Basic Civil & Mechanical Engineering 2010 Jun - (A) (2006 Ad)

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BTS(C)-1& I-10 -023-B B. Tech Degree I &II Semester (Combined) Examination June 2010 IT/CS/EC/CE/ME/SE/EB/EVEE/FT 106 BASIC CIVEL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (A) CIVIL ENGINEERING (2006 Scheme) Time: 1 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50. PART A (Answer ALL questions) (4x 5=20) Explain about any 5 types of cement. Describe any one workability test. Draw the component parts of a building. Explain Indirect Ranging. es sp PARTB (2x 15=30) a. What is deep foundation, describe the different types? OR ll. Draw a detailed sketch of a steel simple fink truss used for a span of 10 meter and mark the parts. Iv. ‘Show the arrangements of brick in English Bond. Also draw dimensioned plan of a comer of wall 1 1/2 brick thick English Bond for two alternate layors. OR Vv. The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level 0.500, 1.265, 3.300, 1.705, 2.835 2.225, 2.500, 0.850, 3.800, 1.500 The instrument was shifted after the 3" and 6" reading. Assume the initial reduced level as +100.000m. Calculate the reduced levels of all the points and also apply the check. ee EKO.

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