Jaime Roach, Shawn Godden, Tyler Kirouac November 22, 2014 MK-500 Integrated Marketing Communications Erin Oner

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Bay and Algoma Sector I.M.C.

Jaime Roach, Shawn Godden, Tyler Kirouac
November 22, 2014
MK-500 Integrated Marketing Communications
Erin Oner



Executive Summary:
In this integrated marketing communications report we are going to look at all the
different aspects of the Bay and Algoma sector in Thunder Bay Ontario. This sector has
been around for a long time with a lot of home grown companies. It was widely known
for the Hoito Restaurant which has been shown in some TV shows which has brought
some good business. A sector can only gain business from one company for so long so
we are going to find to a new way to revitalize the sector. We did a lot of different
research in the Thunder Bay area looking in the shopping habits, spending habits,
economic behaviours, trending styles and much more. From the results we received we
implemented a team to develop a brand image that would really express the true nature
and impression of the area. They decided considering the large quantities of locally
grown companies that are very eco/green friendly. There are lots of shops to that area
that go along very well with that brand image for example The Growing Season, Scan
Deli, and The Green House. There is lots of competitors that the area must face such as
the Intercity Mall, Arthur St shops, the Marina and a few others. These places offer
similar products and services but they are not as green/eco friendly as the ones offered
in the Bay & Algoma region, this is market strength that we will use against the others.
The products and services might be slightly more expensive but the consumer gets the
peace of mind knowing they are getting a quality product from a local business and they
are helping the local economy. We are going to do lots of different techniques to revamp
the sector. Once we change the brand image then we will begin developing marketing
tools to go along with the same image. We will be marketing on park benches, bus
decals, revamping the website, sending out direct marketing packages, doing tv



commercials and a few others. Our main goal of the messages that we are marketing is
that the Bay and Algoma sector has been revamped with some new stores and the
original businesses are becoming very eco/green friendly. We are really trying to get
some new customers to come and check out how the area has changed and the
different products and services now offered. We are trying to get some of these new
customers to become loyalists to the Bay & Algoma sector.



Table of Contents:
P.2-3 Executive Summary
P.4 Table of Contents
P.5 Marketing PlanP.6-9 - Marketing Communications Situation
P.6-8 Internal Analysis
P.8-9 External Analysis
P.10 IMC objectives
P.10-19 - IMC Programs
P.10-13 Advertising
P.13-16 Direct Marketing
P.16-17 - Interactive/Internet Marketing
P.17-18 Sales Promotion
P.18-19 Public relations/ Publicity
P.19-24 Budget
P.24-25 Controls
P.26 Bibliography
P.27 Appendices



Marketing Plan:
The following marketing plan will be based on the Bay and Algoma sector in downtown
Thunder Bay Ontario. We did lots of observational research of the sector involving
talking to the store owners, customers, marketing professionals. We also did some
communication research which involved giving out short questions regarding shopping
and spending habits in Thunder Bay. From the research we have gathered for the sector
we believe the best brand image for the sector is to go with a locally grown green
products and services. We are going with this image because there are lots of stores
owned by Thunder Bay residents also because lots of the stores are very earth friendly
stores. For this reason we will be marketing towards anyone between the ages of 16-70
who are health and earth friendly. We will be marketing towards these individuals
because we know that there is some tough competition in Thunder Bay for products and
services similar to the ones offered in the Bay and Algoma sector. Lots of people will go
to other parts of town to get products and services because it cheaper or closer to
home. For this reason we will really have to display the quality of work, the earth friendly
benefits, and the great local selection. If we show off all these great qualities of the
sector I believe we will be able to achieve our objectives. We are going to use
advertising all around town as well as in the Thunder Bay surrounding area. There are
some great stores in the sector that you can get some products and services exclusively
to those stores. There are some main businesses that really bring business down to the
Bay and Algoma sector some of these include the Hoito, The Growing Season, the
Scandinavian Deli, Bay Meats, the Madhouse and lots of others.



Marketing Communications Situation:

Internal AnalysisStrengths:
- The Scandinavian Home, and other restaurants that are unique to Thunder Bay
(specifically Bay & Algoma area).
- Very Diverse collection of cuisine, and stores.
- Several relatively new establishments.
- Having many businesses within the small area creates a complimentary business
- Population fluctuating, as Thunder Bay has a large student population
- As well as a diverse population, promoting to make it appeal to everyone.
- Thunder Bay is a largely spread out city, this makes the accessibility to the Bay &
Algoma area a long drive for many consumers.
- In todays economy consumers generally look for price points over quality products.
- If an impression is made on the student population it will boost the usually slower pace
of winter sales.



