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Edina High School

Edina Public Schools

Edina, Minnesota
Emergency Procedures
Crisis Manual
Staff Edition
Ric Dressen, Ed.D., Superintendent
Dr. Bruce Locklear, Principal
Jenny Johnson, Assistant Principal
Michael Pretasky, Assistant Principal
Troy Stein, Assistant Principal
Heidi Howard, Dean of Students
Jenn Carter, Dean of Students
Officer David Boosalis, Edina Police

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075


Page Number

AED Locations
Bomb Threat
Bus Accident
Chemical or Biological Threat
Civil Defense Alert
Code Blue/Medical Emergency
Command Post
Communications Team
Crisis Response Team
Emergency Notification of Staff
Evacuation to Off-site Locations
Fire Drills and Fire Emergencies
Hazardous Materials
Impaired Student Inventory
Lockdown (Code Red) Drill and Emergency
Severe Weather
Severe Thunderstorm
Stay Put Restriction
Telephone- Important Numbers
Telephone Threats-Checklist
Utility Emergency
Violent / Out of Control Student



All other emergencies:

Call 911

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


Bruce Locklear
Jenny Johnson
Troy Stein
Heidi Howard
Michael Pretasky
Officer David Boosalis
Edina Police
Ann Little
Michelle Maloney
Laura Livesay
Janet Schmiel
Bill Hicks
Lisa Burnham
Sandy Schmidt
Angela Kieffer
Taylor Johnson
Curt Johanson
Norm Vanderlinde
Eric Hamilton




In an emergency, these individuals take direction from Crisis Team members to contact law enforcement, make
PA announcements, initiate monitor messaging, call the district office, contact transportation, or other duties
assigned. The office staff should become familiar with the tasks of all on the team, in case they need to take over
for someone who is absent or unable to perform their assigned duties.
Emergency Switchboard Cell Phone
Ric Dressen
Gwen Jackson
Margo Bauck
Susan Brott
Cindy Heim
Terese LoPresti
Chelsea Duke
Arlou McPherson
Pam Berling
Nina Bymark
Allison Du Chateau

Superintendent of Schools
Dir. Administrative Services
Director of Business Services
Dir. Communications
Liaison to Bruce Locklear
Front Desk
Activities Desk
Front Desk
Front Desk
Activities Desk
Front Desk

Outside Line



EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


Edina Police
Edina Fire
Suicide Prevention
Poison Control
EHS Switchboard
Valley View MS Switchboard

952-826-1600 / 1610

Bruce Locklear
Jenny Johnson
Troy Stein
Mike Pretasky
Heidi Howard
Jenn Carter



Officer David Boosalis



Ann Little






Metro Transit
District Transportation


St Patricks Church
Calvary Church
St. Albans Church


Creek Valley Elementary Switchboard

Countryside Elementary Switchboard


Public Works
XCEL Energy

1-800-895-2999 (GAS)
1-800-895-1999 (ELECTRIC)

Ric Dressen
Margo Bauck
Gwen Jackson
Val Burke



EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

The command post, depending on the situation, will either be in the principals office or the nurses
Assess the appropriateness of this site after each drill and acquisition of any new equipment. All
command posts should have the RED crisis manual in an easily observable and accessible place.
Every member of the crisis team should have their own copy of the crisis manual to review. There
should be a copy available at both the district office and the Edina Police Department.
The following equipment should be housed in or within close proximity of the command post:

Telephone with an outside line

Two-way radio/cell phone
Two flashlights, with batteries checked on a monthly basis
Building blueprints, which include info on power, water, and gas
An extra set of inside and outside master keys, as well as a key for the high school gate & the
gate providing field access
Chargers for phones and flashlights
School yearbook and/or disk with student and staff photos

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


The public address system and the telephone system will be used to notify staff members about
emergencies within the building. In the event that neither of these systems is working, personnel will
circulate the building to inform staff members/students of emergency procedure updates. Also, if
possible, check your email in case any updates go out that way as well.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Alarms Sound/Strobes Flashing
When the fire alarm sounds and strobes flash:
It is essential to keep classrooms locked at all times when unoccupied. Classroom teachers are
responsible to ensure their room is empty during a fire alarm evacuation. Keeping the classroom
locked when unoccupied will ensure that no student enters the room while the teacher may be
away for a brief time.
Staff should remind students to walk rapidly, quietly, and single file to exit the building.
Remind students of the designated exit indicated on the sign posted in the room.
Teachers should bring their grade book or attendance list so attendance can be taken once you
have exited the building.
When you exit the room, the teacher should turn off the lights and close the door. If the fire is in
your classroom this will contain the fire and the smoke to the room of origin.
Remind students to stay with them so attendance can be taken and report anyone who is missing
to office personnel.
Move students past the roadway surrounding the school, so emergency vehicles will have quick
access to the building. Keep students off of all sidewalks, so emergency personnel can utilize
sidewalks for the movement of vehicles and medical or firefighting equipment.
Remain together as a group. Do not re-enter the building until the bell rings and/or the all clear
signal is given by office personnel.
Personnel Assignments:
Boys Locker Room:
Girls Locker room:
Boys Bathroom/1st Floor
Girls Bathroom/1st Floor
Boys Bathroom 2nd Floor
Girls Bathroom 2nd Floor
Boys Bathroom 3rd Floor (By Door 7)
Girls Bathroom 3rd Floor (By Door 7)
Boys Bathroom by Commons
Girls Bathroom by Media Center
1st Floor Clearance
2nd Floor Clearance
3rd Floor Clearance
West Side Outdoor General Supervision
East Side Outdoor General Supervision
Ring bells at conclusion of alarm
Report to alarm panel to determine problem
Go to problem area and assess situation
Meet fire personnel at dock/panel area
East Side Medical Condition Monitoring
West Side Medical Condition Monitoring

