14-15 Blackboard Professional Development Plan

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Blackboard Professional Development Plan

Meet with building technology team (one member from each department)
monthly to plan ongoing tech PD.
Utilize building technology team to provide ongoing PD throughout next year.
o Pre-service PD provide small group Blackboard instruction via a
rotation schedule.
o PLCS in one PLC a month (3rd PLC, if possible), core teachers will have
Blackboard PD via the member from their department who is on the
building tech team.
o Voluntary trainings more advanced topics that the tech team puts
together (use exit ticket feedback). Offered once a quarter? PD points
o Exit ticket teachers write down one thing they learned; one thing
they still want to learn about it use this to create future Blackboard
topics and/or voluntary trainings.
Minimum Techspectations for Blackboard use initial PD topics should be
over how to meet these expectations. Deadline: back to school night.
o Syllabus for each course you teach
o Relevant Announcement
o Plan times
o Email address
o 5 calendar items (due dates tests, projects, etc.) per semester per
o Optional: unit handouts, readings, videos, powerpoints, etc.

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