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Instructional Planning Map

Lesson title

Grade level
Number of Students

Step 1Desired Results

Standards, benchmarks, other objectives as needed (e.g., IEP)What should
students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?
At a minimum, teacher Participants should identify:
ISTE Standards

Content Area Standard

Working Exit Outcomes (WEO)

Step 2Assessment Evidence

Performance taskWhat will students do to show what they have learned?
Performance criteriaHow good is good enough to meet standards? Please include
a rubric (

Step 3Objectives
Use Marzanos Framework
Students will be able to:

Step 4Learning Plan

Learning activities (detailed description of lesson with activities to include
technology integration strategies used).

Step 5Reflection
Spend some time thinking about the process involved and the goals and objectives
of what you were trying to achieve with your students.
What happened during my lesson?

What did my students learn? How do I know?

What did I learn?

How will I improve my lesson next time?

Do you feel that integrating KS blogs enhanced your lesson?

Adapted from Tomlinson and McTighe, Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design,
ASCD, 2006.

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