Reed Boltmann
Mellanie Pusateri
Alejandro Diaz
Meggie Trenda
Jorey Erickson
Pat Corcoran
Jason Griffin
Nina Bymark
Mark Harelstad
Sara Swenson
Bruce Locklear
Jenny Johnson
Heidi Howard
Mike Pretasky
Jenn Carter
Allison Du Chateau
Health Aide
Ann Little

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

No Alarms Sound/No Strobes Flashing
When you observe a fire and no alarm or strobe is flashing:
It is essential to keep classrooms locked at all times when unoccupied. Classroom teachers are
responsible to ensure their room is empty during a fire alarm evacuation. Keeping the classroom
locked when unoccupied will ensure that no student enters the room while the teacher may be
away for a brief time.
Notify office of the situation immediately. Call the switchboard at 3199. Office personnel will
activate the fire alarm system and call 911.
Staff should remind students to walk rapidly, quietly, and single file to exit the building. Remind
students of the designated exit indicated on the sign posted in the room.
Teachers should bring their gradebook or attendance list so attendance can be taken once you
have exited the building.
When you exit the room, the teacher should turn off the lights and close the door. If the fire is in
your classroom this will contain the fire and the smoke to the room of origin.
Remind students to stay with you, so you can take attendance and report anyone who is missing
to office personnel.
Move students past the roadway surrounding the school, so emergency vehicles will have quick
access to the building. Keep students off of all sidewalks, so emergency personnel can utilize
sidewalks for the movement of vehicles and medical or firefighting equipment.
Remain together as a group. Do not re-enter the building until the bell rings and/or the all clear
signal is given by office personnel.
Personnel Assignments:
Boys Locker Room:
Girls Locker room:
Boys Bathroom/1st Floor
Girls Bathroom/1st Floor
Boys Bathroom 2nd Floor
Girls Bathroom 2nd Floor
Boys Bathroom 3rd Floor (By Door 7)
Girls Bathroom 3rd Floor (By Door 7)
Boys Bathroom by Commons
Girls Bathroom by Media Center
1st Floor Clearance
2nd Floor Clearance
3rd Floor Clearance
West Side Outdoor General Supervision
East Side Outdoor General Supervision
Ring bells at conclusion of alarm
Report to alarm panel to determine problem
Go to problem area and assess situation
Meet fire personnel at dock/panel area
East Side Medical Condition Monitoring
West Side Medical Condition Monitoring

Reed Boltmann
Mellanie Pusateri
Alejandro Diaz
Meggie Trenda
Jorey Erickson
Pat Corcoran
Jason Griffin
Nina Bymark
Mark Harelstad
Sara Swenson
Bruce Locklear
Jenny Johnson
Heidi Howard
Mike Pretasky
Jenn Carter
Allison Du Chateau
New Health Aide
Ann Little

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Please reference the map in your room for the appropriate fire exit for you and your students.
State safety regulations require that all schools inform students of fire (and other emergency)
drill procedures and have sufficient practice in carrying them out.
A drill is a serious undertaking and has precedence over every other school activity.
Teachers are directed to announce fire drill procedures during the first week of school in every
class and the first drill will be a planned one.
Succeeding drills may not be announced.
Teachers who have handicapped students in their classroom should pre-plan a procedure for
Directions for leaving the building when an alarm sounds
The first person to leave the room is to open the door so that it will remain open. Students are
to walk rapidly but should not run to the exit assigned to the room. They are to walk single file
and descend the stairs on the side from which they approach the stairway.
Each class is to continue as a group outside. Everyone needs to be well away from the exit and
out of traffic lanes.
Wait as a group for further instructions or the signal to return to class.
There must be no shouting or loud talking during either a fire drill or actual emergency.
Teachers must take attendance or make a head-count of students during a drill. Report
any missing students to administration immediately. Students MUST stay with their class
during the duration of a drill.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Incident occurs in school:
Remove students, staff and guests from the immediate location.
Notify Administration.
Call 911. Inform operator of the location of materials and best door to enter.
Obtain Science Department Chemical and Custodial Chemical Inventory lists. If the type and/or
location of hazardous material are known, report that information to 911.
Seal off area of leak/spill. Close doors. Secure chemicals in chemical storage. Provide emergency
personnel with Chemical Directory.
Consider Stay Put Restriction.
If a large-scale evacuation should occur, an administrator will make an announcement about the
destination of the evacuation (an upwind location).
Take crisis manual with class lists. Teachers take attendance after evacuation.
Fire officer in charge will determine additional evacuation actions. Shut off heating, cooling and
ventilation systems in contaminated area to reduce the spread of contamination.
Building administrator notifies superintendent.
Notify parents/guardians if students are evacuated, according to District policy and/or guidance.
Resume normal operations when fire officials approve.
Incident occurs near school property:
Fire or law enforcement will notify school officials.
Consider closing outside air intake, evacuating students to a safe area or sheltering students inside
the building until emergency passes or relocation is necessary.
Fire officer in charge of scene will instruct school officials on the need for sheltering or
Follow procedures for sheltering or evacuation. If evacuating, teachers take class rosters and take
attendance after evacuation.
If evacuation is not ordered, be aware of and remain alert for any change in health conditions of
students and staff, especially respiratory problems. Seek medical attention if necessary.
Notify parents/guardians if students are evacuated, according to district policy and/or guidance.
Resume normal operations when fire officials approve.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


