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Lyme Bay:

an example of an
important area for
mobile species

Nigel Symes & Tom Brereton

Central Lyme Bay: a hotspot for mobile megavertebrate species?

Survey effort 1km resolution
More effort
Less effort

Key feature White-beaked Dolphin

Most southerly distributed population in Europe

Up to 200 animals in a single group (c1% Europe popn.)
Photo-id suggests ~200 animals present
Calving and breeding area

Species distribution maps - White-beaked Dolphin

Public sightings
MARINElife surveys

White-beaked Dolphin Photo-id shows high site fidelity

~ 70 individuals from 20 groups
29% re-sighted
97% of recaptures in a 500km2 hotspot area

White-beaked Dolphin Photo-id shows high site fidelity

Eg - same individual re-sighted over 6 years, mostly within 20km
August 2007

July 2012

October 2009

September 2012

Species distribution maps Harbour Porpoise

Annex 2 species EU Species and Habitats Directive (no UK SACs designated to date)
Year-round presence Harbour Porpoise:
- upto 22 animals present

Public sightings
MARINElife surveys

More effort
Less effort

Foraging Balearic Shearwaters

IUCN Critically Endangered species <2,000 pairs

- non-breeding range moving north; Channel becoming important
- Aggregations of up to a dozen birds east of Berry Head

Supporting cast additional important features

High densities of Guillemots
& Razorbills in winter
Razorbills - ~4,000
Guillemots - ~16,000

1994 & 2009

1994 & 2009

Large numbers of Manx Shearwater

& Gannets

Regular occurrence range of other mega-vertebrates

Occasional large nursery groups of offshore

Bottlenose Dolphins

Central Lyme Bay - 800km2 candidate MCZ?

White-beaked Dolphin
Assemblage other Priority mega vertebrate species

Differences in mobility between

White-beaked & Bottlenose Dolphins

Criteria for assessing the importance of areas for
mobile species in coastal in offshore situations

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