Digoxin Cardiac Glycosides PO/IV: Sample Card For Digoxin

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Sample Card for Digoxin

Cardiac Glycosides PO/IV
Action: Positive inotropic action, increases force of ventricular contraction and thereby
increases cardiac output; slows the heart, allowing for increased filling time.
Uses: Congestive heart failure and rapid atrial cardiac dysrhythmias
Nursing Implications: Check apical pulse for 1 full minute; hold if _60. Check digoxin
level (0.52.0 normal, _2.5 _ toxic). Check K_ level (hypokalemia is most
Common causes of dysrhythmias in clients receiving dig [3.55.0 mEq/L]).
Monitor for S/S of CHF, crackles in lungs, I _ O, edema. Question if the AP
_60 or abnormal lab values.
IVPover 5 minutes: maintenance dose 0.1250.25 mg q day
Effectiveness: S/S of CHF improve, output _ intake, weight decreases, breathing
improves, activity tolerance improves, atrial rate decreases
Side Effects: Toxic _ yellow haze or nausea and vomiting; ventricular rate decreases.
If given along with a diuretic, increased risk of hypokalemia.
Teaching Needs: To take radial pulse and hold if _60 and notify HCP.
K_ replacementeats food high in K_ or may need supplemental K_.Report weight gain of 3 lbs
or more.
Drug Names: Digoxin (Generic)

Sample Card for Furosemide

Loop Diuretic PO/IVP/IM
Actions: Blocks reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the loop of Henle _ prevents the
passive reabsorption of water _ diuresis
Uses: CHF, fluid volume overload, pulmonary edema, HTN
Nursing Implications: I & O, monitor K_ level, check skin turgor, monitor for leg cramps,
provide K_-rich foods or supplements, give early in the day to prevent nocturia.
If giving IVP, give at prescribed rate (Lasix 20 mg/minute); ototoxic if given faster
Effectiveness: Decrease in weight, output _ intake, less edema, lung sounds clear
Side Effects: Hypokalemia, muscle cramps, hyponatremia, dehydration
Teaching Needs: Take early in the day eat foods high in K_

Drug Names: Furosemide (Lasix)

Bumetanide (Bumex)
Torsemide (Demadex)
Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)

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