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You have a wider choice in selecting how you can pay your CIM registration fees, exam fees,
annual subscription etc.

The most conventional method would be to pay by a bank draft. In this instance, you need to
draw an international bank draft in favour of The Chartered Institute of Marketing and
handover to our regional office along with your application.
If you wish to do a direct debit transfer, you may mention your credit/ debit card number in
the payment advice in the application form itself.
If you wish to pay online, you may visit the CIM, UK website
( and pay your fees using your credit/debit card.
If you wish to make your payments in local currency, you may make the payment to your
closest Commercial bank and handover your application along with the payment
confirmation slip, received from the bank. Please call our regional office for the account
number of The Institute and the relevant exchange rate.
You also have the convenience of making your payment by credit card at our regional office.
This involves an additional 3% handling charge.

For more information, please call the CIM Regional Office on 011 2 564 860.

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