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7th Januari, 2015

To : Human Resources Department

Dear Sir,
Referring to your advertisement on wall magazine Post Graduate Program
State University of Makassar dated 17th on december , 2014 and with my
firm belief of your well established company and lead me submit this
resume to fill tutor/mentor position offered in your company.
I am 23 years old , innovative, energetic, responsibilty, and good
leadership. I graduated from Mathematics Departement, Muhammadiyah
University of makassar, with Predicate very satisfactory and GPA 3,43
(scale 4) and now i study in Mathematics Department Post Graduate
program State University of Makassar.
I have been usual work in a team and organization. I can learn fast and
great will to succeed. I am certain it all can be useful to work well in this
company, and i would appreciate if you give me the opportunity to discuss
my qualification in person.
For detail, i enclosed my CV. Hopefully i may have the opportunity of
proving my capbility by being granted and interview

Thank you for your kind attention

Your faithfully

Nurul Hidayah, S.Pd

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