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Madyson Root, Aubrey Butler, and

Katie Simon

Connotative Language/Word Choice

The maze of the darkness sorted
into near and far, and at the high
point of the sky the cloudlets were
warmed with color.
the maze adds suspense
because it is connotative
warmed cloudlets add to the

Word Choice
...the parachute filled and moved; the
figure slid, rose to its feet, spun, swayed
down through a vastness of wet air, and
trod with ungainly feet the tops of the
high trees; falling

from the perspective of the

word choice affects the mood
of the event

Figurative Language
The Lord of the Flies was
expanding like a balloon.
makes the scene more intense

Ralph - Proper and Thoughtful to Savage

Alright who wants Jack for chiefWho wants me?

The choir belongs to you, of course
He raised his spear, snarled a little, and waited.

Jack - Proper to savage


"We've got to have rules and obey them. After all,

we're not savages. We're English, and the English
are best at everything."
If theres a beast well hunt it down. Well close in
and beat and beat and beat-

Simon - Helpful and honest


I just think youll get back all right.

British vs. American

The way they speak
o Seems to me we ought to have a chief to
decide things.
o But Piggy for all his ludicrous body, had
o Piggys specs

How proper they are

o ...the eye was first attracted to a black, batlike creature on the sand

Textual Evidence
ExplicitlyFor example the author comes out in the
beginning and calls Jack tall, thin, and bony His
face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly with
Inferences- The author tells us that Ralph is
athletic but doesnt give us much more. We, the
readers, have to infer that he is more of a leader
than a follower by the way he takes control of the
situation and calls a meeting.

Effects of the Author: Tension

In chapter eleven Golding writes about the tension
forming between Ralph and Jack by giving us a
clear image of what is happening .
between the characters and their actions
Example: The blood was flowing in his cheeks
and the bunged up eye throbbed (176)
In this example the author is describing the tension
by describing the characters appearance.

Effects of The Author: Mystery

Roger is one of the more mysterious characters in
LOTF. Roger is also one of the more dangerous
characters, mixing these two characteristics
basically means worry for everyone else.
Example: You dont know Roger. Hes a terror.
The SamnEric are basically saying that no one
really knows Roger hes kind of the mysterious
stay away type

Effects of The Author: Time

Jack is one of the characters that is manipulated
throughout time the most. The author goes from
talking about a choir boy to talking about a savage.
Example: Kill the pig. Cut her throat.Spill her
blood (96)
Jack becomes obsessed with the idea of killing a
pig and his inner primal instincts take over when
he and the other boys are chanting.

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