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Spanning trees of a



A subgraph T of a undirected graph G is a spanning tree of G if it is a

tree and contains every vertex of G

atreeis anundirected graphin which any twoverticesare connected

byexactly onepath.


Every connected graph has a spanning tree.

Why is this true?

Given a connected graph of G. How can you find a spanning tree of G?

Weighted graphs

A weighted graph is a graph in which every edge has a weight (some

real number).

Weight of the graph = The sum of weights of all edges.

Minimum spanning tree

A minimum spanning tree in an undirected connected weighted graph

is a spanning tree of minimum weight (among all spanning trees).

Minimum spanning tree may not be


Minimum spanning tree (MST)


Given a connected weighted undirected graph G, design an algorithm that outputs a

minimum spanning tree (MST) of G.

The MST is fundamental problem with diverse applications.

Network design.

telephone, electrical, hydraulic, TV cable, computer, road

Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems.

traveling salesperson problem, Steiner tree

Indirect applications.

learning salient features for real-time face verification

reducing data storage in sequencing amino acids in a protein

model locality of particle interactions in turbulent fluid flows

MST describes arrangement of nuclei

in the epithelium for cancer research

How to find a MST?

What is the most intuitive way to solve?

Kruskals algorithm

Consider edges in ascending order of cost. Add the next edge to T

unless doing so would create a cycle.

Kruskals algorithm

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