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Comparative World Religions Syllabusi

Instructor: Ms. K. Mays

Teaching Philosophy
Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall
find a way around or through it. Bruce Lee

Tutorial Hours: Monday 4:00 pm 6:00 pm

Phone: (404) 802-4700

Room: 7.181

Course Description:
The Comparative Religions course provides students with a comprehensive study of major
religions in the world. This course will take an objective approach to educate students about the
teaching and traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism,
Confucianism and Shintoism. The focus of this course will enable students to explore and
understand the connection between religion and developments of civilizations, the place and
function of religion in human experience and the influence of religion on contemporary society.

Essential Questions:
1. How have world religious beliefs and practices influenced the development of history, culture
and society?
2. How have chronological events and geographic elements shaped the development of world
3. What are the effects of religion in relation to economic, political, and social institutions, as
well as in relation to the arts, language, and literature?
4. What societal goals, social values, and norms of behavior are commonly shared by all
religions? And why have individuals and institutions from all religious traditions failed to
achieve them?
5. How can the varying perspectives of theology, philosophy, and science influence the human
perception of reality?

Required Course Materials:

3 Ring Binder with loose leaf paper

o (dividers are recommended but not required to help separate units)
Pens (blue or black ink) and pencils
There is no required textbook for this class. Readings will be provided by teacher
o (Some readings may be taken from the Torah, Bible, Quran, Mandate of Heaven
o Some library research will be required

Classroom Expectations and Policies:

Every student is expected to attend all class meetings arriving on time and coming
prepared with materials.
As per school regulation, cell phones, music players and other electronics are only
allowed with teacher permission; otherwise they are not to be used in the classroom.
Support and RESPECT your classmates!
R-E-S-P-E-C-T the classroom by not littering, damaging, ruining or defacing the class
room walls, desks, boards, etc.
Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism and Cheating will NOT be accepted
Finally, if you are unsure if its okay, ask first please

Unofficial Policies

Do Not be afraid to try!

Laugh at the teachers jokes!
Believe in yourself!
Do not let someone else cause you to have a bad day!
Drop bad attitudes at the door. Or at least mute them upon entering class
If you see an excuse, dont pick it up.

1) Verbal Warning
2) Name on Board
3) A check placed by name indicating a Write-up to follow
4) Call to Parent/Guardian
5) Contact Counselor or Counterpart
6) Contact Administrator

Make-up Work
It is the responsibility of the student to collect work assignments missed due to a verified
absence. Make-up assignments will only be given within the first THREE days upon your return
and before or after class (not during class). Failure to make up missed assignments and/or tests
within the allotted time frame may ultimately result in a ZERO.

Grading and Scale

The APS Board Policy Administrative Regulation IHA-R(1) was revised in October of 2014. The policy
addresses a variety of areas including, but not limited to, grading practices, grade reporting, and
students in danger of not meeting academic expectations. The revised regulation places a greater
emphasis on mastery grading, including allowing students an opportunity to re-assess when they have
not achieved content mastery. The entire policy can be found on the APS website under Board Policy

Classroom Participation:

100 90: = A

89-80: = B


79-70: = C

69 and below: = F

i Teacher reserves the right to change any part of syllabus as determined by class needs
and scheduling.
ii Serious offences will be dealt with accordingly. Also North Atlanta High School rules for
detention, in school suspension, etc. will be followed as well.
iii Any homework assigned in this class should not take more than 30 minutes to
complete. Possible homework assignments may include completing activities not
completed in class, independent assignments, research, projects, etc.

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