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It happened on a Valentines Day. The morning was cold and wet. John
Mark was ecstatic. A cold, wet, rainy day was just what he needed. It was the
perfect day to catch a frog. That morning he shoved his ratty, old tennis shoes onto
his ratty, old feet, no socks. John Mark never wore socks. He raced down the
wooden steps of his front porch, emerging from the safe haven into the pouring
rain. John Mark took in the sweet smell of the fresh rain. He sighed with delight and
ran through the rain, no umbrella, to the creek. When he reached the creek it was
already half full. Although he couldnt see through the mucky water he knew
somewhere swimming around was the perfect frog. Without a second thought John
Mark slipped into the creek careful not to scare any creature away. He reached his
hands into the slimy water. It was cold and refreshing compared to the humid air
around him. John Mark did as he always did when trying to catch a frog: reaching
under rocks and snatching at any moving matter that passed his fingertips. It took
him no more than nine minutes. He felt a moving object and quickly grabbed it.
Pulling it from the water he discovered the creature in fact was a frog. A beautiful,
young, frog with many more years left. John Mark smiled; he had found the perfect
He raced home. The rain had stopped and the sun was now making her way
into the new sky. John Mark was drenched in swamp water. He held the frog in both
his hands, his smile never faded from his face. When he reached home his mother
was furious and ordered him to take a bath. After taking a bath and scrubbing the
muck from his body and dressing in his finest clothes, he made his way to school.
Oldtown Elementary School was only half a mile from his house and John Mark
insisted on walking every day. When the old building came into sight he broke into a
run. John Mark could see her waiting by the door for him. As she caught sight of him
she smiled which in turn mad John Mark smile. John Mark! She exclaimed. The girl
was dressed in a white dress dotted with red hearts. Her curly blond hair hung
carelessly around her face. Goodness, shes pretty, he thought. Man, hes
handsome, she thought. John Mark wore a white, button up shirt with a red bow tie
and blue jeans. His hair had been combed something he usually leaves alone.
Hello, Emily, he said, You look great!
Thank you, John Mark. You look very handsome, Emily replied. John Marks cheeks
were filled with color but Emilys were already like that. Shall we go? He nodded.
Suddenly he had a rush of confidence and grabbed her hand. Emilys eyes lit up
with the sudden physical contact. In the other hand John Mark had a box, inside was
the frog. The two lovebirds made their way to the fourth grade classroom.
Now, our story turns to a special frog inside a box.
She jumped from corner to corner looking for an exit. Some undeniable force
was holding the lid shut. Froggirl was filled with frustration! If frogs could talk she

wouldve screamed but since they dont talk she just peed. The box was stained
yellow. Froggirl smiled with delight. LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!, she thought. Her
frustration led to sadness. Froggirl missed her family. Just this morning she was on
her way to see Frogman, after all it is Valentines Day, when this crummy kid
snatched her up! She was put in a larger jar and now a box! Then she was tied
together with a red ribbon. Froggirls left eye was covered so now she only had half
her vision! If that wasnt it the kid was running! RUNNING! She was slug up against
the sides of the box. This way and that, frog against cardboard over and over again.
Pain etched its way into both of her shoulders. Suddenly they stopped and the box
became a darker shade of white and yellow. Again Froggirl tried to escape but the
undeniable force was still there and the lid was impenetrable. So she waited and
tried every so often. She sat and waited.
About three hours later the box began moving again. The white/yellow
cardboard became lighter. Outside, she thought, OUTSIDE!
It was time for recess and John Mark couldnt wait to give Emily her present.
He clung to the box, his fingers slipping with nervous sweat. Emily walked by his
side. They were headed toward the picnic table. There were three picnic tables at
the playground. Two were new and plastic but the other was old and wooden. The
old one was their special place. Emily and John Mark crawled under it. Under it in
the center of the old wood was a heart carved with John Marks pocket knife. Emily
looked up at it and smiled. First they took out their lunch and traded sandwiches like
they did every day. Mmmm, pb and j, they said in unison. Emily giggled and John
Mark smiled. After they finished the sandwiches Emily handed John Mark a
rectangular box. For you, she said. He smiled and carefully opened the lid. Inside
was a black marker. His eyes lit up, For theShe nodded, The heart.
OH! Thank you, Em! John Mark was ecstatic. The marker was perfect. Carefully he
sketched an E and a J.M. in the middle of the heart. Here, Emily said. She put
her left foot forward. John Mark did the same design on the toe of her Chuck Taylors
and then his own. He almost forgot about his own gift for her. OH! Here, he
handed her the box. She took it and opened the lid.
Mark, he said not liking to be called only John.
Sorry, Emily replied, oh, shes wonderful. Thank you, but what about her
I like it, but its the day of LOVE and she is without her Love.

I never thought about it like that.

John Mark, I will not keep her if we do not find her Frogman.
Then we have some creek searching to do. He answered.
When school was out Emily and John Mark rushed to the creek. They both got
in not even thinking of their clothes. The two waded in the water searching for
Frogman. Emily searched under the rocks and John Mark searched with his hands.
They had put a rock on the box so Froggirl couldnt escape. Ah! Emily screamed.
What? What is it?
I found him!
Emily Cotton, you are the best!
I know, and thank you. They climbed out of the creek and sat at the edge, their
legs dangling. Here, Frogman. Happy Valentines Day. She set him in the box with
They dont seem any happier.
I know. I love them but..
Its ok. Together Emily and John Mark put them back in the creek. Froggirl and
Frogman hopped away feeling relieved. If you love something set it free, Emily
You always know what to say, dont you?
Its a gift. John Mark laughed. They sat together watching the sun set, holding
hands. John Mark?
I love you.
I love you, too.
And they lived. And they were happy. And they ever loved. And still after ever had


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