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Proposal Grant Application Form

Created Friday, January 30, 2015

Updated Wednesday, February 11, 2015

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Section 1: Overview Information
Local Education Authority Information
Local Education Agency (LEA) Name
Fayette County

LEA System ID Number


High School Name

Rising Starr Middle School

High School ID Number


Applicant Contact Information

Contact Name

Christopher Harper


Media Specialist




Executive Summary
Using the space below, please provide an executive summary of this grant request. (500 Word Limit)
Rising Starr Middle School has a history of academic rigor and success. We are a Georgia Lighthouse School to Watch recognized
by the Georgia Middle School Association. Our school is innovative and successful. Our faculty members are excited and supportive
of our instruction in broadcast and watch our student produced program live at the beginning of each school day. The prospect of
improving our already award winning program is a cause of excitement for everyone.
Broadcast at Rising Starr is a hands on opportunity for our students to learn about media literacy and content creation. By producing
and distributing fresh content students are learning not only the skills of broadcast but also the skills of effective communication. What
we have done successfully in the past will be greatly enhanced with this award.
With this award, we would be able to broadcast and archive our programs for remote viewership allowing students to reach a larger
audience and make our productions an integral part of our schools communication efforts to reach students, faculty, parents, and
community stakeholders. The tracking abilities included with the ESE platform will allow students to see their hard work rewarded by
increased viewership.

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This project has the potential to make a very large impact in the education of broadcast students, providing them with fundamental
skills and increased enthusiasm for this medium. After leaving Rising Starr Middle School, our students will have the opportunity to
continue their studies in broadcast production at Starr's Mill High School, which was awarded this grant in the fall of 2014.

Local Investment
An LEA/high school can show local investment in the Audio-Video Technology and Film career pathway. Describe how your
LEAs/high schools past (2011-12 and 2012-13 school years) and/or future (2014-2015 school year) commitments support this
pathway implementation. (300 Word Limit)
Rising Starr Middle School is committed to supporting the Audio-Video Technology instruction both withing our walls, next door at
Starr's Mill High School and throughout the Fayette County Board of Education schools. The morning broadcast at Rising Starr has a
reputation for excellence in our local school system. Funding, like this grant, is beginning to make it possible for us to enhance our
program by updating very outdated equipment and exposing our students to current broadcast technology. The school is committed to
continual enhancement of our broadcast program and maintaining our leadership role in broadcast education.

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Section 2: Project Readiness Information
Assuming that this funding request is approved, the project described is ready to immediately
proceed in the following areas:
A full-time Audio-Video Technology and Film pathway teacher has been identified and is in
place for the 2014-2015 school year.
I do not agree

A part-time Audio-Video Technology and Film teacher has been identified and is in place to
teach an elective course during the 2014-2015 school year.
I do not agree

Appropriate, adequate space is available in the school building and committed to house this
equipment and related classes during the 2014-2015 school year.
I agree

A full-time Audio-Video Technology and Film pathway teacher has been identified and is in
place for the 2015-2016 school year.
I do not agree

A part-time Audio-Video Technology and Film teacher has been identified and is in place to
teach an elective course during the 2015-2016 school year.
I do not agree

Appropriate, adequate space is available in the school building and committed to house this
equipment and related classes during the 2015-2016 school year.
I agree

Provide additional explanation or readiness information below (250 word limit).

Broadcast at Rising Starr Middle School is a club activity and is mentored by Mr. Harper. Mr. Harper is committed to the continual
development of this program, as a club. Under his direction, the morning broadcast won a national contest from CNN and has
participated in Georgia Scholastic Press Association activities and training. Mr. Harper holds a Specialist in Instructional Technology
and has served as an Educator in Residence at Georgia Public Broadcasting.
Rising Starr Middle School does not offer a n Audio-Video Technology and Film pathway, but is fulfilling the same needs at our
school by introducing our young students to this technology and industry. Inspiring our students to future success in the industry. In
fact several of Mr. Harper's former students, who began broadcasting in Middle School, are now working as professionals in the
television, film and av production roles.
The students at Rising Starr are high achieving and enjoy both learning and creating. If given the opportunity to work with modern day
broadcast technology, I am certain that we will see an increase in interest for our program and careers in this area.