- The areas diverse businesses will improve the chances of consumers finding an
establishment that appeals to them.
- With the many businesses the ability to cross promote becomes more prominent.
- Being so close to the casino, which is a major attraction could potentially boost sales if
we would be able to promote inside the casino.
- With the wide variety of stores in Thunder Bay, there could potentially be similar
products offered with a better price.
- Customers may already have a loyalty program instilled with one of the larger
commercial businesses (ex. PC points, Safeway card)
- With the new advertising it may deter previous customers, if the new direction doesnt
appeal to them.
Brand Image:
The Bay & Algoma area is an eco-friendly area, focussed on being family oriented,
without abdicating quality products, and excellent customer service. We look to create
the perception amongst customers that paying the least amount of money, isnt
necessarily getting a good deal. The quality of products provided in the Bay & Algoma
area are unlike any other in the Thunder Bay. This is because it is an area owned and
ran by people of the community, just like you and me. Since they are also deeply rooted
in the community this is why such a great deal of priority on the proper disposal of
waste, the use of environmentally friendly products, and maintaining a green city for



years to come. The customers experience, and wellbeing is at the forefront of the Bay
& Algoma area, since we know what it is like to be a member of the community we strive
to assure the consumer a quality product and experience.

External AnalysisCustomer Behaviour Analysis- For our consumer analysis we did research as to which
consumers would be most interested in the products and services offered in the sector.
We would like our consumers to be eco/green and local friendly. Everyone in the area
are welcome to shop in the sector however the ecofriendly customers will have all their
needs in one place. We would really like to get new consumers to come down and
check out the eco/green shops in the sector. If we could even get a percentage of new
consumers to become brand loyalists to the Bay & Algoma sector. There is a variety of
green shops in the Bay Algoma area and we believe with the proper marketing and
communications we believe this area will again be the talk of town and filled with
consumers and potential customers. We believe with the restorations this will attract
more customers and pedestrians and thus increase the foot traffic and revenue in the
Competitive Analysis- We believe the Bay Algoma area can strive if a combination of
internal and external factors are fixed. For instance we would like to go for the
ecofriendly personality and try to revamp the area with that mindset. There are some
competitors that the sector faces considering consumers in Thunder Bay could go to
either the Intercity Mall, the Marina Sector, The Arthur Street Shops as well as few other



smaller businesses. These places are threats to the Bay and Algoma area because you
can also buy similar products and services, even some of these places offer lower
quality for less price which induces some customers. We believe that since the area
offers excellent eco/green friendly products and services from locally grown businesses
that it will strive over the competitors. It is proven that Thunder Bay residents feel very
strongly about supporting locally.
Environmental Analysis- The Bay and Algoma sector has the potential to become a new
intriguing area of town. The Bay Algoma are thrived in the past but as of recently the
area has had less and less foot traffic and overall business in general. We believe with
the changes we would like to implement will reach out to a completely different niche
that was previously targeted too. The environmental analysis for our idea is very
environmentally friendly; the majority of the businesses we are focusing on are all
environmentally friendly or at least body-mind health shops. The idea is to upgrade this
area of town but also stay on the eco-friendly path and our goal is to advertise as
environmentally friendly as possible.
IMC Plan Objectives:
Communication ObjectivesThe communication objective we have with this IMC plan is
-To gain 75% new consumers awareness of the products and services offered in Bay &
-To get double the amount of traffic on bayalgoma.com website.
-To get at least 150 new positive reviews of the sector.



Behaviour ObjectivesThe behavioural objectives we have for the IMC plan is.
-To get 50% more foot traffic in the sector.
-To get 50% of consumers to participate in our online activities.
-To get 35% to make purchases.
-To get 15% of those consumers to become sector loyalists.
IMC Programs:
AdvertisingOur Advertising Objectives are: 1. Create awareness of the ecofriendly mentality of the
Bay & Algoma area. 2. Stress that Bay & Algoma area is ran by locally owned and ran
by local business owners, which are quality oriented. 3. To increase overall knowledge
of the Bay, and Algoma area. 4. To increase to the trial of the stores in the Bay &
Algoma Area.
The main focus of our advertising programs will be to increase awareness of the
locally owned and operated stores that are located in the area, and to get the message
across that they are ecofriendly, and quality driven establishments.
To increase the consumers knowledge of the Bay & Algoma area we would start off by
updating the Bay & Algoma website, by making it more interactive and informative the
consumers would be able to easier find the information they were looking for. We would
get in touch with the business owners in the area, and ask them to send us a paragraph
about their business to be added to the website. We would ask them to include: a
general mission statement, the companys core values, and what makes them unique



