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Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 3 (Units 1115)

Underline the correct word in each sentence.

Look out of the window. Its snowing/snow/snowed.

Whats that noise? Its lightning/lightening/thunder.

I think its going to rain. Look at those cloud/clouds/cloudy.

The weather tomorrow will be hot and sun/sunny/sunshine.

The weather is frozen/wind/cold in the winter.

Take an umbrella. Its rain/raining/rains.

I think well have a wet/little/shower of rain.

A lot of houses were damaged in the storm/stormy/storming.

If you sit in the sun for too long, youll get sunburning/sunburn/sunned.

Its very windy/wind/winding today. Lets fly our kites.


Look at that tree! Its been hit by lightning/snow/rain.

Read the descriptions and complete the words.

Mont Blanc is the highest one in Europe.


The Pacific is the largest one in the world.


It flies and carries passengers.


The place where trains stop.


Crete, Ireland and Iceland are all


It sails across the sea.


A place where many trees grow.


It has got two wheels and no engine.


People love sunbathing on this.


Planes take off and land here.



The Nile, the Amazon and the Thames are


Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 3 (Units 1115)

Choose the best ending (A-K) for each sentence (0-10).

I broke my leg

She didnt come to school


David was feeling ill


These new shoes


Put this thermometer


I had an operation


Go to bed and


Three people were injured


Mike had a stomach ache


I cant do my homework



The girls keep fit


A are hurting my feet.

B on my leg.
C in your mouth.
D because Ive broken my fingers.
E because he had eaten too many sweets.
F in the accident.
G playing football.
H so he went to see the doctor.
I because she had a cold.
J by going to the gym.
K sleep until you feel better.

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 3 (Units 1115)

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