subdivision layout, closed lanes and
streets, and the outline of the 1914 Mountain View school are shown on the attached Appendix
The Mountain View site is generally level with minimal topographic variation. A majority of the
site consists of a grassed cover previously used as an elementary school playing field. An area,
bordering on second street has recently been demolished and will be levelled to grade in the
spring. An outdoor area with playground equipment is located near the southern corner of the
site. The Mountain View site contains minimal tree cover, with limited trees along the Second,
Third, Pearson and Garden Street frontages.
The Revelstoke Integrated Community Sustainability Action Plan is an indication of the Citys
priorities. Seven high or very high priorities in the Action Plan pertain to the Mountain View site
and/or buildings. They consist of the following:

Pursue opportunities for parks/green space associated with schools, including school
ground greening programs;
Require any development of the surplus school lands to include affordable housing;
Seek community input about incorporating community uses in decisions about
repurposing the surplus school facilities;
Explore heritage conservation area designation for appropriate portions of the
community including the downtown commercial core;
Re-assess the feasibility of repurposing historic Mountain View school as a community
cultural/interdisciplinary arts centre;
Develop a better understanding of the built assets that could be repurposed (e.g.,
hospital grounds, old schools, older downtown buildings); and
Consider the opportunity of the historic 1914 Mountain View School building as an art
and conference center, and/or a condo conversion.

Redevelopment of the Mountain View site could contribute to many of these priorities.
The OCP has designated the Mountain View site as T5O High Street Mixed Use. This
designation will accommodate higher density mixed use buildings that accommodate
commercial and residential units. It has a tight network of streets, with wide sidewalks, street
furniture, lighting fixtures, steady street tree planting and buildings set close to the sidewalks.
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MVE Development Opportunity

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The existing neighbourhood consists of primarily low density residential with some commercial,
a small amount of institutional and medium and high density residential uses. The OCP notes a
strong community desire for retention of heritage and culture through preservation and
renovation of historic buildings. The OCP also notes the importance of mobility linkages within
the neighbourhood and between downtown Revelstoke and the riverfront.
The Mountain View site is zoned P3 Institutional, which reflects its previous use as a school.
The P3 zone permits public or quasi-public uses of an institutional nature, cultural and
recreational facilities, public service and utility buildings. Permitted uses include the following:

Schools and associated playgrounds

Churches, associated assembly halls, and associated residential use
Hospitals, health centres, assisted living residences, community care facilities and
seniors apartments
Offices of municipal, provincial and federal governments
Day Care facilities
Group homes for members of religious orders
Accessory buildings and structures

The Mountain View site enjoys prime short distance views overlooking the Columbia River as
well as unobstructed long distance mountain views. The proximity of the Mountain View site to
downtown Revelstoke also offers substantial opportunities. Transportation access (vehicular
and pedestrian) along Second Street and Third Street to downtown Revelstoke is excellent.
Through the School District consultation processes to date, suggestions for adaptive reuse of
the 1914 Mountain View School building may include the following:

Residential multi-family (strata or rental housing)

Commercial offices / Professional services
Commercial services
Care facility
Seniors Housing (e.g. Abbeyfield House)
Conference center
Arts or other cultural facility
Other institutional uses
Live/Work facility
Other mixed use concept

No change in the OCP will be required for any of the above land uses. Depending on the
proposed land use for the 1914 Mountain View School building, rezoning may be required.
Redevelopment of the 1914 Mountain View School building could also proceed through a
Heritage Revitalization Agreement, which could enable a flexible approach to achieving project
Redevelopment of the remainder of the Mountain View site is anticipated to be for residential
use, either single family or multi-family. Redevelopment with a fee simple subdivision or a bare
land strata plan is possible. No change in the OCP will be required for residential
redevelopment on the remainder of the Mountain View site. Rezoning is anticipated unless no
change in the existing P3 Institutional zoning is required. Alternatively, redevelopment could

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proceed through a Heritage Revitalization Agreement that would set the development conditions
for the entire Mountain View site.

