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Simon faser

Simon Thomas Fraser was a Scottish fur trader and an explorer who charted much of what is now the
Canadian province of British Columbia. Fraser was employed by the Montreal-based North West
Two centuries before Confederation a pair of resourceful Frenchmen named Radisson and des Groseilliers
discovered a wealth of fur in the interior of the continent north and west of the Great Lakes accessible
via the great inland sea that is Hudson Bay. Despite their success French and American interests would not
back them. It took the vision and connections of Prince Rupert, cousin of King Charles II, to acquire the
Royal Charter which, in May, 1670 granted the lands of the Hudson Bay watershed to the Governor and
Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson Bay.Winter clothing up to 70% off!!


The North West Company was formed in 1783 by fur traders from Montreal. Many of the
Nor'westers (as they were known) were former coureurs de bois. After the French lost New
France to Britain in the Seven Years War, they had nobody to work for. Others were young men
who had come from Scotland to join the fur trade.
he discover mostly on modern day British Columbia

In 1805 he was selected to expand the company's operations beyond the

Rockies. He founded the first European settlements in the wilderness domain
that he named NEW CALEDONIA (central BC); establishing Fort McLeod in
1805, Fort St James and Fort Fraser in 1806 and Fort George (present PRINCE
GEORGE) in 1807.
Fraser is best known for his daring exploration of the FRASER RIVER(then
believed to be the Columbia). On 28 May 1808, hoping to discover a new
transportation route to the Pacific, Fraser left Fort George with 2 clerks, 16
voyageurs and 2 native guides. This gruelling 520 mile expedition ranks as
one of Canada's greatest explorations.

Simon faser

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