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L Design Challenge

1: 4 Problems that need to be solved

Congestion (Traffic Jams)
Long Commutes
Lack of diverse transportation options

Start by reviewing the pros and cons that you wrote down for each energy type. Decide
which energy you think would be the best for GROUND (or water) TRANSPORTATION.
Complete a Claim, Support, Question about your choice.
Claim: I think that __________________________ is the best energy choice for ground
Support: I think that because
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Question: One question that I still have about this kind of energy is

Step 2: Brainstorm solutions choose ONE idea you think is best, either A, B, OR C.
What do you think would be a smart solution for the problems?
A. A new kind of vehicle that runs on alternative energy? Explain its size and if it
needs to be purchased, rented, or if it can be used through an app.
What kind of energy does it use? How will this reduce pollution?
How will this reduce congestion? (How many people can it hold? How will it create
less traffic in the city?)

How will this reduce long commutes?

How will San Franciscos urban form have to change? Will any new roads or
structures need to be built?

B. A train? (example: hover trains or MagLev trains)

What kind of energy does it use? How will this reduce pollution?
How will this reduce congestion?
How will this reduce long commutes?
What kinds of structures would have to be built in San Francisco to make this train
C. A kind of transportation of your own invention. How does this solve all 4 of the
What kind of energy does it use? How will this reduce pollution?
How will this reduce congestion?
How will this reduce long commutes?
How will San Franciscos urban form have to change? Will any new roads or
structures need to be built?

Step 3: Plan
Draw your idea. Draw it from the side and front. Show where the energy
source is on the vehicle.

List the materials you will need to build a model of your plan.

Step 4: Create!
Build your design with materials available. This vehicle should move! Use ideas we have
seen in class.
Step 5: Improve
What did not work well in your original design?
How did you improve it?

Extend: If you finish and successfully create a moving model, extend your ideas.
What kinds of jobs would this new transportation create?
What are some negative aspects of this kind of transportation? What problems will it

Can you think of an APP that people could use to connect to this transportation?

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