The Mountain View site is located in a mature neighbourhood. An elementary school and
district administration facilities were in operation on the Mountain View site until June 2012.
Municipal services include the following:

water along Second Street and Third Street

storm drainage service along Third Street, Garden Street, Pearson Road, and bisecting
the site
sanitary sewerage service along Third Street and bisecting the site
overhead hydro service along Third Street and Garden Avenue
ornamental street lights along Second Street
street lights attached to overhead power poles along Third Street
sidewalks along Second Street, Third Street and Garden Avenue
paving of all perimeter roads

Appendix C provides a map of existing services. As-built drawings of existing services are also
Both Second Street and Third Street are classified as municipal collector roads in the Major
Transportation Network Map of the City.

The 1914 Mountain View School building consists of a two-storey structure plus a full basement.
It is comprised of a gross floor area of 4,250 square feet per floor on three floors, for a total area
of 12,750 square feet. Interior areas measure 10,882 square feet. The walls are 20 to 21
thick, consisting of multilayer 4 x 8 brick. Later additions were attached to the south-east and
to the north-east (at the rear). Appendix D contains a hand-drawn floor plan of the building. A
more detailed floor plan is available in Appendix G as part of the hazardous materials
documentation. Exterior pictures of the building are provided in Appendix E.
A key objective of this RFP is to secure a new owner for the 1914 Mountain View School
building and site, including land to accommodate off-street parking requirements. The
successful proponent will recognize the historical importance of the 1914 Mountain View School
building and must be prepared to commit the necessary rehabilitation costs for adaptive reuse.
The 1914 Mountain View School building has high heritage significance for a number of

Long-term educational use, including that of the Citys first high school
Broad connections to the Revelstoke community
Outstanding example of institutional architecture

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Last remaining example of a large, early masonry school in Revelstoke

Visual and community landmark
As the last remaining large-scale, early school facility in Revelstoke, the 1914 Mountain View
School building is considered one of the most significant heritage buildings in the City.
The OCP has identified the 1914 Mountain View School building as having significant heritage
value. Despite its recognized heritage value, the 1914 Mountain View School building has not
been placed on the Revelstoke Heritage Register and has not yet received legal protection. A
Statement of Significance prepared in September 2013 has documented the heritage value of
the building, and the City is currently finalizing a bylaw for Heritage Designation. The Statement
of Significance is attached as Appendix F.
An unsightly concrete block stair tower was added to the front faade along Third Street, which
was a detriment to the heritage value of the building, and has been removed in the recent
Two consultation processes provided strong evidence that the 1914 Mountain View School
building holds great significance for Revelstoke residents. The first consultation concerning the
redevelopment of the Mountain View site took place on June 11th, 2013 and was focused on the
historical building. Interested residents, the City and School District staff were invited to discuss
the opportunities and challenges with the preservation of the historical building. Heritage
consultant Donald Luxton reviewed the status of the building including a brief overview of the
history of the 1914 school and subsequent additions. Those participating indicated a strong
preference for retaining and legally protecting the 1914 Mountain View School building, and
indicated a number of possible adaptive uses.
A second consultation process took place on November 13, 2013 in an extended Open House
format at the City of Revelstoke Community/Aquatic Centre. Total attendance at the
consultation was close to 200 residents. A questionnaire was provided, which was filled out by
104 residents. In response to the question, Would you support the retention of the 1914
Mountain View School building in the redevelopment of the site?, the overwhelming majority
indicated Yes. Many elaborated on why they felt the building should be retained.
In addition to these community views, retention of the 1914 Mountain View School building as a
Heritage Site meets a number of overall civic policy objectives, including sustainability goals.
Heritage retention also addresses several key objectives as expressed in the Revelstoke
Integrated Community Sustainability Action Plan.
Prior to the disposition of the Mountain View site to the successful proponent, the School District
will confirm that the request to the City to add the 1914 Mountain View School building to its
Community Heritage Register pursuant to Section 954 of the Local Government Act and
designate the building as heritage protected property pursuant to Sections 967 and 968 of the
Local Government Act is completed. This is intended to help ensure the protection of the 1914
Mountain View School building, regardless of its future ownership or use. A Heritage
designation will also ensure any changes to the site are managed through the municipal
planning process.
The School District recognizes that the rehabilitation of the 1914 Mountain View School building
will have a significant financial cost, and may restrict certain uses of the site, which will be
reflected in the proposal purchase price. Initial investigation has indicated that the 1914
Mountain View School building is essentially sound.
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MVE Development Opportunity