There is a possibility of weather emergencies developing while students are occupying this building.
These emergencies are usually related to wind movement and its consequences. The major concern
should be to move students away from windows or walls that might be susceptible to wind damage.
Classes in rooms with large roof areas such as the theater, swimming pool and gymnasiums should
move to protected hall areas.
As an advisor or teacher you should:
Call students' attention to the problem of emergencies and violent weather conditions that could
occur during the school day.
Discuss these emergency situations and drills as they pertain to your unique location
(classroom) at the time. Point out to students what they are to do in the event of a tornado
watch and what to do in the case of a tornado warning.
Warn students once again about the danger of being near large glass areas or under large roof
spans such as the gymnasium. Point out the need to protect their eyes and head during the storm
When a warning is sounded over the PA all students should leave the room (unless it is
designated as a primary shelter) and sit or stand with their backs to the wall, keeping the hall
areas as open as possible. If a primary area is already occupied, the secondary shelter area must
be utilized.
Students should be quiet and remain in the designated area with their teacher. .
Consider that information will be given to you and your student via the inter-com
system if it is operable. Electrical power failure often results and sometimes precedes
this type of emergency; therefore you should be prepared to take individual responsibility to
move your class to a protected area and maintain order and control.
One student should be designated as a messenger in the event you need to have office contact
or in case there is a power failure and loss of office communication. You as a teacher should
remain with your group.
Classes and activities that are outdoors, at various times, should be alert to the possibility of
emergency conditions developing and move their groups indoors to a protective area of the
building. These protected areas should be investigated ahead of time so instructions can be
given accurately and quickly when needed.
Specific Situations
Students in physical education classes that are using the west fields should move indoors and
occupy a designated severe weather area near their location.
Students in physical education classes that are using the lower fields should enter door 8 and
occupy the hallway between the mens and womens locker rooms.
EPAC and Fick (if in use) should evacuate to the nearest second floor halls.
An emergency could occur in the winter season when weather conditions are extreme. An
example might be the imminence of an explosion necessitating immediate building evacuation
into sub-zero weather. Should this occur arrangements have been made so that students and

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

teachers may proceed to one of these nearby building: Calvary Lutheran Church, St. Patricks
Catholic Church, St. Albans Episcopal Church, Creek Valley Elementary, or Valley View
Middle School.
Monitor NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards and emergency alert radio stations. Stay in contact
with emergency management officials.
Review evacuation procedures with staff.
Check relocation centers. Find an alternate relocation center if primary and secondary centers
would also be flooded.
Check transportation resources.
If district officials and emergency responders advise evacuation, do so immediately.
Teachers take class rosters and attendance. Report any missing students to the office.
Notify parents/guardians via School Messenger.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


When there is a medical emergency:
Notify the school nurse/health office and the office personnel. Information should include:
o Name of student(s) or staff members if known
o Location of individual(s)
o Specific information about emergency if known
The school nurse will respond to the scene and assess the need to seek further assistance from
other code blue members and/or an emergency response team using the walkie talkie or asking
office personnel to make an announcement over the intercom.
A Code Blue announcement over the intercom should state; Code Blue, Room __________.
Consider a Stay Put Restriction.
Code Blue team members and other staff in the area will assist in tasks such as calling 911, CPR,
bringing an AED (automatic external defibrillator) to the scene, notification of family, crowd
control and meeting emergency responders at the designated door.
Call to 911 should include the following information:
o Explanation of emergency situation
o School name and address
6754 Valley View Road, Edina, MN 55439
o Door number that paramedics should enter. The designated door should not have a
stairway entry. It may be necessary to direct the ambulance to a door, like door 6, with
easy access to the elevator.
CPR /AED will be initiated when appropriate by a code blue team member or other trained
responders and continued until emergency responders arrive to the scene.
Later that day or the next day, code blue team members and other staff involved in the
emergency situation should meet to evaluate the process involved in the emergency situation and
debrief. Information from this meeting may be used to fine tune future code blue response
Code Blue Team Members include: Bruce Locklear, Jenny Johnson, Heidi Howard, Mike Pretasky, Jenn
Carter, Troy Stein, Ann Little, Matt Nilsen, Melanie Pusateri, David Boosalis, Traci Bergo, Reed
Boltman, Steve Tschida, and Arlou McPherson and Jeff Krause.

Location of Automatic External Defibrillators
1. Across the hall from the main office entry. Door 7
2. Outside the north side of Fick Auditorium, Door 6
3. Outside the Edina Performing Arts Center (EPAC) next to the elevator.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


A Stay Put restriction may be used in circumstances where there is a need to maintain empty hallways
but there is no danger to the occupants of the building. Examples might include a medical emergency in
a corridor, a fire in the parking lot, or a hallway search.
If a Stay Put Restriction is announced:
Keep all students in your classroom or area that you supervise.
Normal activities may continue unless otherwise announced.
Ignore end-of-period bells that might ring.
Monitor telephone and email in the event that important information is provided.
Release students only when the end of the Stay Put Restriction has been announced.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


Ensure the safety of students and staff first. Notify building administrators, security and/or
police liaison officers.
Work as a TEAM, especially when separating participants.
Dont let a crowd excite participants. Disperse onlookers and keep others from congregating in
the area.
When participants are separated, do not allow further visual or verbal contact.
Document all activities witnessed by staff or students.
Deal with event according to schools discipline policy.
Building administrator notifies parents/guardians of students involved in fight. Superintendent
and police may be notified as necessary, or as indicated by school policy.
Assess counseling needs of participants and witnesses. Implement postvention procedures as


Ensure the safety of students and staff first.

