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Circle the word you heard.



Circle the word you heard.



A sheep and a 1) horse/goat lived on a farm. They like

A sheep and a 1) horse/goat lived on a farm. They like

planting 2) fruits/vegetables. They planted 3) white/green

planting 2) fruits/vegetables. They planted 3) white/green

radishes on their farm. One morning, the 4) goat/sheep

radishes on their farm. One morning, the 4) goat/sheep

said, Look at the white radish. Wow! It has really 5)

said, Look at the white radish. Wow! It has really 5)

grown/got bigger, the goat replied. Lets pull it 6) in/out,

grown/got bigger, the goat replied. Lets pull it 6) in/out,

said the sheep. The sheep tried to pull out the white

said the sheep. The sheep tried to pull out the white

radish. It could not do it. The sheep said to the goat, Can

radish. It could not do it. The sheep said to the goat, Can

you help me, please? Of course, said the goat.

you help me, please? Of course, said the goat.

Both the sheep and the goat tugged and 7)

Both the sheep and the goat tugged and 7)

pushed/pulled it. They still could not pull it out. Along came

pushed/pulled it. They still could not pull it out. Along came

a 8) rabbit/horse. The horse asked what they were doing.

a 8) rabbit/horse. The horse asked what they were doing.

The sheep told it that they were trying to pull out the

The sheep told it that they were trying to pull out the

white radish and asked for the horses help. The horse

white radish and asked for the horses help. The horse

agreed. They still could not pull it out. Just then a 9)

agreed. They still could not pull it out. Just then a 9)

tiger/rabbit came by. It helped the horse, the sheep and

tiger/rabbit came by. It helped the horse, the sheep and

the goat to pull out the radish. At last, the radish came

the goat to pull out the radish. At last, the radish came

10) in/out.

10) in/out.

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