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Restoration and rehabilitation costs will be the responsibility of the successful proponent.
Investigations conducted to date suggest that there are a number of specific heritage elements
that should be examined and retained; for example some original windows remain on the rear
elevation and should be retained. Other costs may include:

Conservation of exterior masonry;

General clean-up;
Roofing / gutters / downspouts;
New perimeter drainage system (as required);
Rebuilding of temporary closures (as required);
Installation of handicapped access (as required);
Complete window repair / restoration;
Re-mortar / repair (as required);
Repainting (as required);
Interior demolition and retrofit (as required);
Electrical service upgrading (as required);
Mechanical and Plumbing upgrading (as required);
Life Safety upgrades;
Refinements to the Security system;
Servicing costs (as required); and
Permit charges, landscape and site development costs.

The potential restoration and rehabilitation costs for the 1914 Mountain View School building will
depend on the nature of the adaptive reuse of the building. The School District will not incur
these costs as such costs are outlays a developer or future owner will incur for the adaptive
reuse of the building.
It is anticipated that a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (or other mechanism) will serve as the
process to manage the adaptive reuse of the 1914 Mountain View School building and possibly
the Redevelopment Lands. All restoration and rehabilitation requirements in relation to the 1914
Mountain View School building (including those listed above) will be negotiated between the
City and the successful proponent in a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (or by some other
mechanism). As the School will be Designated, it will be added to the Heritage Register, which
will also enable the use of alternate compliance methods under the BC Building Code.


The School District has undertaken a selective demolition to demolish all building additions to
the 1914 Mountain View School building and the front stair tower. Following removal of the
building additions, the connections to the 1914 Mountain View School building have been
restored and secured. Depending on the successful proponents proposed time schedule for
redevelopment of the Mountain View site, the activities of the successful proponent may be
affected by the School Districts final demolition tasks, notably the removal of the foundation
remnants of the demolished buildings and levelling to grade.
An assessment report of hazardous and regulated materials for the 1914 Mountain View School
building was prepared by Peak Environmental Ltd. for the School District in October 2013.

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MVE Development Opportunity

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Futher analysis of asbestos containing materials was completed in December, 2014. A copy of
the assessment reports are contained in Appendix G.
Central School was also previously located on the Mountain View site. When the Central
School was demolished, the site foundations were covered in and remain on the site
underneath part of the playfield. The foundation remains are located in the northwest part of the
site between Second Street and the closed lane.
Underground sanitary service is located within the closed lane bisecting the site between
Garden Avenue and Pearson Street. Part of this sanitary service consists of 200 mm clay tile
and the remainder consists of 250 mm concrete.
Underground storm drainage service is located midway between Pearson Street and Garden
Avenue. This 750 mm storm drain provides a connection through the site across Third Street
and to an outfall into the Columbia River. The location of this underground storm drain is
indicated on Appendix C.
To the knowledge of the School District, there are no environmentally sensitive areas on the
Mountain View site or any known environmental hazards except as documented in the Hazmat
Assessment Report in Appendix G. The School District, however, does not guarantee the
accuracy of the Hazmat Assessment Report attached as Appendix G and will not provide any
indemnities to the successful proponent in relation to the environmental condition of the
Mountain View site.

A number of development options were assessed by the District; development options must
make provision for a site area for the 1914 Mountain View School building sufficient to meet the
Citys existing P3-Institutional zoning setback requirements, provision for on-site landscaping
and the required on-site parking.
Development options must also make provision for a site area of 2367 m2 (0.58 acre) or more
for municipal park purposes. The exact requirements for the park to be dedicated or conveyed
to the City (including the size and location of such park) have not been determined but a
preliminary estimate is shown on Appendix H. It will be the responsibility of the successful
proponent to negotiate an arrangement acceptable to the School District and the City in this
Appendix H shows a possible site redevelopment configuration which incorporates the
requirements set out above.
The site redevelopment configuration indicates minimum site area requirements for a municipal
park dedication or conveyance and retention of the 1914 Mountain View School building. Lane
access for vehicles would enable all houses to face Third Street or Second Street and
accommodate lot frontages of a minimum of 10 metres (33 feet). Although lane access is
shown, discussions to date indicate that lane access is not a City requirement. The large storm
outfall is not proposed to be relocated based on preliminary discussion with the City; accordingly
a municipal park is shown above this storm outfall. This could also provide mid-block
connectivity for pedestrian movements between from Second and Third Streets.
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MVE Development Opportunity

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Although the School District has put forward a possible site development option, the School
District does not warrant or guarantee that the possible site redevelopment configuration will be
acceptable to the City or the accuracy of the information contained in such configuration.
Other development options that enable different configurations for residential development of
the Redevelopment Lands are possible and are not excluded by the terms of this RFP.