Notify building administrators, security and/or police liaison officers.
Notify the police liaison officers if circumstances lead you to believe that criminal activity is
involved, e.g., if a weapon is used, if there has been a sexual assault or there is a physical injury
that causes substantial pain.
Seal off area to preserve evidence and disperse onlookers. If victim requires medical attention,
follow Code Blue Medical Emergency procedures. Do not leave the victim alone.
Notify parents/guardians and superintendent per district policy.
Document all activities witnessed by staff or students.
Assess counseling needs and implement postcrisis procedures as needed.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Preventative activities that may help avoid kidnapping of identified students:

School secretary will maintain a list of students who are not to be released to anyone except a
particular parent or guardian.

Emergency cards of such students should be flagged.

Parent portal for these students should be flagged.

Before releasing a child to anyone except the parent or guardian on the list, the school secretary
should check with the custodial parent and/or guardian for approval. A record of the time and date
of phone approval should be made and kept.

When parent telephones a request that a child be released from school, the identity of the caller
should be confirmed (by a separate call to the parent or guardian, if needed) before the child is
permitted to leave. In the event of any doubt, the message and phone number should be written
down; a return call should be made cross-checking the phone number with those on file in the
childs folder or on the emergency card.

All visitors should be asked to sign in and wear an identification badge.

Teachers/appropriate staff need to know which students are in this situation and their status.

In the event of a kidnapping

Call 911. Contact the building principal and building response team.

Administrators should consider a stay-put of classes to prevent other students from being in the
hallway. This stay-put would permit classes to continue normal activities but would not allow
students to leave the room.

Contact parent/guardian.

Phone the superintendent. Do not release any information to the press. Refer requests for
information to the Superintendents Office.

Procedures for Non-Custodial Parent to Remove Child from School

Verbal or written notes by the concerned are not sufficient documentation to withhold the other
parents access to the child. For emergency situations, the school may inform the concerned
parent if the other parent shows up and no family court documentation is on file.

Student tells office that someone else is picking her/him up.

Call custodial parent for permission

Check the identification of the person picking up the child to make sure they are indeed the
person who should be picking her/him up.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Teachers and other appropriate staff need to know which students are in this situation and their

When a child is to be released before dismissal:

The adult must sign out the child at the office.
The adult must wait until the child is called from the room
Office staff must check the identity of the person signing out the child.
If no permission by parent is provided, child does not leave.
Administrative follow-up may include the following:
o Notify parent(s) or guardians(s) of students involved in the incident.
o Notify the superintendent or designee. Superintendent will communicate with school
o Notify CRT (Crisis Response Team).
o Determine method of informing staff, students, and parents, if appropriate.
o Prepare an accident report.
o Prepare a news media release with the superintendent and community services director, if
o Hold an informational meeting with all staff, if appropriate.
The Superintendents Office will be the only source of information to the press.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Intruder = an unauthorized person who enters school property
Minnesota State statute 609.605 subd.4 gives a school building administrator authority to have persons
removed from school property as trespassers if they are not authorized to be there.

Politely greet intruder and identify yourself. Consider asking another staff person to
accompany you before approach intruder.
Inform intruder that all visitors must register at the main office. Ask intruder the purpose of
his/her visit. If possible, attempt to identify the individual and/or vehicle.
If intruders purpose is not legitimate, ask him/her to leave. Accompany intruder to exit.
Notify building administrator, who will notify law enforcement

If intruder refuses to leave:

Notify building administrators, security and/or police liaison officers if intruder refuses to leave.
Give law enforcement full description of intruder.
Consider Stay Put Restriction.
Back away from intruder if he/she indicates a potential for violence. Allow an avenue of escape.
To the extent possible, maintain visual contact.
Do not physically confront the intruder.
Be aware of intruders actions at this time (where he/she is located in school building, whether
he/she is carrying a weapon or package, etc.).
Maintaining visual contact and knowing the location of the intruder is less disruptive than doing
a buildingwide search later.
Should the situation escalate quickly, the building administrator may decide at any time to initiate
lockdown procedures.
Note: To assist staff members who interact with a stranger at school, use the I CAN rule.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


In the event of a serious emergency, the principal or designee will announce:
If you are inside the school near a classroom:
Get into a classroom; quickly move to CLEAR HALLS of students. Move to the nearest
classroom, office, room, or locker room, whatever the case may be.
If you can see the serious threat or are very near the threat or are notified of a threatening
situation, you should call the officestay on the phone, even if you are unable to talk.
Call 911.
Isolate yourself and any student from the threat by shutting and locking the door.
Stay off the phone, unless you called the threat to the office.
If you have a cell phone, turn it on. If not, have one student share their cell phone with you.
Students should turn off cell phones to prevent interference.
Put something between yourself and the threat, preferably something impenetrable.
Do not gather in groups.
Turn on your computer and LCD projector.
Turn out lights.
Close interior blinds/curtains and open exterior blinds/curtains.
Keep away from doors and windows.
Stay low to the ground.
Listen for any additional verbal instructions (phone or PA) and look for written directions via
Take attendance and email to secretary either all clear or additional/missing students.
If you are inside the school, special circumstances:
If students are in the cafeteria at lunch, quickly move the students to the kitchen, DeCafe, print
shop, YSY room, restrooms, and other secured areas.
If students are in the gym, quickly move students into the locker room or nearest secured area.
In any event in which Stay Put/CODE RED is activated, all students and staff should remain in
secured areas until there is an announcement that the situation is under control or upon the
direction of any police personnel. Please have your grade book or attendance list with you, and
take it with you, if directed to leave the room.
If a class is outside and a Code Red is activated (via a hand-held radio unit), staff and students
Determine whether or not it is best to go inside. Proceed to a safe area or the locker-room area if
returning to the building.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

If you cannot get inside or are directed by radio to stay outside, walk to St. Patricks Church or
Creek Valley School. Alert the EHS office of your location immediately upon arrival.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


The violent, out of control person is resistant to all reasonable attempts to control his/her behavior. Such
behavior might include assaults on students or teachers and/or confrontational and threatening behavior.
Things to remember as a staff person:

Protect yourself and students first.

