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Research Activity: Careers

Occupation Profile Page

Tell us about the
job using the
description on the
profile page
(Summarize the
description in
your own words)

What else is this

job called?

If your occupation
has a video, watch
Summarize what
you learned about
this occupation
from the video.
What cluster is
this occupation
(job) a part of?
List what they do.

Name: ________________________

Police and Detectives

Conduct investigations to prevent crimes or solve
criminal cases.

Vice/Narcotics Detective
Vice Investigator
Station Detective
Special Agent
Sheriffs Detective
Sex Crimes Detectives
Police Officer
Police Detective
Police Captain

This occupation is part of the

Protective Service cluster
Schedule polygraph tests for consenting parties and
record results of test interpretations for presentation
with findings.
Monitor conditions of victims who are unconscious so
that arrangements can be made to take statements if
consciousness is regained.
Notify, or request notification of, medical examiner or
district attorney representative.
Videotape scenes where possible, including collection of
evidence, examination of victim at scene, and
defendants and witnesses.
Notify command of situation and request assistance.

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Careers

Occupation Profile Page

Name: ________________________

Maintain surveillance of establishments to obtain

identifying information in suspect.
Note relevant details upon arrival at scene, such as time
of day and weather conditions.
Coordinate with outside agencies and serve in
interagency task forces to combat specific types of
Participate or assist in raids and arrests.
Organize scene search, assigning specific tasks and
areas of search to individual officers and obtaining
adequate lighting as necessary.
People who word in this occupation generally have the
interest code: IE
List their

List their work

List the things
they need to

This means people who work in this occupation

generally have Investigative interests, but also prefer
Enterprising environments.
People who work in this occupation generally prize
Independence, but also value Working Conditions
and Achievement in their jobs.
Law and Government - Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court
procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders,
agency rules, and the democratic political process.
Public Safety and Security - Knowledge of relevant equipment,
policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local,
state, or national security operations for the protection of people,
data, property, and institutions.
English Language - Knowledge of the structure and content of the
English language including the meaning and spelling of words,
rules of composition, and grammar.
Psychology - Knowledge of human behavior and performance;
individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning
and motivation; psychological research methods; and the
assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.
Customer and Personal Service - Knowledge of principles and
processes for providing customer and personal services. This
includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for
services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Careers

Occupation Profile Page

Name: ________________________


List the things

they need to be
able to do.


What preparation
is required?

List the common

college majors.

List the industries

that employ this
List similar

Most occupations in this zone require training in

vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an
associate's degree.
Criminal Justice/Police Science
Law Enforcement Investigation and Interviewing
Cyber/Computer Forensic and Counter terrorism
Financial Forensic and Fraud investigation
Industry breakdown is not available for this occupation
Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates
Fire Investigators
Correctional Officers and Jailers
Criminal Investigators and Special Agents
Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Transit and Railroad Police
Private Detectives and Investigators

Norris, 2015

Research Activity: Careers

Occupation Profile Page
Security Guards

Norris, 2015

Name: ________________________

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