Proposal Requirements
A submission to this RFP may encompass:
1. disposition of the entire site to a single bidder (except municipal park and playground
site to be conveyed to the City of Revelstoke, area coloured light green in following
concept plan - approximately 2,380 square metres or 0.59 acre), or
2. disposition of the 1914 heritage building and associated parking areas for setbacks and
on-site parking (area coloured purple in following concept plan) and/or,
3. disposition a parcel for single family lots fronting onto Third Avenue overlooking the
Columbia River (coloured blue in following concept plan total of 8 lots with 12.1 metre
(40 foot) frontages) and/or,
4. disposition of a parcel for single family lots or townhouses between Garden Avenue and
the 1914 heritage building (coloured aquamarine in following concept plan) and/or,
5. disposition of a parcel for single family lots fronting onto Second Avenue (coloured
orange in following concept plan total of 8 lots with 12.1 metre (40 foot) frontages or
10 lots with 9.75m (32 foot) frontages).

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Proponents responding to this RFP must provide the following with their proposal:
a. a credible plan for the Redevelopment Lands (if the proposal encompasses such land);
b. evidence that the proponent has the capability and resources to follow through on its
c. a purchase price (or mechanism for calculation of the purchase price) for the land
encompassed by the proposal; and
d. timing for the payment of the purchase price for the land encompassed by the proposal.
Proponents responding to this RFP should provide the following with their proposal:
a. documentation of examples of projects with similar characteristics that the proponent
has successfully completed; and
b. a clear indication of the resources available to the proponent to undertake the
redevelopment of the land encompassed by the proposal.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
The School District will review and evaluate proposals received in relation to this RFP based on
the following criteria, as applicable:

purchase price for the area encompassed by the proposal;

timing for the payment of the purchase price;
timing for the redevelopment of the area encompassed by the proposal;
plans for the restoration and adaptive reuse of the 1914 Mountain View School building;
plans for the redevelopment of the area encompassed by the proposal;
experience developing mixed use projects;
experience with projects similar to that proposed by the proponent;
reputation of the proponent; and
portion of the Mountan View site encompassed by the proposal.

Reservation of Rights
Preference will be given to a proposal or proposals that, in the School Districts judgement, best
satisfy the School Districts financial objectives consistent with the OCP, Revelstoke Integrated
Community Sustainability Action Plan, and the long term stewardship of the 1914 Mountain
View School building.
The School District will review all proposals received in relation to each other as well as in
relation to the School Districts Project Agreement with the Ministry of Education and its
commitments to the community.
The School Districts expectation is that one or more proposals will be accepted, leading to one
or more legally binding Agreements of Purchase and Sale. The School District reserves the
right, in the sole discretion of the School District, to:
a. request clarification or further information from any proponent;
b. negotiate with any proponent with whom the School District feels it can finalize a binding
Agreement of Purchase and Sale;
c. reject any or all proposals with or without discussion;
d. terminate and resume negotiations with any proponent;
e. accept a proposal that is not the highest proposal;
f. reject a proposal even if it is the only proposal received;
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g. amend the RFP at any time

