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Perhaps the greatest utopia

would be if we could all realize
that no utopia is possible.
- Jack Carroll

What is a utopia? What is needed for a place to become perfect? Animals in Animal
Farm have different definition for utopia. Some dream about the peace, dream about equality.
On the other hand, some dream about power. Old Majors idea about utopia for animals can
not happen in the reality because of hierarchy, bad leadership and because the innocent
animals are too trusting.
Hierarchy destroys the idea of utopia, that every animal will be equal. It separates some
animal from others. Some have more power and some need to follow those that possess
power. In
Animal Farm
, pigs made up the rule that All animals are equal, but some animals are
more equal than other(p.112). Pigs symbolize as the leaders in the
Animal Farm Hierarchy.

Napoleon represents the Upper Class, which has power above others. Other animals in the farm
are the working class that follow their leader, even part of them realize that something is
already wrongful. This goes into different a direction of what Old Majors dream is about. With
hierarchy, utopia will not exist.
Napoleons bad leadership is one of the reasons why Animal Farm cannot become a
perfect place. He is greedy and power-hungry. He names himself to be head of committee and
tries to keep all of the power. Napoleon uses the dogs as his private weapon, using fear to take

control all over the farm. In the end of the story, Napoleon turns himself into a human,
thinking that "No question now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures
outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it
was impossible to say which was which."(p.118). Because power is addictive and he always
craves for more, Napoleon breaks the seven commandments. He turns himself into a
malevolent leader and a dictator, which is the same as human that animals try to eliminate in
the beginning of the story. The idea of utopia, which the pigs have been dreaming about, is
eventually destroyed by no but the pigs themselves.
In addition, animals in the farm are too innocent and too trusting, they just follow
whatever the pigs say. The pigs did not actually work. They are obsessed with power, direct and
supervise other animals. Some animals cant think for themselves nor distinguish between right
or wrong. From the story, The birds did not understand Snowball's long words, but they
accepted his explanation (p.76). They dont have enough intelligence, so they just follow what
their leader commands. With the difference in intelligence, there will never exist a true
equality. Boxer is also one of those innocent ones who adopts the maxim, "Napoleon is always
right". Conversely, Napoleon is a bad leader and he is also a liar in reality. Still, animals in the
farm are no better than when they were under human control. Consequently, when animals are
too trusting and are following all those wrong commands, the idea of utopia is destroyed.
Utopia is not real. Everyone has different definition and different perspective for the
word perfect. True equality cannot exist in this world. We are born as different species and
genders with different levels of intelligent, which locate us into divergent classes. Animal Farm

also shows us the failure of creating utopia. Hierarchy, bad leadership, greed and difference in
intelligent are examples of the factors that make a perfect place nonexistent. In the end, we
can say that utopia is impossible to achieve.

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