Do not physically confront the individual.
Do not allow anyone else to confront the person.
Allow the individual space.
If possible, excuse students to minimize the audience.
Let the person leave school if he/she wants.
Call the office.
Administration will activate the crisis plan.
Consider Stay Put Restriction.
Call 911 if needed, the police liaison is not available, or if the officer needs further assistance.
Try to memorize as thorough a description of the individual (height, weight, hair color, clothing,
and direction of travel)

This type of situation can usually be handled with a minimum disturbance to the school. If the student
leaves the school, the liaison officer can deal with the student or he/she will be picked by squad cars.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Staff or students who are aware of a weapon brought to school:
Immediately notify building administration.
Give the following information:
o Name of person suspected of bringing the weapon.
o Location of the weapon.
o Whether the suspect has threatened anyone.
o Any other details that may prevent the suspect from hurting someone or himself/herself.
Teachers who suspect that a weapon is in the classroom: STAY CALM.
Do not call attention to the weapon.
Notify the building administrator, the school liaison officer or a neighboring teacher as soon as
Teacher should not leave the classroom.
Call law enforcement to report that a weapon is suspected in school.
Ask another administrator or a law enforcement officer to participate in questioning the
suspected student or staff member.
Consider the best time and place to approach the person, taking into account these factors if
o Need for assistance from law enforcement.
o Type of weapon.
o Safety of persons in the area.
o State of mind of the suspected person.
o Accessibility of the weapon.
Separate student/staff member from weapon, if possible.
If the suspect threatens you with the weapon, DO NOT try to disarm him/her.
Back away with your hands up. STAY CALM.
Two administrators, or their designees, should conduct the search.
Search in locker, PE locker, vehicle, book bags, backpacks and all other areas where personal
property may be stored.
By law, any locker search must be reported to the suspect following the search.
Ask suspect to empty pockets, purse, remove shoes, etc.
Document all activities related to a weapons incident according to reporting requirements of the
District and Minnesota Statutes. Send paperwork to secretary for reporting purposes.
If the suspect is a student, notify parent(s)/guardian(s) according to District policy.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


If a person displays a firearm or begins shooting:
Move to or seek safe shelter. Go to lockdown procedures.
Do not confront the shooter / armed individual.
Call 911.
If possible, determine location, description and number of the shooter(s).
Notify building administrator/law enforcement.
If you hear gunshots:
Seek safe shelter.
o If outside, stay as low to the ground as possible, and find any kind of cover.
o If inside, go to lockdown procedures.
Call 911.
If possible, determine location, description and number of the shooter(s).
Teachers take attendance after establishing a safe location and notify the building administrator
of missing students or staff as soon as it is safe to do so.
Building administrator/school resource officer/security/law enforcement
Building administrator may order lockdown procedures.
Assess the situation as to:
o The location and the number of the shooter(s).
o Presence of secondary weapons (bomb, fire, chemical agents).
o Injuries.
o Potential for additional shooting.
Call 911 and give as much detail as possible about the situation.
Alert Valley View Middle School (x3500) of situation
Secure the school, if appropriate.
Help students and staff find safe shelter.
Care for the injured if it is safe to do so until emergency responders arrive. Do not add to the
victim list by exposing yourself to danger.
Notify superintendents office.
Refer media to district spokesperson per media procedures.
Initiate postcrisis procedures.
Work with local law enforcement to identify their response methods and capabilities.
Provide them with updated building diagrams.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Witness to a hostage situation: If the hostagetaker is unaware of your presence, DO NOT
Notify building administrator. Building administrator may wish to initiate lockdown procedures
or evacuation.
Call 911. Give dispatcher details of situation. Seal off area near hostage scene.
Police will take control of hostage scene; building administrator coordinates with police for
safety and welfare of students and staff. Document all activities.
If taken hostage:
Cooperate with hostagetaker to the fullest extent possible. Try not to panic. Calm students if
they are present.
Treat the hostagetaker as normally as possible.
Be respectful to the hostagetaker.
Ask permission to speak; do not argue or make suggestions.
Do not volunteer information, but do not lie to the hostage-taker.
If possible, appoint an employee spokesperson (not a student). Only that person should speak to
the hostage-taker unless the hostage-taker speaks to someone directly.
Dont force the situation. The longer the better. Remember that time is always on your side.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

If a bomb threat is made through a call complete the Checklist for Telephone Threats.
Critical information notes:
Caution: Overreacting may encourage additional threats.

Schools are responsible for assessing bomb threats to determine credibility.

All bomb threats must be taken seriously until they are assessed.
The decision whether or not to evacuate rests with the school, not the responding agencies,
unless a device is located.
Remain calm.
Receiver of the threat informs the principal or an assistant principal immediately after the caller
hangs up. Do not hang up the telephone! Try to listen for key information and characteristics
from the caller.
Administration will take responsibility for notifying the police liaison officer.
Administration will secure the space or item(s) containing the threat.
The Emergency Response Team will meet in the principals office to make a plan of action.

Print out email message or take a quick picture of any threatening note, letter or email.
Remain available to speak with any responding police officers.