from similar businesses. Also through the online sector we would again contact the
business owners to ask them if theyd be interested in interactive promotions as this
would increase potential trial.
Online would be the main source of our advertising, however we would incorporate
several other methods of reaching the local community. We would use local radio
stations to inform consumers of promotions, events, and deal that are up and coming.
Radio would be useful for this sort of small promotion for one establishment at a time.
This is because effective radio commercials have to be short and sweet, and dont allow
time for large amounts of explanation & excessive dialogue. We would make contact
with CBC to have commercials to be aired on our local CBC station. These television
advertisements would go more in depth about the various establishments as there is a
longer period of attentiveness attributed with television. We would add in lots of visually
appealing shots of the area, including landscape shots, shots of the storefronts of the
establishments, as well as stimulating pictures of the products that are offered at these
businesses. In every shot we would incorporate the logo for the Bay & Algoma area, as
this would help consumers create affective (subconscious) connections with the Bay &
Algoma area to the corresponding logo.
Throughout the advertisements common recurring theme would show up several times
in an attempt to reach our objectives. There would be a constant stress that the
establishments in the Bay & Algoma area are locally owned and ran, that keeping these
companies profitable is integral for the local Thunder Bay Economy. Even though the
stores may not be price friendly, they are more focussed on giving the consumers a
quality product. That since they are owned, and ran by locals that the proper disposal of



their waste, and maintaining the local environment is also at the forefront of their values.
The most recurring theme in the advertisements will be that all the information is
available on the Bay & Algoma website, as we would like to increase the traffic on it.
We will also be running magazine advertisements. We plan on placing magazine
advertisements strictly in local magazines. We believe the best option for costs would
be to have a two page ad covering the span of the entire magazine when opened to that
page. We will be going with a layout that shows the description of the product on the
first page that converges into the second pages image of the product. The magazine ad
should follow this outline; having the history and interesting facts about the area on the
left and a beautiful scenic image of The Bay and Algoma area on the next page.
For out of home advertising we plan on doing a variety of different types to reach as
many people as possible. Our main out of-home advertising focus with be on billboards,
buses and benches. Thunder Bay is a small city with limited billboards; with a strong
image on a large billboard in a high traffic location we believe the billboard will be a
great success. For the billboard we plan on having just the new website domain in big
bold wording across the entire billboard. We believe simply a website domain will gather
the publics attention and lour them into visiting our webpage and see all the great local
options downtown. The domain is clear yet the advertisement is very bright so the
billboard is very noticeable in general.
For buses we plan on having ads wherever they allow us to put ads on the bus, the
more the better; as advertising on public transit is cost effective. Public transit goes all
over town and a high amount of the population sees these buses and ads. Our main
goal would be to get an ad space on the back or the side of the bus wherever they have



the biggest area possible. We believe having space on public transit for an extended
amount of time will lead to a benefit at the Bay and Algoma area. Any part of the bus is
effective but typically the Thunder Bay transit buses have the majority of the ad space
on the back so thats where we would prefer to have our image or message. The bus ad
reaches our entire demographic; we plan on a basic idea for the ads on the buses to be
family oriented towards going to the Bay and Algoma area. For benches we plan on the
same approach as the billboards; to just have the website domain with nothing else.
These tactics are to drive up traffic on the new updated website and hopefully bring in
the 40% new buyers we wanted originally.
Direct MarketingOur direct marketing objectives are a wide variety of goals and hopeful improvements to
the Bay and Algoma area over the course of the next 12 months. We are aiming at
anyone aged from 16-70 already in the Thunder Bay region but also to bring in the
same demographic of people year around from all around the world. We believe this
area has the potential to be Thunder Bays go-to area with the proper improvements.
We plan to market the re-boot for the unveiling of the Bay and Algoma area mainly in
that sector but also throughout all of Thunder Bay to inform the public of the new area
and the new options in the Bay and Algoma area. We plan to market the new Bay and
Algoma an area for friends to meet up and go do interesting things in that area not just
another part of town to go to with your friends. We are labelling this area a high class
eco-friendly area with mostly green options and stores. Our direct marketing objectives
are to be able to bring in 40% first time buyers over the 12 month span. The strategy we
have to bring in the 40% new customers is to completely revamp the website and make



