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SFAS Lesson

11/7/14 (Day Three)
SWBAT explain the role of encyclopedias within the context of larger research
SWBAT use the Crown Library site to access online encyclopedias and complete
SWBAT use the Crown Library site to access an online newspaper and complete a
SWBAT identify and describe appropriate criteria for evaluating sources when
completing research
Lesson Components:
IntroCue and read slides 1-3, making sure to answer any questions and
preview todays lesson
Encyclopedia OverviewCue and read slide 4, summarizing the role of
encyclopedias and the two encyclopedias covered in the presentation
Encyclopedia ExercisesCue and read slides 5-9, toggling between the Prezi
and a projection demonstrating encyclopedia searches. Ask students to
complete the exercises and have them follow along with the projection.
Additional instructors may circulate the room to answer any questions
Newspapers and ExercisesCue and read slides 10-13, toggling between the
Prezi and a projection demonstrating accessing newspapers. Ask students to
complete the exercises and have them follow along with the projection.
Additional instructors may continue to circulate the room to answer any
Evaluating SourcesInformally poll students about what clues they use to
identify trustworthy sources. Cue and read slides 14-16 (videos), and follow
up by asking students if they learned any new hints for evaluating sources
Wrap UpCue and read slides 17-19, clicker exercise, providing contact
information and answering any final questions

General Note: When possible, solicit answers from students before completing a
demo or providing information. For example: Can someone tell me how to access
the library website? Does anyone know a different way? This will help in engaging
the students and pre-assessing what they may already know.

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