In the event that a bomb threat is received, a preliminary decision will be made by the building
principal or his/her designee to evacuate the building. The police liaison officer and Edina Police
will be immediately informed of the threat. The procedures to be followed when the decision is
made to evacuate the building are included below:
Evacuation considerations:
If a decision is made to evacuate, notify staff via phone system, hardwired PA system or by
messenger. Do not use cell phones, radios or fire alarm system because of risk of activating a
While notification is being made, other staff should survey the grounds to clear exits and areas
where students and staff will be going. Exit routes should be altered accordingly if the location
of the device is known.
When evacuating, leave everything as-is.
Leave room doors unlocked.
Teachers take class roster.
When the decision is made to evacuate the building, the following instructions are to be followed:


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Remain in own office to serve at command post.
Call together the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and reviews their responsibilities.
Call Superintendent (4025) or HR/Administrative Services Director (4946).
Asst. Principals/ Activities Director (Assume principal duties if principal is out of the building.)
Call District Transportation (4970, 4979, or 4969) and tell them to keep incoming buses away
from the school until further notice.
Determine best relocation areas.
Ask if there are any field trips from EHS.
Go to Gymnasium and P.E. areas to check that all students are moving out of those areas.
Generally, assess entire 2nd and 3rd floors to ensure that they have been evacuated. Work in
cooperation with administrative team to assign teachers to supervisory duties.
Go to areas below cafeteria on first floor and work way across building on 1st floor to ensure that
it has been evacuated.
Assist with evacuation.
Work in cooperation with administrative team to assign teachers to supervisory duties.
Call custodians to lock doors of the building.
Main Office Staff
Sell reassurance.
Field phone calls from switchboard and students.
Contact teachers leading field trips and inform them of whether to return or remain away from
Security (or designee)
Go to Door #3 and Door #7 and prevent students, parents, and others from entering building.
Indicate that we have evacuated students and staff and no one is being allowed in the building.
If it is a parent ask them to write down their name and the purpose of the visit and someone will
get back to them.
If all else fails, you can let them know where the students are and they can make an attempt to
connect with the child outside or at EHS gyms.
School Psychologist
Work with special education staff assisting with special education students.
Go to Special Education area and tell them we will soon be evacuating the building and to take
any preliminary action in order to be ready for the evacuation.
Remain in the Nurses office to assist in treatment and crisis assessment.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Listen for instructions via phone, email or PA.
Prepare to relocate if instructed.
Assess your classroom or work area. Alert office if anything appears suspicious or out of place.
Media Staff
Assist with evacuation.
Assist with evacuation.
Act as a liaison between main office and teachers in evacuation area.
Principal announces the following via the P.A. system:
I apologize for this interruption. There is a need for us to evacuate the building. We received a
call/email/ of a threatening nature and will be evacuating to _____________. To ensure a safe and quick
evacuation, it is essential that students and teachers listen carefully. We will evacuate the building in an
orderly fashion and dismiss by classrooms. Teachers are to escort their students to the area designated
for RELOCATION and stay with students. Students are not dismissed and it is expected that students
remain with their teacher during this evacuation. Teachers are asked to bring grade books with them and
to take attendance upon reaching your destination.
At this time.
Third floor students and teachers should relocate to
Second floor students and teachers should relocate to
First floor students and teachers should relocate to
Search Procedure
The search procedures will vary from school to school. Searches will be carried out by
law enforcement officials. The use of trained dogs may be part of the process.
Scan classrooms and common areas for suspicious items. Scans should be made by people who
are familiar with the building. Assign staff to certain areas of the building. Keep in mind that a
bomb could be placed anywhere on school property inside or outside.
Staff members, particularly administration and custodians will know the layout of the
school better and also what appears as suspicious, so some staff may choose to assist. If a
suspicious package is located during the search, the police will then take control and remove or
detonate the potential bomb.
Any suspicious devices, packages, etc., should be pointed out to emergency responders. Do not
If a bomb does detonate, the Police, Fire, and Rescue will take control of the incident and
removal of any injured victims.
Read to Student Body/Staff after the Evacuation Procedureeach teacher read in first hour classes:

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Yesterday, we implemented our building evacuation plan. This was the result of threat at EHS. The
Edina Police Department was immediately summoned. The Edina Police Department, in cooperation
with school staff, conducted a search of the building and did not find anything suspicious. I would like
to thank the students and staff members of EHS for their cooperation and patience during yesterdays
evacuation procedure. The building evacuation went quite well due to the calm nature by which students
worked with us. In addition, the assistance provided by our staff is appreciated. Students with any
information related to this incident should report it to the Police Liaison Officer or me. Thank you again
for your cooperation.
Bomb squads generally will not search a building unless a suspicious package has been located.


For use if an emergency were to occur in the winter season when weather conditions are extreme.
Examples might be the imminence of an explosion or chemical spill necessitating immediate building
evacuation into sub zero weather.
Should this occur arrangements have been made so that students and teachers may proceed to one of
these nearby building: Calvary Lutheran Church, St. Patricks Catholic Church, St. Albans Episcopal
Church, Creek Valley Elementary, or Valley View Middle School. Relocation instructions will be
provided via a PA announcement.
District transportation and MTC Bus service may be requested as needed.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


