Kelsey Korell November 5, 2014

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Faculty of Education

Classroom Observation Report


Faculty Advisor
Cooperating Teacher

Kelsey Korell
Cameron Symons
Angeline Templeton


Linden Lanes



November 5, 2014

Assessment and Evaluation

Performs a pre-assessment of students skills, knowledge, or
Uses a variety of assessment strategies & tools
Checks for student understanding
Provides a framework for assessment subsequent to the assignment
Identifies and works with students who need assistance
Applies an understanding of as, of, and for learning concepts
Matches assessment strategies to learning outcomes
Incorporates assessment data to inform instruction
Planning and Preparation
Is familiar with the subject matter
Is familiar with the MB curriculum
Lesson plans are prepared
Lessons include activating, acquiring, applying strategies
Lessons have appropriate closure
Uses appropriate materials related to lessons
Makes use of technology appropriately and effectively
Awareness of cultural diversity evident in lessons where appropriate
Lesson plans include a variety of activities suited to student needs,
learning styles, abilities, multiple intelligences, learning
disabilities, and interests


Delivery of Instruction
Tells students the main objective of each lesson
Attempts to take advantage of teachable moments
Is successful in communicating clear instructions to students
Provides exemplars to students where appropriate
Attempts to utilize various instructional strategies
Uses groupings to enhance learning where appropriate
Attempts to utilize questioning techniques to enhance student
Attempts to engage students in active thinking
Projects a confidence and comfort level while teaching
Conveys engagement and enthusiasm while teaching
Uses an effective teacher voice
Shows appropriate use of spoken language in instruction
Shows appropriate use of written language being used for
Classroom Engagement and Environment
Classroom is a safe learning environment
Students are engaged in learning
Is able to get the attention of most students before beginning a lesson
Confusion among students is minimal
Interruptions and transitions are managed effectively
Maintains classroom routines
Conveys expectations to students as the new teacher in their
Is fair and respectful to students
Possesses high standards for students
Can communicate these standards effectively
Effective proactive discipline strategies are used
Appropriate reactive discipline strategies are used
Attempts to foster positive interactions among students
Academic learning time is evident
Expresses clear expectations for academic performance among


Great energizer! Nice to get the oxygen in their brains before you start, and then
take some time to get them all settled. Lots of good use of immediate quiet subtle
gentle and personalized prompts (ex. finger to lips, eye contact) to help the last
lambs into the fold.
The planning document is very well put together - great clarity and detail here.
Nice use of an analogy of organizing things at home to organizing things in our
I like the use of a pause in a sentence and a silent moment to refocus attention.
The way you are drawing the analogy of connecting to past experience (ex.
elephants) when learning something new is a great reflection of the notion that
this is what expert learners do. Youre giving them a good introductory and
rudimentary sense of thinking about how they learn.
Nice use of the interpersonal strategy (ex. think of a cat, now discuss with your
partner what you just though about). The group was really needing a bit of a
chance to speak, and this provided that opportunity to ventilate some of that
pressure in a positive way as well as process their learning together.
I really like the way youve created the visual of the brain to represent how we
make connections!
Throughout the work period there is a high level of activity, however, it is virtually
all on-task activity. You are circulating well throughout, diagnosing and
responding to situations, assisting where needed, and helping kids as they
Throughout the class period you were able to attend to the need for some kids to
get refocused. One of the great understandings about classroom management
for teachers is that one does not just set a tone at the beginning and expect it to
stay that way all class. Management is something that requires regular attention,
reading signs of inattention, and having frequent interactions with students
throughout the class. A teacher with problems is one who gets upset or impatient
about this. A knowing teacher is one who understands that this is normal, and is
able to keep refocusing kids all throughout the class as needed. You
demonstrated this positive attitude throughout, recognizing needs, correcting
issues, and remaining positive and supportive all the way through. Well done!


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