Current Issues of The Eu

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Kyle Chandler


For Turkey
Istanbul lays in the heart of
Turkey and having it in the EU
would bridge the gap between
Europe and China.
They have a great democracy
so it would serve as a good
example for other nations.
The economy in Turkey is
thriving right now.
Allowing it to join would show
that they EU is open to Muslim
They have a good gas
pipelines which would bring in
more money for the EU.
Turkey has good relationships
with many countries and
territories such as Israel.
Turkey has young welleducated kids and the EU
cant afford to block them
from joining.
Turkey has already responded
to the EUs demands for
change. They already
abolished the death penalty.

Against Turkey
Turkey is not a European
country and 97% of its land is
located in Asia.
Their government is not a
typical European-style
Although their government is
thriving right now they are still
are an underdeveloped
Their historical and cultural
routes are more similar to
Central Asia and the Middle
Allowing them join would allow
a wave Turkish immigrants to
come into Europe.
Since the country is so big it
would eventually exercise too
much power in the EU.
Turkey treats minorities like
the Kurds and women unfairly
which is against the EUs
They have a problem with
Greece because of Cyprus.


Immigration is a problem for the European Union for many reasons.

One problem that they are facing is they tried to prevent Turkish ships
from reaching European Union countries such as Greece and Italy.
This led to Turkish coast guards to firing from twenty miles off the
coast killing one and wounding five others. Also, they are faced with
illegal immigrants coming into and out of the nations of the European

Union. A man claims that 500,000 people are under obligation to

leave the country but arent able to be deported.
They are also faced with dealing with the trade that goes on between
immigrants. Young women and children are sometimes used as
prostitutes for these gangs and groups. It is expected that the profits
from these activities are funding the terrorist attacks on the nations.
Lastly the government is receiving less money because there is so
much people that are working but are not paying taxes which is
hurting the economy. These are the problems that the European Union
is faced with.

The European Union is taking a lot of steps to try and limit and stop
these problems. Different groups and governments are trying to fix
this problems. They all have different solutions to the problems. One
way is the Italian government placed a 6 month legal permit that he
hopes will stem the flow of illegal immigrants. Also, the Swedish
government said they will not restrict the flow of immigrants through
its birders with new member states the EU.
Some governments are calling for tighter border controls with nonEuropean Union. They want to do this because immigrants are
supposed to apply for asylum at their first point of entry. If the plan is
accepted then this should really help out and make the immigration a
lot more manageable.

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