it more user friendly and assessable for anyone. The website as of right now isnt user
friendly at all, it isnt very informative and there is hardly any pictures or images of the
area at all. We strongly believe if the website is worked on and fixed and then had a relaunch it would set out a chain on interest throughout the city on the new area being
presented downtown. Once we make the website we have to let the public know there is
a new user friendly website with more up to date information; as of right now we have a
bold idea of having billboards throughout the city being painted black and having the
website in bold writing on the billboard and nothing else to set the intrigue around the
website. If the website gets a considerable amount of more hits we believe we can
reach the goal of 40% first time shoppers in the 12 month period. The direct marketing
message we have is to let the public know of the new local eco-friendly area in the
beautiful downtown of Thunder Bay. We plan in implement a new Facebook page
showing strictly updates for the area including pictures and also giving the public the
ability to share their ideas and issues. We plan simply with the go green idea we will
bring in new consumers but we want to bring in all types of new customers and
shoppers we believe with the direct marketing this will help our goal of having 40% first
time buyers in the Bay and Algoma area.
Newspapers today are targeted at an older demographic and thus we are going to have
our ad in the newspaper aimed at the older demographic of our 16-70. Newspapers
mainly get their attention from the front page cover story or the image in that place;
either being political, local ads, business ads, controversial ads or feel good stories, etc.
We plan on being on the cover of the newspaper with a variety of beautiful pictures of
downtown Bay and Algoma throughout a certain week during our yearlong upgrade of



the area. Also throughout the year long endeavor we plan on having smaller ads ran
throughout the newspaper on a weekly basis just as a reminder about all the great stuff
going on in the Bay and Algoma area. When we have the cover there is space for two
images and one is a very large space grabbing the reader or passerbys eye; we think a
great local image of the downtown area would be great. We would want bright colors to
make it pop out and also incorporate the eco-friendly aspect we are going with. The top
article could be about the new shops and ideas that are downtown and the bottom
article should be a green aspect to incorporate the whole goal of our upgrades to the
Bay and Algoma area. Another execution of direct marketing that is going to be
implemented is a large scale email blast to all residents that have provided their email in
store during purchase or online at one of the many store websites. This email blast will
contain short info blurbs that will describe briefly each store with a link to the stores
website. There will also be a link to the BayAlgoma.com website where the individuals
can enter their names to possibly be displayed on the website as one of the biggest
supporters of the area.
The last direct marketing procedure that we will use to increase the business of the
downtown area is to do direct calling to other businesses around Thunder Bay and let
them know of all the different services that are offered in the sector. Creating business
to business connections and deals is a great way to increase the sales and knowledge
of the sector. The goal of this is to get other businesses to recommend and use the Bay
and Algoma stores instead of using a big name brand companies. This would be great
for both businesses because the local stores will profit from the larger quantity of
products and services being demanded. While the big name brand companies will profit



because the overall economy of Thunder Bay will increase then leading to more

Interactive/Internet MarketingOur main interactive/ internet marketing objective is to as stated above to make the
website for Bay and Algoma area more user friendly. We believe the website is a vital
part of increasing the business and foot traffic in the area. We want the website to have
pictures of inside each shop and actual downtown foots of the local business and
scenery. We need this website to be up and running right away to help bring up the
hype towards the grand unveiling. For interactive marketing we plan to have a like or
share and win type games on our social media pages. The point isnt winning the prize
for the contestant but that our page appears on hundreds and thousands of different
people social media pages, a great way to get a high about of publicity. Also this will
give people who typically wouldnt have access to the posts we make and our updates
this allows for anyone to see these posts and updates. We do not plan on free give a
ways as we do not have a high budget to work with but we have some gift certificates in
the works with some of the businesses down town as the prizes. Online we also plan to
partner up with all of the other businesses websites by adding links to each businesses
private page to help increase traffic for each business owners website and then
hopefully shop in person. Our strategy for our online and interactive marketing is to
bring in the intrigue through social media and certain pictures and posts. Our internet
marketing message is that we want the public to believe in the upgrades going on
downtown and we are trying to do so by having the website updates. We plan to be on



