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How Do The Tools Used Make The Work Look? The overall aesthetic ofthis cover is very cute and cartoony, although the weaponry offsets this theme, diving ita fresh and edgy feel too. The colours they have used are very vibrant, and reflect the fashion ‘and makeup choices ofthe band members. The target audience of the pop group are young teenage ils, so the style of this cover also reflects their target audience, who ‘would most likely watch cartoons or be interested in them, The cover is. defintely created digitally and the artists have made no effort to hide this factor or make the illustration look realistic. What Tools Have Been Used? ‘This cover has been created using Illustrator, the album cover isa vector ilustration of the actual group mem- bers of the Korean Pop group called “2NE1”. This was most likely created with mutiple layers in illustrator, one Tor the background, one for the weaponry the charac- ters are holding and another for the characters, and an- other one for the text, which is overlayed on top of the il lustration, Although there were most ikely a lot more layers because Adobe lustrator realy utiizes the power of multiple, editable layers. The creation process: ‘most likely went as follows, They created the back- ground fist, then created the charaters on top using the pen tool, gradient and fil techiques, they then moved ‘onto the litle white dots (| think they are supposed to be snowflakes) on another layer. After they were happy with the illustration so far, they then added the red border, and then created the text on top of every other cover element

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