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Masters of Business Administration HRM730

By Dr Amina Josetta Kayani
Issues in Learning & Development (L&D)
With so much change taking place in many organizations, L&D professionals play a big role in
formal and informal training, and deal with the most pressing people development issues.
Unfortunately, there is often a short-sighted application of L&D in most organizations.
By 'short-sighted' I mean that they are looking for a quick fix. "We will send them on a course and
that will solve it". There was an interesting paper written by Mick Cope in which he highlighted the
importance of the first 90 days or 3 months after an individual has attended any training. This is the
critical period during which development is embedded. Sending someone on a PowerPoint course
or a Leadership program is fine, but a waste of time if you don't then give them ample opportunities
to apply their learning in the workplace (i.e. give a series of presentations to prepare using their new
skills or opportunities to demonstrate their new found leadership skills).
Too often the L&D function in organizations only looks as far as the short term investment and not at
how the learning will become truly sustainable back in the workplace. If they invested more in this, it
would be easier for us to demonstrate the ROI(Return on Investment) or ROE(Return on
expectation). There are many models available for Evaluation of Learning.
Adapted from LinkedIn Forum on Learning and Development May 2012.

Amongst others they include:Kirkpatricks 4-level Model

Jack Phillips' Five Level ROI Model

Discuss the notion of Evaluation of Learning at the workplace in the context of

Kirkpatrick's learning and training evaluation theory AND Jack J Phillips Five
Level ROI Model.
Your detailed write-up should be organized with discussion on the actual models,
application, benefits, application challenges and some real-life examples on the
extent of application of the Evaluation of Learning at one organization of choice
in Malaysia. Secondary data from the websites, annual reports, sustainability
reports etc would suffice.
There is no limit to your answer. Do not plagiarize. Reference your citations where
appropriate/ necessary.

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