all types of social media connecting with people and sharing what we have to offer in
The Bay and Algoma region.
Sales PromotionSales Objectives
1. To increase trial within the Bay & Algoma area.
2. To increase sales within the Bay & Algoma area.
3. To boost the number of repeat customers within Bay & Algoma Businesses.
4. To expand the number of loyal customers to the Bay & Algoma area.
In order to increase the sales, and also increase the number of repeat customers we will
incorporate cross promotion, and complimentary sales. This strategy will take
advantage of the wide variety of stores that are located in the Bay & Algoma area. We
send out a coupon along the lines of, if a customer spends a certain amount of products
at a certain store, they will receive a discount at one of the store listed on the coupon.
This will create an increase in trials at stores, as consumers will be more obliged to
enter and spends money if they are entitled to some sort of coupon.
A points card will be incorporated within the Bay & Algoma area. This will entice
consumer to keep coming back to the area, keep spending money, and will also create
a loyalty based group of consumers. This is our answer to the point systems that some
of the larger stores in the city have. The point system will also likely increase sales, if



customers are coming into the area for every day products, the amount of money spent
will definitely increase.
Some of the sales promotions that was determined to be most efficient were as the
following. We would create a letter that we would send to all residents of Thunder Bay
as well as the surrounding area. It is first used as $10 dollar purchase at any store
connected to the Bay and Algoma Sector. All stores associated will be listed on the
coupon so any new customers will be aware of where the contest is taking place. So the
on the other side of the card there will be 5 empty boxes. These boxes will be stamped
by any participating stores, once all 5 have been stamped then you will then receive an
additional 10 dollars of your purchase and be entered in your chance to win one of 3
grand prizes which include 3 shopping sprees worth $1500.

Public Relations/ PublicityOur Public relations/Publicity objectives for the Bay & Algoma area consist of:
1. Create the perception of an ecofriendly priority in the Bay & Algoma area.
2. To create and maintain positively viewed local base among consumers.
3. To establish the first though when consumers see the logo that the Bay & Algoma is
that the area is family/eco/and quality based. For public relations we really wanted to
focus on the green local products and services image of the sector. To show the people
and companies in that area care about our Community, our City, our Earth. That
statement was carried across all of our public relations executions. One of our strongest



executions were when we got a few of the local business owners from the Bay and
Algoma sector to have a conference on being green in Thunder Bay. This was a great
way to not only show how much the sector cared about the community and earth but
also showed other businesses and potential customers all the different options for green
and local products and services offered in those Bay & Algoma stores.
Another execution that worked out really well for us was we created an article to be
posted in both the local magazines, The Walleye Magazine and The Superior
Adventures Magazine about what the stores in the sector were doing to stay green as
well as the different options for green and local products and services offered. It was a
really great article because it wasnt trying to push a sale upon any of the potential
customers it was just intriguing them to come check out the stores, and hopefully
purchase the products and services. This was a great piece because people are always
trying to find out new ways and places that can offer different healthy and local products
and services.
There will be lots of different expense we are going to occur in the year of marketing, we
will try breaking down the expense the best possible.
Salaries- 2 Marketers working for minimum wage only doing 20 hours a week total (10
hours each).
52* 20 = 1040 Total hours in the year for both workers
1040 * 11= $11400 Total cost for the marketers.



Website Cost- There are several prices involved with ensuring a website is created and
stays maintained. You must purchase the domain name, hosting services, website
$10 a year for domain, + $75 dollars for hosting services, + $500 dollar website
maintenance and software. = $585 Total cost
Billboard cost- We will have 3 billboards around the surrounding Thunder Bay, also one
downtown. We know that billboards cost depending on location. So we are going to use
the out of town billboards at $2500 dollars a month, and $5000 a month for in town. In
total that would cost a total of $12500 to run all billboard.
Bus ads/ Bus stops- Can range anywhere from $150-4500 a month, the interior ads
range from $20-125 dollars. We will assume if we are going to do out of home
advertising on a bus we will be using all types (exterior, interior, and bus stops) and
assume a price of roughly $2350 a month.
Commercial Cost- Commercials really depend on the timing and the channel that you
are trying to market on. We were very interested in booking a time around the early
evening time such as 3:30 or 4pm. This is because people would be getting home from
work looking for somewhere to grab something to eat and if they saw a commercial
displaying all the different products and services offered in the Bay and Algoma area
then they will be inspired to go down there and check it out. We also choose this time
due to price, we know if we were to wait till 5 or 6pm we would have to pay a lot more.
We contacted several different companies and people and we got different answers
from each, we assume that a 30 second commercial around 4 pm will cost us $3500 to
run for 2 weeks.