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Section 3: Project Impact
Please describe the significance or potential contribution this proposal offers to your educational
community. Does it impact student achievement, solve a learning issue, and increase the
capabilities of career pathway and/or digital learning? What does it enable that is not possible
now?(250 Word Limit)
Our students will have much greater flexibility in broadcast locations. They will be able to move beyond our studio walls into the
building to create more engaging content. We would use this new mobility to broadcast special events and develop features. This
mobility will allow us to include more students in the broadcast and increase student pride and involvement in this program.
The grant will open up possibilities for Rising Starr to explore technologies which have not been available to us. We will integrate new
media types, use Chromakey and create supporting graphics to help viewers identify important content and remember it. This is
important for us because broadcast is both instructional and informational. We regularly feature segments on character education,
vocabulary development and religious tolerance.
Our administration sees the morning broadcast an essential part of our school and uses this medium to communicate with both students
and faculty. New equipment will open up possibilities for more creative and reliable ways to recognize student success and relay
Broadcasting and archiving our program for remote viewership allows our students to reach a larger audience and makes our morning
news show an integral part of our schools communication efforts to reach students, faculty, parents, and community stakeholders. The
tracking abilities included with the ESE platform will allow students to see their hard work rewarded by increased viewership.

Number of students positively impacted


Number of teachers positively impacted


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Section 4: Audio-Visual Technology and Film Course/Pathway Implementation Strategy
Describe in detail the LEAs/high schools strategy to effectively implement the Audio-Visual
Technology and Film courses and/or pathway, utilizing digital resources, state provided tools,
and the equipment, training, and support provided if awarded this grant (300 word limit).
As Georgias film industry continues to boom with the opening of movie production companies, such as Pinewood Atlanta in Fayette,
there is going to be a demand for a skilled workforce in digital media. Thats why the Fayette County School System is leading the
way to prepare students for careers in the field.
In the 2014-2015 school year, Rising Starr Middle School piloted a career pathway in animation. The Fayette County Board of
Education, in partnership with Clayton State University, the Atlanta Regional Commission, and Toon Boom, an animation software
company, created the animation pathway.
The Rising Starr Middle School broadcast program is committed to strengthening skills and interest in video broadcast by providing
our students with a strong foundation. Exposure to the updated equipment and broadcast workflows, which this grant will enable,
empowers our students with a strong base which can be built upon at Starr's Mill High School, which previously received this grant, in
the fall of 2014.

Briefly describe the professional development plan for staff members to ensure they are able to
successfully use and integrate these systems into their work (250 word limit).
Professional development for Mr. Harper and selected staff will be provided by ESE via in person training and phone support.
Mr. Harper will use this knowledge to instruct students and other interested faculty members in the use of this equipment.

Briefly describe this application's alignment with the LEA's Strategic Plan and the high schools
improvement plan (250 word limit).
The strategic school improvement plan encourages student growth and empowering our students with the knowledge and resources
needed to be successful in a changing and competitive global economy. With this new equipment, the students will increase their
capabilities using industry recognized equipment. Exposure to this equipment, before entering high school, will allow broadcast
students to be prepared for more advanced learning in high school. Because the equipment and platform would be similar, the transfer
of skills would be complete.

Briefly describe how this application has the support of local media partnerships to fully
leverage student opportunities (250 word limit).
The broadcast sponsor will continue to reach out to the local broadcast and film industry representatives to increase student exposure
to, and interest in, these areas. Mr. Harper will also collaborate with the broadcast sponsors at Starr's Mill High School and at other
schools to increase broadcast knowledge and interest in our school district.

Project Lead Information


Christopher Harper

Job Title:

Media Specialist

Role in Project

Broadcast Sponsor

Phone Number


Email Address

Other Project Team Member (Optional)

Page 5

Job Title:
Role in Project
Phone Number
Email Address

Other Project Team Member (Optional)

Job Title:
Role in Project
Phone Number
Email Address

Other Project Team Member (Optional)

Job Title:
Role in Project
Phone Number
Email Address

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Section 5: Acceptance of Terms
If this grant application is approved, the associated license agreement is for a period of two
years beginning with the date of the signed license agreement between the high school and ESE
Networks. Under the agreement, the high school will receive Broadcast Video Production
Equipment, an ESE Platform, up to 1 TB of storage, plus training and tech support. The intent of
the grant that supports this agreement is to assist Georgia high schools in creating broadcast
video production pathways and creating opportunities for students interested in journalism, film,
or associated fields.
Renewal of the license agreement following the two year grant-funded period will be subject to
negotiation between the high school and ESE Networks.
I accept

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Section 6: Binding Authority
I certify to the best of my knowledge the following:
I am authorized to make this request on behalf of the educational system and high school.

Media Specialist


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