If a telephone threat references a chemical or biological device or package, complete the Checklist for
Telephone Threats procedures and refer to safety procedures in Bomb Threat and Hazardous Materials
This page addresses receiving, by mail or delivery service, a suspicious letter or package that might be a
chemical or biological threat.
When sorting mail or receiving delivered packages:
Look for characteristics that make you suspicious of the content
o Excessive postage, excessive weight.
o Misspellings of common words.
o Oily stains, discolorations, odor.
o No return address or showing a city or state in the postmark that does not match the
return address.
o Package not anticipated by someone in the school or not sent by a known school vendor.
If a letter/package is opened and contains a written threat but no suspicious substance:
Notify building administrator and law enforcement.
Limit access to the area in which the letter/package was opened to minimize the number of
people who might directly handle it. It is considered criminal evidence.
Ask the person who discovered/opened the letter or package to place it into another container,
such as a plastic bag.
Turn the letter/package over to law enforcement.
Document all activities.
If a letter or package is opened and contains some type of suspicious substance:
If an unusual package/substance is observed, contact someone in the office immediately.
Do not shake or empty the contents of a suspicious package or envelope. If possible, cover the
package with a trash can or something similar.
Do not carry the package or envelope, show it to others, or allow others to examine it.
Put the package or envelope on a stable surface; do not sniff, touch, taste, or look closely at it or
any contents that may have spilled.
Alert others in the area about the suspicious package or envelope. Leave the area, close any
doors, and take actions to prevent others from entering the area. If possible, shut off the
ventilation system.
Wash hands with soap and water to prevent spreading potentially infectious material to face or
skin. Seek additional instructions for exposed or potentially exposed persons.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

If at work, notify a supervisor, a security officer, or law enforcement official. If at home, contact
the local law enforcement agency.
If possible, create a list of persons who were in the room or area when this suspicious letter or
package was recognized and a list of persons who also may have handled this package or letter.
Give the list to both the local public health authorities and law enforcement officials.

Further information can be obtained from these websites:
You can read more about what the Post Office is doing to protect our mail at:
Building administrator:
Building administrator and emergency officials determine whether evacuation is necessary.
Building administrator notifies superintendent.
Notification is made to parents/guardians, according to district policies.
Implement post crisis procedures as necessary.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


If you receive a telephoned threat (bomb/chemical/other):
Remain calm.
Do not hang up. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible and listen carefully.
Ask the following questions:
o Where is the bomb/chemical or other hazard?
o When will it explode/be activated?
o What does it look like?
o What kind of bomb/hazard is it?
o What will cause it to explode/activate?
o What is your name?
o Did you place the bomb/hazard? WHY?
o Where are you?
Exact wording of the threat:_
If voice is familiar, who did it sound like?_
Caller ID




long distance





cell phone

Call origin:
Callers voice: Note pattern of speech, type of voice, tone. Check all that apply.





















Deep breathing


Background sounds: Check all that apply.



Street noises









House noises

PA system


Factory machines


Phone booth


Threat language: Check all that apply.






Message read from


Did caller indicate knowledge of the building? Give specifics on back of this sheet

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911


Civil Defense sirens are heard on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm to test the Civil Defense
Alert System.
School Personnel
Students will be sent home when official Civil Defense Public Information indicates there is
sufficient time to arrive home before dangerous conditions develop.
Information will be released by the superintendent or designee to all communications media.
Local broadcast stations (EBS-Emergency Broadcast System) will transmit emergency public
If, in the opinion of the superintendent, there is not sufficient time to transport the students
home, the building principals/program supervisors will be so instructed.

If schools are not in session during a Civil Defense alert due to deterioration of international
affairs, every effort will be made to close schools until safety is assured by the Emergency
Broadcast System.

Members of the Public

In the event of a Civil Defense alert, members of the public may come into the school building
for shelter.

Best Place of Protection

Staff should guide the students and members of the public to underground areas or to interior
hallways on lowest floors. If hallways are crowded, use interior rooms. As a last resort, use area
of classrooms farthest from the windows.

Method of Communication

Communications to the occupants of the building will be by public address system or by courier
appointed by the principal/program supervisor. The principal/program supervisor will be in
charge of each building and will receive instruction via the emergency broadcast network and/or
from the superintendent or designee. The district office shall communicate to each building by
telephone or by an appointed courier.

Telephones should be reserved for emergency use only and used by permission of the principal,
program supervisor, superintendent or superintendents designee.
The Superintendents Office will be the only source of information to the press.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Those staff with classes should remain with their students. Other staff should help where needed.
Notify the head custodian, Director of Building and Grounds and/or custodial staff. They will check the
building and determine what action should be taken.
Electric Power Failure

Notify XCel; determine if power will be disrupted for an extended period of time. XCel 612-895-1999.
Make flashlights available.
Have office staff available as runners, in order to communicate with classrooms if the PA system and
monitors cannot be utilized.
Building maintenance staff should start emergency generators, if available and feasible, unless the power
outage is expected to be short.
Evacuate if necessary.

Gas Line Break

Clear the immediate area where the leak exists.

Contact CenterPoint Energy and the fire department. CenterPoint Energy 612-372-5050. XCel-Gas 612895-2999.
Dont use any electrical switches of equipment where fumes may be present, as this could trigger an
Evacuate the building, if deemed necessary.

Water Main Break

Notify the building maintenance staff and the office.

Shut off the water.
Notify public works (952-826-0375 sewer and 952-826-0374 water). After hours 826-1600.
If flooding occurs inside the building, take students to a dry, safe area, and await further instructions.
Evacuate the building, if deemed necessary.

