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Job Chapter 1

Vs. 5 When a period of feasting *Why would Job send the sons and
had run its course, Job would
daughters to have them purified? What
send and have them purified.
about the culture demands purification?
What does purification even mean?
*From my prior knowledge, I know that
Judaism has some strict rules. If Job is
blameless (vs. 1), then he probably
followed those rules above and beyond
anyone else.
*I remember reading in Exodus or
somewhere with a lot of rules for
cleaniless, that any time a person
touched an unclean thing, they must be
purified. In this sense, Im sure it
2. Vs. 8 Have you considered my
means some kind of ceremonial
servant Job? There is no one on
earth like him; he is blameless
and upright, a man who fears
*Why is God calling attention to Job in
God and shuns evil.
this way?
*Perhaps God is showing the angels and
3. Vs. 20 At this, Job got up and
Satan that he does have one person on
tore his robe and shaved his head the earth who follows Him without

*Why in the world did he shave his

head and tare his clothes? What
significance does that hold for him?
*Again, it seems that these actions
have something to do with the
cultural/religious actions of Judaism, or
perhaps even just ancient cultures. I
wonder if other cultures like the
Sumerians, Assyrians, or Hitites had
similar customs. I feel like there are
instances of this in Greek plays, so
perhaps it is a symbol of mourning and

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