Difference Between Coelom and Pseudocoelom

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Difference Between Coelom and Pseudocoelom


March 24, 2012

Coelom vs Pseudocoelom

Coeloms and pseudocoeloms are words to explain the nature of the body cavity in animals. These body
cavities are called coeloms. This cavity has surrounded by three cell layers called Ectoderm (outer layer),
Endoderm (inner layer) and Mesoderm (middle layer) . These cell layers are formed in embryo through the
process called gastrulation, and eventually these cell layers become different parts of the body. This
coelom and pseudocoelom act as hydrostatic skeleton, and disseminate the pressure through the body to
minimize the damages of the internal organs. Coelom acts as a shock absorber and hydrostatic skeleton.
Longitudinal and circular waves can be transmitted efficiently through the hydrostatic skeleton.
There are two types of animals, diploblastic animals and triptoblastic animals, which have been categorized
according to the development of the embryo. Diploblastic animals, as the name implies, have two cell
layers i.e. the outer layer, which is called ectoderm, and the inner layer called endoderm. Triptoblastic
animals have an extra cell layer between Ectoderm and Endoderm which is called Mesoderm. Only
triptoblastic animals have the body cavities.
Animals that have pseudocoelom or false coelom are called pseudocoelomate such as phylum Nematoda,
Acanthocephala, Entoprocta, Rotifera, Gastrotricha1. Although they have a body cavity, it is not lined with
peritoneum or partially lined with peritoneum , which is derived by embryonic mesoderm. This body cavity is
filled with fluid, which suspends the internal organs and separates the digestive tract and outer body cell
wall. As embryology implies, the pseudocoelom is derived from the blastocoel of the embryo.
Animals that have true coelom are called Eucoelomates such as phylum Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca,
Echinodermata, Hemichordata and Chordata. The fluid filled body cavity is lined with peritoneum, which is
derived by embryonic mesoderm, and separates the digestive tract and outer body cell wall. Internal
organs are suspended in the body cavity and help to develop those. According to the embryology, Coelom
is derived from two different ways. One way is through the splitting of the mesoderm, and the other way is
out pocketing of archenteron fusing together to form the coelom.

What is the difference between Pseudocoelom and Coelom?

The main difference between Pseudocoelom and the coelom is, pseudocoelom is not lined with the
peritoneum, which is derived by embryonic mesoderm, whereas coelom is lined with the peritoneum.
Pseudocoelom is derived from the blastocoel of the embryo whereas coelom is derived from two
different ways such as the splitting of the mesoderm and out pocketing of archenteron fusing together to
form the coelom.
In coelomates, organs are suspended in a well organized manner, in the body cavity, by attaching

organs to each other whereas, in pseudocoelomates, organs are held loosely and are not well organized
as coelomates.
Coelom allows the formation of an efficient circulatory system whereas pseudocoelom does not aid in
the formation of a circulatory system.
In Psudocoelom, nutrients circulate through diffusion and osmosis whereas, in coelom, nutrients
circulate through the blood system.
Coelom is segmented whereas pseudocoelom is not segmented.
Pseudocoelom lacks muscles or supporting mesenteries, which coelom has.

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