Sudden Damage to Facility

If dangerous, evacuate occupants to a shelter area.
Call 911.
Call utility company, Director of Building and Grounds, and principal/supervisor.
See evacuation process in the plan under fire procedures.
Notify superintendent.
The Superintendents Office will be the only source of information to the press.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

If demonstrators are near but not on school property:
Building administrator notifies staff and superintendents office.
Teachers should maintain normal operations unless otherwise instructed.
Monitor situation. Notify law enforcement if necessary.
If demonstrators are on school property:
Ensure safety of students and staff, particularly safe entry into and exit from the building.
Teachers should maintain normal operations unless otherwise instructed.
Building administrator notifies staff and superintendents office.
Building administrator asks demonstrators to leave school property. Warn them that they are
violating the state trespass statute. Notify law enforcement if necessary.
If demonstrators leave, continue to monitor the situation.
If demonstrators do not leave, notify law enforcement. Building administrator may initiate a
lockdown with warning. (See Lockdown Procedures).


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Suicide Threat
Consider any student reference to suicide as serious.
Do not leave the student alone.
Notify the school counselor, social worker, psychologist or building administrator immediately.
Stay with the student until suicide intervention staff arrives.
Do not allow the student to leave school without parent, guardian or other appropriate adult
A staff person who hears a remark, sees a written message or witnesses a behavior that
identifies suicide should not dismiss the threat of suicide. All research indicates that the
majority of persons who commit suicide have verbalized their intent. A student who mentions
or reveals suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously. While listening to what the student
reveals about suicide, a staff person should remember to avoid a panic reaction, stay calm, and
listen. Promote a climate of trust. Avoid criticism.
There are three levels of intervention possible.
1. Imminent Life Threatened Student:
The student is already hurt or has the means in hand.
Call 911
Contact a member of the Intervention Team.
Stay with the student.
2. At-Risk Student:
Actual evidence of intended suicide
Contact a member of the Intervention Team.
Stay with the student, avoid panic and criticism.
3. Suspected Suicidal Student:
A self report or a report from others of suicidal thoughts:
Contact an Intervention Team member at the first indication of depression or unusual behavior.
The Code Blue Team members are as follows: Jenny Johnson, Ann Little, Michael Pretasky, Matt
Nilsen, Jenn Carter, Mellanie Pusateri, Heidi Howard, Ofr. David Boosalis
Suicide Attempt at School
Notify building administrator, school nurse or other appropriate professional staff.
Call 911 if the person needs medical attention, has a weapon, needs to be restrained or
parent/guardian cannot be reached.
Try to calm the suicidal person.
Stay with the suicidal person until suicide intervention staff arrives.
Isolate the suicidal person or the area, if possible.
Initiate first aid.

EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Do not allow the student to leave school without parent, guardian or other appropriate adult
Building Administrator
Call parent(s) or guardian(s) if the suicidal person is a student. Call family or emergency contact
if suicidal person is a staff member.
Notify superintendent or appropriate district level administrator.
Work with district public information officer.
Implement postvention procedures.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

If any faculty member should suspect that a student is possibly impaired, the faculty member
Complete the impaired student checklist to explain why they have reason to believe that a
specific student is impaired.
Call the switchboard to notify administration, nurse, and/or the police liaison officer.
Administration will be responsible for sending two members from the student assessment team
to remove the student from the classroom to conduct an assessment.
Selecting a specific student assessment team:
Each school should have a specific Student Assessment Team. The team should be comprised of a
combination of administrators, deans, counselors, school nurse or health associate, school psychologist,
social worker and the School Liaison Officer.
Procedures for the Student Assessment Team
Once a student has been removed from a classroom, the student should be brought to the main
office area where members of the assessment team will be able to conduct an assessment of the
Contact Poison Control, if necessary.
An assessment usually includes the following:
o Thorough interview with the student.
o Health assessment by the school nurse.
o A series of impairment tests including the use of a portable breath test, if alcohol use is
o Contact the police liaison or the drug recognition expert to administer tests beyond school
personnel expertise.
Once the assessment has been completed, if the team has reason to believe that the student is impaired, a
parent will be notified to pick up the student at the school.
If the student does not appear to be impaired, the student will be admitted back into class. Parents
should be notified regarding the student was brought in for assessment.
Follow up with reporting faculty:
Within 24 hours of the original report, a member of the student assessment team will make contact with
the reporting faculty member and advise him/her of the results of the assessment.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

In the event of an accident, the bus driver will follow protocol established by state recommendations.
Stop bus immediately to investigate

If necessary, evacuate bus from emergency exits to at least 100 ft. and administer first aid.

Remind students to stay calm, evacuate seat by seat, alternating sides.

Call 911 and District Transportation immediately.

The Transportation Office will notify the principal of the building, the transporting to/from of:
Bus number involved.

Location of the accident.

Number of students on board, if any.

Names of students on board, if any.

Extent of injuries, if any.

Amount of time delayed, if no injuries.

If there are injuries:

The transportation manager will go to the scene.

If injuries occur, at least two people from the building (Principal, A.P., secretary) will remain at
the office to assist with phone calls.

The information will be relayed to the building with number of injuries and location transported
to (hospital) as it becomes available.

School designee will notify students parent or emergency contact of accident.

The information will be relayed or communicated directly to superintendents office by the

transportation manager.

Uninjured students will be transported home or to school after being released by police/EMS.

Administrative follow-up may include the following:

Notify parent(s) or guardians(s) of students involved in the accident.

Notify the superintendent or designee. Superintendent will communicate with School Board.

Notify District CRT (Crisis Response Team)

Determine method of informing staff, students, and parents, if appropriate.


EHS Switchboard x3800

Bruce Locklear x3899
Jenny Johnson x3805

Mike Pretasky x3140

Ofr. David Boosalis x3809
Ann Little LSN x3075

All other emergencies:

Call 911

Prepare an accident report

Prepare a news media release with the superintendent and community services director, if

Hold an informational meeting with all staff, if appropriate.

The Superintendents Office will be the only source of information to the press.


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