h. terminate the RFP at any time; and
i. undertake an entirely different selection process.
The School District reserves the right to consider, without limitation, other factors as it deems
appropriate before accepting a proposal, including past performance, capability, reputation, and
Proposals are Irrevocable
All proposals shall be irrevocable and remain open for acceptance for ninety (90) days after the
Closing Time or until execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
Acceptance of Proposals
Proponents must comply with all mandatory terms and conditions set out in this RFP. Neither
acceptance of any proposal nor the entering into of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
subsequent to the acceptance of a proposal will constitute approval of any activity or work
contemplated in any proposal that requires any approval, permit or licence pursuant to any
applicable laws, regulations or bylaws.
The School District reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to seek clarification of any proposal
after the Closing Time.
Proponents Expenses
Proponents are solely responsible for their own costs and expenses in preparing and submitting
proposals, responding to any requests for clarifications or further information and for any
meetings, negotiations or discussions with the School District or its representatives and
consultants relating to or arising from this RFP.
Independent Investigation
Although the School District believes that the information contained in this RFP is accurate, the
School District makes no representation or warranty to that effect and proponents are
responsible for verifying any and all information on which they may rely in submitting their
proposals, including land and building measurements.
By delivery of a proposal, each proponent represents, warrants and agrees that:
a) the proponent has fully investigated and satisfied itself of all conditions relating to,
affecting or that may affect the proposal, including but not limited to the Mountain View
School building and site; and
b) The proponents investigation is based on its own independent examination, experience,
knowledge, information and judgement and not upon any statement, representation or
information provided by or on behalf of the School District.
Limitation of Damages
Each proponent, by submitting a proposal:

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a) irrevocably agrees that it will not bring any claim, demand, suit, action or cause of action,
whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise against the School District or any of its
employees, advisors or representatives for damages in excess of an amount equivalent
to the actual and reasonable costs directly incurred by the proponent in preparing its
proposal or for any matter in respect of the RFP including, without limitation, in the event
the School District cancels the RFP process, rejects or disqualifies any or all proponents,
accepts a noncompliant proposal or otherwise breaches or fundamentally breaches the
terms of this RFP; and
b) expressly waives any claim against the School District or any of its employees, advisors
or representatives for any loss of anticipated profits or other economic loss if no
Agreement of Purchase and Sale is entered into between the School District and the
proponent for any reason, including in the event the School District accepts a
noncompliant proposal or otherwise breaches or fundamentally breaches the terms of
this RFP.
No Collusion
By submitting a proposal, the proponent represents and confirms to the School District, with the
knowledge and intention that the School District may rely on such representation and
confirmation, that its proposal has been prepared without collusion or fraud and in fair
competition with proposals from other proponents.
Dispute Resolution
Each proponent, by submitting a proposal, irrevocably agrees that:
a) if the proponent has any claim or dispute arising in connection with this RFP, it will not
apply for injunctive relief or make any demand that the RFP be postponed, cancelled or
b) the proponent shall, within 14 days of any claim or dispute arising in connection with this
RFP, submit written notice to the Contact Person of any such claim or dispute
c) all claims or disputes not resolved through negotiation between the School District and
the proponent within 21 days of the date of the written notice to the Contact Person will
be referred to and finally resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the
Commercial Arbitration Act
All documents submitted to the School District in connection with this RFP become the property
of the School District and will not be returned. Note that the School District is subject to the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and may be required to disclose
information received by it, notwithstanding any requests for confidentiality.

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Page 16

Contact Person
Proponents seeking responses to specific questions relating to this RFP should address such
questions to the Project Manager as follows:
Ms. Anne Cooper
Superintendent (ret.)
Project Coordinator, Revelstoke School Disposition
Revelstoke Board of Education
Telephone: 250-814-4807
Email: Anne Cooper (
Delivery of Proposal
All proposals in relation to this RFP should be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
Mr Mike Hooker
Revelstoke Board of Education
School District No. 19 (Revelstoke)
P.O. Bag 5800
501 11th Street
Revelstoke, BC
V0E 2S0
All proposals must be received no later than the Closing Time, which is:
April 16 , 2015, 2:00 pm local time
One hard copy of the proposal signed by the proponent must be submitted. In addition, the
inclusion of a digital copy of the proposal on a USB drive or other form of electronic
transmission is required.
Do not submit your proposal to the School District by fax or email.

Request for Proposal

February 18, 2015

MVE Development Opportunity

Page 17

Appendix A
Mountain View Site - Aerial View
Appendix B
Mountain View Site Existing Subdivision Pattern and School District Ownership
Appendix C
Mountain View Site Existing Services
Appendix D
Mountain View Elementary School Floor Plan
Appendix E
Mountain View Elementary School Building Pictures, December 2014
Appendix F
Mountain View Elementary School Statement of Significance September 2013
Appendix G
Hazardous and Regulated Materials Assessment Report Mountain View Elementary
School, Peak Environmental Ltd. October 2013
Appendix H
Possible Redevelopment Option for Mountain View Site January 2015

Request for Proposal

February 18, 2015

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