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Research Ethics

Case Studies
I. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972)
II. The Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study (1963) ( body inability to reject cancer cell,
researchers injected foreign live cancer skills into patients )
III. The WillowBrook Study (1956-1972)
IV. Human Radiation Experiments (1944-1974) ( radioactive tracers were administrated, no
- sterilisation experiments
- freezing experiments
- malaria experiments
- mustard gas experiments
VI. Experiments by Josef Mengele
VII. The Milgram Experiment (1963)
VIII.The Monster Study (1939)
IX. The Standford Experiment (1971)

The Nuremberg Code (1947) (The first international standard for conduct of research)
- voluntary consent
- animal experimentation preceding human experimentation
- avoidance of physical and mental suffering and injury
- liberty to withdraw from experiments
Declaration of Helsinki (1964)
- respect for persons
- standard of care
- proxy consent and assent
Ethical Guidelines
- national research act (1974)
- the belmont report (1979)
- the international ethical guidelines for biomedical research (1982)
Principles of Research Ethics
- respect of person
- beneficence
- justice
- risk and benefits
Informed Consent
- language
- competency of study subject
- children / mentally incapacitated
- disclosure of information
- benefits, risks and discomfort
- voluntary participation
- withdrawal
- confidentiality

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