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2015 Snappers Baseball Camps


June 17th and June 18th from 9am-Noon

August 11th and 12th from 9am-Noon


Pohlman field
2301 Skyline Dr.
Beloit, WI 53512


Kids Ages 7-14


$55/child one camp

Equipment Needed:

Each camper will need to provide their own glove and tennis shoes

Snappers players/coaches will provide professional instruction. The instructor ratio will be
approximately 10 to 1. Players are available to answer questions and sign autographs.
BONUS: All camp participants will receive an official camp T-shirt and complementary ticket to
a Snappers Baseball game. Lunch will be provided for the campers during the camp.
YES! I want to be part of the 2015 Snappers Baseball Camp
___ Enclosed is my check for $55.00 for the first two-day general camp (June 17th & June 18th)
___ Enclosed is my check for $55.00 for the second two-day general camp (Aug 11th & Aug 12th)
___ Enclosed is my check for $100.00 for both of the two-day general camps
Name (s) of Participant(s): ____________________________________________________________________
Parents Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________State:______Zip:_______________ Email: ___________________________
Home Phone:______________________

Participants Age: ____________

Shirt Size: ________________

Emergency Contact: _____________________________ Phone: ________________________

Snappers Baseball Camps
Attn: Crystal Bowen
P.O. Box 855
Beloit WI, 53512

*The Snappers accept cash, check, MasterCard, Discover, & Visa

Credit Card # ___________________________________
Expiration Date: _______
Security Code: _______
Signature: ______________________________________

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