Cnotes On College Terms

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Additional Post Secondary Key Terms


What are key terms one needs to understand when learning about
post secondary schools?
Vocabulary Terms for Post
Secondary Schools
semester: there are 3 semesters in a year , fall, winter, and
tuition: the money one pays per semester or year (which is 2
semesters) to attend
that school

questions here
on 2nd day of
review to help
group key
terms together

Grade Point Average.GPA: Is the total GPA for combination of

9-11th, and beginning of senior year, average of all grades to be
rated on a 4 to (5 point scale if in honor courses)
(8th grade may even be factored in depending on college)
Johnson C. Smith is an example of a university that does this
major: Is the program one will have their core classes in, in order
to be educated correctly in his or her career path
minor: May be a secondary core of study that does not have as
many classes in as your major but shows that you have had more
education in then other areas for your education
Example: major, Elementary Education with a minor in
dormitory: A place where all students live on campus while
attending the school, like apartment houses
Admissions Office: The schools office on which you send your
completed applications, payments and requirements to , they also
keep your records and send out your transcripts to places of
employment when needed.
campus: Location of buildings for attending the school
SAT, Standard Achievement Tests: it is a national
standardized tests that all colleges and universities use to assess if
one would be capable to comprehend advanced study . Must do in
order to be admitted and a minimum score has to be made but
varies upon school you are applying for
Along with GPA it is the biggest factor towards acceptance
into the school you are applying for
Must do Verbal (language arts based) and Math, maximum
score of 1600

Additional Post Secondary Key Terms

Some schools may have you do written as well, then

maximum score is 2400
Each section is worth 800 points maximum
ACT, American College Testing:
Serves same purpose as SAT
depends upon the school that you are applying to if you
would need to take along with the SAT or do in place of SAT.
Once again a required score minimum would be set by the
school you are applying to
syllabus: It is a schedule designed and distributed by your
professor for each class you are registered in for the semester
It will have assignment due dates on it for with no
exceptions of due dates
-assigned readings
-written papers
-midterm date
-final date
grading scale
alumni: a name given to people who have graduated from that
I am a Penn State alumni
Student Union Building: Is the building on campus at the school
in which you can find:
movie theaters
offices, banquet rooms
study rooms
It posts all of the schools events occurring on campus
student store: to buy school apparel that displays school
spirit, snacks and books
philanthropies : organizations that the school sponsors through
clubs, social activities, sororities, and fraternities
Will do various activities to raise money for a certain charity
or cause to teach students to become aware of global
concerns and diseases

-An example: Penn States Dance A-Thon, raises

millions every year

towards cancer research

Additional Post Secondary Key Terms

sororities : A national society of females at a school that focuses
on engaging in social activities and philanthropies
*Zeta Tau AlphaZTA
* Delta Delta Delta.Tri Delts
fraternities: same as above but for males
*Chi Omega
mascot: The schools symbol, character or animal that reflects the
essence of the school spirit and is immediately recognized by its
representation of the schools branding.
student meal plan: is part of your tuition cost when living on
campus in which it is prepaid card that allows you to eat so many
times a day on the campuses assigned cafeterias and cafes
student health center: is included in your tuition cost and is
where you go on campus when you get sick College Foundation of North Carolina is a website in
which one can go onto and create an account to do research on all
the post secondary schools of NC. One can do all types of tests to
figure out which career path would be best for him or her. It also
allows you to fill out the NC application to be used to apply to any
of the NC post secondary schools. It can assist you on your
resume creation, essay for application, and your applications for
scholarships and grants available
essay: is a 5 paragraph or more response to a question of choice
provided by the school in which you are applying to. It is part of
the criteria that determines if they would accept you or not. Not
all post secondary schools require this.
application: It is a required form that must be filled out in order
to apply to the school you are applying to. You will have all
personal information on it as well as your total GPA and essay
response included with it. All universities have a separate fee that
one must pay in order to apply to that college.
scholarships: applications one can fill out to receive money from
organizations and businesses to help pay for ones education in
which one does not have to pay back.

Additional Post Secondary Key Terms

student loans: to get a loan from a bank that would help one pay
for college and then be expected to pay back after graduation.
grants: applications one can fill out to receive money from the
government to help one pay for his or her education, in which he
or she does not have to pay for.

Additional Post Secondary Key Terms

Create a class summary here on your third day of review to group
your key words together and give reference to what they mean in
this section

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