How Is Immigration A Problem For The Eu

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How is immigration a problem for the E.U?

Migration is a problem for the EU because people illegally migrate from

countries like Morocco into Spain. There is a higher rate of terrorist attacks when
there is not immigration control in these European countries. Immigrants come from
countries like Iran and Iraq seeking political asylum and come into European
countries for the higher standards of living due to the rapid increase of the
European economy.
European Union countries such as Spain have called the level of immigration
Unacceptable. Spain has been one of the countries being impacted the most due
to its relatively easy access from Morocco. These European states are seen as
heaven by immigrants due to the better standards of living. Once they make decent
money in these countries they then send it back to family members they left
behind. The issue with this is that they are taking jobs from people that actually live
in these areas that are unable to get jobs due to the large influx of immigrants
coming into these European countries.

How are they dealing with these problems?

European member states have called for tighter border control as a way of
slowing down the immigration flow. The Italian Interior Minister suggested the plan
of a six month legal permit with hopes that it will slow down illegal immigration and
reduce the costs on the Italian government. The minister thinks that this will
encourage immigrants to go in through the countrys government system rather
than profitable gang organizations.
However, European countries like Sweden announced that they will not
restrict the flow of immigrants through its borders when new countries join the E.U.
Their outlook is that all members have freedom of movement within member states.
The Swedish government thinks that the added workforce coming from eastern
countries will develop a better economy for Sweden.
CONTROLLED. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.

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