The Great Eggcase Hunt: Using Citizen Science To Enhance Our Understanding of Species Diversity and Distribution.

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The Great Eggcase Hunt:

using citizen science to enhance our understanding

of species diversity & distribution.

Cat Gordon
The Shark Trust

An overview
Citizen science recording project

Established in 2003

Wild About Plymouth

The Great Eggcase Hunt.

Raise public awareness

Identify potential egglaying or nursery grounds

>48,000 eggcase findings reported

SG Haywood

Static life-history stage

Save Our Seas Foundation

SG Haywood

The Co-operative: Green Schools Revolution

Smart-phone App


Dipturus cf. intermedia

Scyliorhinus canicula

Raja undulata

Public Reporting
Identification issues
Broken eggcases

Accurate reporting

Expert opinion

Ongoing Work
Publication of ten year report
Diver engagement; link egglaying grounds to beach records
Cefas collaboration; overlay groundfish surveys
Develop and launch smartphone app
Continue to expand public engagement
Develop GEH:USA with WCS and New York Aquarium
Extend international eggcase work; Dutch Shark Society
Maximise value of data set for next tranche of MCZ process; groundtruthing

Cat Gordon
Conservation Officer
The Shark Trust

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