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+ Econ

WebQuest +

For this WebQuest you will be exploring the fundamentals of economics and applying
what you know to the work you have done in the Caribbean. To begin you will be using a
web-based program called Blendspace. Blendspace contains a number of tools to learn
more about economics concepts including videos, notes sheets, an EconQuest, and a quiz.
On this paper you will find spaces to log your answers for the Webquest. To begin go to
Mr. Arbuckles website and discover the Econ WebQuest link and click on the link. Once
you do this you will be transported to Blendspace and your quest will begin.
Mr. As website:
1. Watch the short film, What is Money? and write down 3 elements that you deem
important from the clip.
2. Go to the Economics Notes next and explain the difference between Command
Economies and Market Economies.

3. Next, watch the short film, What is Economics? and answer the question; What
is economics?

4. After this read the brief notes and watch the video clips on, Supply & Demand,
Goods & Services, and Scarcity. Define the below terms:

5. Next, review panels 1-10 and then take the short Quiz (panel 11). You will have to
sign in for the quiz. To do this use your Google account and simple click on that
option. You will be asked for a class code. See the board for the code. Good Luck!

6. Once you have completed the Quiz you are ready to move on to the EconQuest.
Refer to the Caribbean Tourism business you started with your group. Open the
EconQuest and address the scenarios in the activity. Write your answers below:



4 yrs =

8 yrs=


Q7: a)

Q8: Business idea=

Sketch Ad idea on the back of this paper

10 yrs=

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