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Project Supervisor:-

Write the name of your supervisor and take his signature

Supervisor Signature:-

Tentative Title:-

Here you have to write the tentative title of your project. Exact title
may change when u complete the project.


Explain in some lines, what is the objective of your project, i.e. what you want
to achieve by doing this project.


Explain how you will do this project. For example if u will make a model,
then how you will make it. What components, part, etc you will use. If you want to do
simulation & analysis, you have to explain how you will do it using what software, etc.

Literature Review:-

Give the references / articles, etc you might have read for doing

your project (if any).

Work Done till now:-

If you have already done some part of the project till now, explain
what you have done till now, showing images of your results / model, etc.

Name of Team Members:-

Name with Section & roll no.

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