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Research Activity: Career Week

Name: Nayelli Vaca

Occupation #1

Art, Drama, Music Teachers, Post Secondary

2012 Median Pay

$68,970 per year

Entry-Level Education

Most commonly Ph.D. or a Masters Degree can be enough

On-the-Job Training


Number of Jobs, 2012


Job Outlook, 2012-22

Employment Change,
2012 - 2020

19% (Faster than average)


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Teach courses in their subject area

Work with students who are studying for a degree or
certificate or certification or are taking classes to
improve their knowledge or career skills
Develop an instructional plan (known as a course
outline or syllabus) for the course(s) they teach and
ensure that it meets college and department
Plan lessons and assignments
Work with colleagues to develop or modify the
curriculum for a degree or certificate program
involving a series of courses
Assess students progress by grading papers, tests,
and other work
Advise students about which classes to take and how
to achieve their goals
Stay informed about changes and innovations in
their field
Conduct research and experiments to advance
knowledge in their field
Supervise graduate students who are working
towards doctoral degrees
Publish original research and analysis in books and
academic journals
Serve on academic and administrative committees
that review and recommend policies, make budget
decisions, or advise on hiring and promotions within
their department

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Career Week

Click on How to Become

Certifications, and
Important Qualities
(only what is bold)

Name: Nayelli Vaca

Postsecondary teachers that work for a 4-Year
college are often required to have a Doctors
Degree in that specific field. On the other hand,
some schools will hire people with a Masters
Degree or are Doctors Degree candidates for
special qualities.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations

Postsecondary teachers who help prepare students
for a job that requires a license, certification, or
registration might need to have, or they might
have to benefit form having the same credential.

Important Qualities (only what is bold)

Communication Skills
Critical-Thinking Skills
Writing Skills

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annual pay for this


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Employment, 2012
Employment, 2022
Change in Percent
Change in Numbers

Occupation #2

Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education

2012 Median Pay

$27, 130

Entry-Level Education

Associates Degree

On-the-Job Training


Employment, 2012: 114,300

Projected Employment, 2022: 132,600
Change in Percent: 16
Change in Numbers (Numeric): 18,300

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Career Week

Number of Jobs, 2012


Job Outlook, 2012-22

17% (Faster than average)

Employment Change,
2012 - 2020
Click on What They Do
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Certifications, and
Important Qualities
(only what is bold)

Name: Nayelli Vaca

76, 400

Prepare children for kindergarten by introducing

concepts they will explore further in kindergarten
and elementary school
Work with children in groups or one on one,
depending on the needs of children and the subject
Plan and carry out a curriculum that targets
different areas of child development, such as
language, motor, and social skills
Organize activities so children can learn about the
world, explore interests, and develop talents
Develop schedules and routines to ensure children
have enough physical activity, rest, and playtime
Watch for signs of emotional or developmental
problems in children and bring problems to the
attention of parents
Keep records of the students progress, routines, and
interests, and keep parents informed about their
childs development
In places like childcare centers, preschool
teachers are required to have at least a high
school diploma and a certificate in early childhood
education. However, some employers may prefer
workers with at least some postsecondary
education. Preschool teachers in Head Start need
to have at least an associates degree. But, 50% of
the Preschool teachers in Head Start nationwide
must have a Bachelors Degree.
Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations
Some states require staff to have certificates in
CPR and First Aid. Most states require the CDA
certification. Also candidates for the CCP
designation offered by the National Early
Childhood Program Accreditation.

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Career Week

Click on Pay
What is the median
annual pay for this

Name: Nayelli Vaca

Important Qualities (only what is bold)

Communication Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Organizational Skills
Physical Stamina


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Employment, 2012
Employment, 2022
Change in Percent
Change in Numbers

Occupation #3

Professional Actress

2012 Median Pay

$20.26 per hour

Entry-Level Education

Some College, No Degree

On-the-Job Training


Number of Jobs, 2012


Job Outlook, 2012-22

4% (Slower than average)

Employment Change,
2012 - 2020
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Employment, 2012: 438,200

Projected Employment, 2022: 514,600
Change in Percent: 17
Change in Numbers (Numeric): 76,400

Read scripts and meet with agents and other

professionals before accepting a role

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Career Week

Name: Nayelli Vaca

Click on How to Become

Certifications, and
Important Qualities
(only what is bold)

Click on Pay
What is the median
annual pay for this
Click on Job Outlook
Employment, 2012
Employment, 2022
Change in Percent
Change in Numbers

Audition in front of directors and producers

Research their characters personal traits and
circumstances to portray them more authentically to
an audience
Memorize their lines
Rehearse their lines and performance, including
movement on stage or in front of the camera, with
other actors
Discuss their role with the director and other actors
to improve the overall performance of the show
Perform the role, following the directors directions
Many who specialize in theater have bachelors
degree, although it is not required.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations

Important Qualities (only what is bold)

Memorization Skills
Physical Stamina
Reading Skills
Speaking Skills

$20.26 per hour

Employment, 2012: 79,800

Projected Employment, 2022: 83,000
Change in Percent: 4
Change in Numbers (Numeric): 3,300

Norris, 2015

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