12 Month Calendar Budget:


Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Newspaper ads- $1000.00 for the month
Bus ads (interior, exterior) & bus stops- $2350.00 from our research
Billboard (One in town, one out of town) - $4000+ $2500
Commercial (2 weeks) - $3500.00

Monthly total $ 14,230.00


Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Newspaper ads- $420.00
Billboard (out of town) - $2500.00
Park Bench ads x20- $8000.00

Monthly total $ 11,800.00


Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Billboard x3 (out of town) - $7500.00
Radio ad (half month) - $900.00

Monthly total $ 9280.00


Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Radio ad- $1800.00



Billboard (in town) - $4000.00

Monthly total $ 6680.00

Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Radio ad- $1800.00
Billboard (in town) - $4000.00
Bus ads (interior, exterior) & bus stops- $2350.00 from our research

Monthly total $ 9030.00


Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Billboard (in town) - $4000.00
Park Bench ads x20- $8000.00
Commercial (2 weeks) - $3500.00

Monthly total $ 12,880.00


Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Radio ad- $1800.00
Billboard (out of town)- $2500.00
Park Bench ads x20- $8000.00

Monthly total $ 13,180.00




Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Radio ad- $1800.00
Commercial (2 weeks) - $3500.00

Monthly total $ 6180.00

September- Marketers salary x2- $880.00
Radio ad- $1800.00
Park Bench ads x20- $8000.00
Monthly total $ 10,680.00

Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Billboard (in town) - $4000.00
Commercial (2 weeks) - $3500.00

Monthly Total $ 8380.00

November- Marketers salary x2- $880.00
Radio ad- $1800.00
Billboard (out of town) - $2500.00
Bus ads (interior, exterior) & bus stops- $2350.00 from our research
Monthly Total $ 7530.00



December- Marketers salary x2- $880.00

Billboard (in town) - $4000.00
Bus ads (interior, exterior) & bus stops- $2350.00 from our research
Commercial (2 weeks) - $3500.00
Monthly Total $ 10,730.00
Grand Total $120,580.00

Some of the different controls we used to monitor the effect that the IMC program had
on the market are concept testing, inquiry tests (Reference from textbook). Concept
testing was one of the first research methods we used where we asked participants of
our focus group to tell us what they were interested in, also what they look for in down
town markets. We did the concept testing very first to understand what the local
consumers in Thunder Bay were really interested in. With the information gathered we
designed our brand image around a healthy and green lifestyles, we believe that this will
soon be the next big thing. We tested to see if the sector awareness had gone up as
well, we did this by tracking the frequency our ads obtained. We will monitor online how
many people visit the Bay and Algoma website as well as checking to see how many
people take part in our online interactive sales promotions. We also conducted some
inquiry test which were very common to the concept testing except done after the first
stages of creation is complete. This involved showing some store owners, managers,



workers, and also potential consumer some ideas for different creative executions for
the Bay & Algoma sector. The individuals were separated and asked to rate each
creative execution on a scale from one to 10. We did averages for all options and
choose the top options for each media bus.
Another control we used to understand if our IMC program was making an effect or not
was to monitor the traffic on the BayAlgoma website, along with the all the personal
business websites. This will give us some insight into how many people are looking into
us online along with the specific business websites that the potential are interested in.
Another control that was used to monitor the traffic in that area was getting their sales
results from previous years and checking it on a weekly basis. After releasing our new
marketing strategies we should see an increase in sales and if there is not then we must
adjust the strategies. Another thing that will be monitored will be the foot traffic in that
area. For this to happen we must pull old research results of the foot traffic in previous
years, we will compare that to the monthly break down once the new IMC programs are
put in place.



Admin. (2014, January 1). How Much Does A Small Business Cost in 2014? Retrieved
November 27, 2014, from http://www.executionists.com/blog/cost-to-build-websites2014/
Admin. (2014, January 1). Billboard Advertising in 300 Cities. Retrieved November 27,
2014, from http://www.bluelinemedia.com/billboard-advertising
Admin. (2014, January 1). Bench Advertising in 150 Cities. Retrieved November 27,
2014, from http://www.bluelinemedia.com/bench-advertising
Admin. (2014, January 1). Bus Advertising and Bus Stop Shelter Advertising. Retrieved
November 27, 2014, from http://www.bluelinemedia.com/bus-advertising
Buying Airtime on TV. (2014, January 1). Retrieved November 27, 2014, from



Appendices- A- Storyboard for commercial.
Appendices- B- Script for radio commercial.

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