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Black History Month

Made by: Alana Banks, Hadiya Mehdi, & Cruz Cortez

Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong; who was also
called Satchmo or Pops, was known
for being a jazz trumpeter, singer,
and an influential figure in jazz music.
He was born on August 4, 1901 and
died on July 6,1971 at the age of 70.
He was born in New Orleans, LA and
he died in Corona, Queens, New York.
I was drawn to Louis Armstrong
because I have read his back story
before and I just thought it would be a
good idea for people to remember
him on Black History Month.

Jackie Robinson

Jackie Robinson; whose real name is Jack

Roosevelt Robinson, was born on January 31,
1919 and died October 24, 1972 at the age of
53. He was known for being an American
baseball player who was the first AfricanAmerican to play in the Major League Baseball
in the modern era. He was born in Cairo,
Georgia and then moved to North Stamford and
Stamford, Connecticut. I chose Jackie Robinson
because he was known to be a brave soul and
he did something that many people would have
hesitated to do.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey; whose full name is

Oprah Gail Winfrey, was born on 1954
and she is 61 years old. She is an
actress, talk show host, producer, and
philanthropist. Oprah was born in
Kosciusko, Mississippi and has visited
many places. I was drawn to Oprah
because she is really famous all
around the world.

Malcolm X
Malcolm X; whose real name is Malcolm
Little, was born on May 19, 1925 and
died on February 21, 1965 at the age of
40. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska
and moved to Lansing, Michigan. He was
known for being an outspoken activist
who was highly vocal about the poor
treatment of blacks in the United States.
Malcolm X was also a Muslim leader. I
was drawn to Malcolm X because I have
heard many things about him and I got

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