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Biomes Project

Directions: You will create a Prezi, PowerPoint, PowToon, or Goggle Presentation on an assigned Biome. The following information needs to be included in this project. You will
have to present your projects to the class.

Fair /1
Biome's Climate
Description of biome and climate.
Locate on map

Biome and its climate are not

described well. Map is not

Location-Geology /Geography
Give latitude and any special
landforms in your biome

Students did not list any specific places

where their biome could be found.

Food Web
Labeled food web with at least 15
Descriptions of physical or
behavior adaptation and how it
helps to meet basic needs. __/3
Abiotic Features
Plants & Animals What are
animals and plants/producers in
your biome?
Organization & Creativity All
information is present,
organized and creatively done.


Good /2
Biome and its climate are described inaccurately.

Superior /3
Biome and its climate are described
accurately by using pictures and
drawings and graphs.

Students listed some places where their biome could Students listed and accurately displayed
many places where their biome can be
be found. Some (un)usual features are mentioned
Is sloppy or not neat
Describes unique characteristics of land
Is neat and thorough
Food Web is not included or is Food Web is included but isn't complete or accurate. Food Web is accurately completed and is
completely inaccurate.
represented well.
Plants and animals are not completely labeled
Plants and animals are not labeled.

and animals are labeled properly as
primary, secondary and tertiary
Adaptations of plants and animals are not Adaptations of plants and animals are discussed but Adaptations of plants and animals are
discussed or are inaccurate
are not complete or have some inaccuracies.
discussed well and are accurate.

Students used detailed abiotic features

from their biome.
Evaluated how they affect the ecosystem.

Students did not use any abiotic features

from their biome. Affects not fully

Students used a couple abiotic features from their

biome. Explained how they affect ecosystem.

Project only mentions types of

vegetation or animals, or only mentions
fewer than required

Project identifies 6 types of animals and 4 types of Project identifies 6 or more animals and 4
or more types of vegetation.
vegetation. They are described with inaccurate
Includes information and
Project is somewhat organized and shows Project is Project is organized and demonstrates
organized and demonstrates thought and effort.
thought and effort.
Project is creatively completed.
Project is creatively completed.
Labels and references are complete and inaccurate. Labels and references are complete and
Some amount of effort.
Minimal creativity.
Labels and references are incomplete or inaccurate

Project is not organized well and shows

no effort or creativity.
Labels and references are missing or not

completed sited

Goal: Inform the class about your selected biome (Tundra, Taiga, Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Chaparral, Desert, Savanna, Rainforest or Alpine)
through creating an interactive project that is engaging, thought-provoking and professional.
The process to complete this:
1. Choose a biome
2. Research the biome using the books in class, textbooks, and internet (.org, .edu are the best)
3. Take notes over your research.
4. Look at the rubric, aiming to answer all questions in the superior category.
5. Set up lined paper with 7 boxes and label each box with a category name: i.e.:Biomes Climate or location-geography/geology
6. Then, add in information from you research to each box.
7. Complete extra research if necessary to fill in the gaps of information
8. Decide on how you want to present this information
9. Develop a plan to integrate all your info into the presentation way you selected
10. After you have created you product, show it to a friend for feedback
11. Then, make any changes they suggest that you agree with
12. Turn into your Google Classroom
a. First block classroom name: EES Spring 2015 Block 1: Your access code is: 4wbmxa
b. Second block classroom name: EES Spring 2015 Block 2: Your access code is: 2upw5n
c. Fourth block classroom name: EES Spring 2015 Block 4: Your access code is: 4w1r6bl
Please contact me before the due date if you need help loading it into Google Classroom.
This is due by the start of class on March 10th.
13. You will present this to class on Tuesday, March 10
Good luck and HAVE FUN creating this!

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