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paras Hipeslwwu rcte-co.niticketingprinTicketsf2pn-=2528777068"C25-Oec-7014 MOF 100000027 162250 IRCTCS e-Ticketing Service A + This tokot wll ony bo vali with an ID proot in aia. If found eaveling winout ID Prost, Passenger willbe teated 0 wihout ticket and charged as pet exiant Raia Yule ‘+ At east one passenger should travel wth hisiher ID card n orga whichis indicated onthe ERSIVRI. Incase heishe is not traveling. allothor passengers) tooked that tek, Hf found traveling in rai wil bo reated as aveling wanoutlecet and crarged accoranaly. + Vals 0s tobe presente auring ran joumey By one of the passenger booked an an exeket Voter Iertty Card / Passport / PAN Card Diving Lense ( Proto 1D card issuea by Carzal/Slate Govt Pb Spetor Undertaings of State / Conal Govarnmant District Adrenstratons Mucipal bosses land Parchayat Aamnistatons whch aro Ravirg sval number | Stusetlasntty Care wah ohetograph IGoved by recognized Schoo! or Calge for ther students / Naonalzed Bank Passbook wih Photograph iret Cares seued by Banks wih laninated photographvUnique lsntfiatlon Card + Geral es! leforation for estcxet passenger have oe sted bythe custar for cancelation eaten PRR No ETTO5E "ras Nb & Nee OVERANAYAR EXPRES — [Oust TATRAL (OO) cancellation 1000006087162050 [Bate te O Booking Dee 201 THEA Tas: HR AC (A) oRPRULPORPLP) Date OF Jourey Dee TE Ta LORWANPATTIAR TT) Boar AT PHULPURPTA Dats OF Boar 250002014 Scheded Dopatre 250002072 TERT Resy_ Upto LOKWARYATIEAR TUT SoTedued val 26-Dec-2004 227 agi Ow susnger Mob le No 8976974671 ance 18 Passenger Aros OTST aE Wear = A0OODE Date OF Cancale BeDee201¢ 12030 FARE DETAILS Total Collected Far 2 1965.0 [Rupees One Thousand Nine Hunored and Sixty Five Only Cancedeon Fe as,0__ | upoos tat Five Ony Total Refund Aro 1930; | epees Ore Thovsans Nine Tunarod and Taty On ** Inclusive of Service Tax - & 70 Only f Service Charges per eicket aspect of runbor of passengers onthe Lek. PASSENGER DETAILS She. Tae ‘rren Sates [Dear ype To cara Nano 7 TRASSINGH FAN ard RPSenIsC This teket I booked on 8 Invidual, fs at his/her own he Ticket Printing Time: 24-Dec-2014 11:20:28 HRS IMPORTANT + For details, rules and tear & condtion of E-Tekeling Servis, alesse vist, + Now Tino Table wil bo effective fom 01-08-2014, Dopartue ime and Arval ime print on this ERSIVRM's lable to change. Pleaso Check comect doparure and aval rom Railay Station Enqury, Dil 139 of SWS RAIL to 19" 1+ Theres renaments in certain prov sions ot Refund Rule Refer, Amended Refund Rules wet O*-97-201S +The accommodation booked isnot transferable andi vali only fe 1D card printed aoove fs presented during the jourey. The ERS/VRM alorg wih printed 1D proof nofginal would be veriod by TE wi the narra and PNR on th chan The passergor fal lo proaucetdeplay EERSIVRM dus to any overtualty loss, damages rble!leplop etc) but has tre proserbed orga roa? ot erty. a penalty af Rs 50 por ticket 86 applcabie fo sich eases wil be loved. The tekel checking Saf On bostdiO" bas wil give Excess Fate Text Tore same + Exicket cancelations are permitted tough wwacetecoum by the wer. + PRE having fly waists status wl bo drozped and the nares of th passengers wil nok appear on the chart. They are not allowed to board the tan, Howavar She namesc! PARTIALLY watisediconfemsd and RAC wil appsarin the cha. + Obtain cethieate from the TTE iConductor in case of PARTIALLY walsted e-ickat LESS NO. OF PASSENGERS travelled A.C-FAILURE, TRAVEL INLOWER CLASS. This ergnal eoriete must be sont to GW (If), IRCTC. ntetmot Texeling Canto, IRCA Bulg, Stale Entry Read, New Del™-T70055 aor ing amine round reques for clining relune + In-cate of Paral confimesiRAC Wat Hated ket, IDR snoul be Sled onie of all the tnase passengers wo ait not travel fr processing of Fefura in prescribed tine aa per Ra aay Te/und rules. Me afund wl be processed by she conce’ned zonal Raloays as pet Ralway refund fils. + In Bronium Special Tran cancolaton ‘snot albwed. However, ticket can be cancollod an fll rfund is adnssibo Ifthe trains cance by Indian Ratways + Passengers 28 advised not o cany snlanmalelsengero.siexpasivelanicls 2s par of ther luggage and also to desist rom smoking ln he teins + Contact us on: = 24°7 Fre Customer Support at 01-73340000 , henna Customer Care O44 25200000 or Mail To:, + For any suggastionsiconplainis read lo Catering services,contact Tall Free No. 1200-111-821 (07.00 hs to 22.00 fs) Hnipsitwwn rte neicketinglprin Tickets 9pn-=26287770S8"C25-Dec-2014%20%20%20%20%420%20%.20%20%420%20°0" 100000027 162250 "

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