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( +34 ) 608 608 700

1. Find 10 grammar mistakes.

The Titanic was biggest and expensivest ship in the world. He was built in
Ireland in 1911. First
voyage of the Titanic was from Europe to America. In a ship there were
about 1200
passengers. The rich passengers was on the upper decks and the poor
passengers on the lower
decks. On 14 April 1918 the Titanic hitted an iceberg. The iceberg make a
big hole in the side of
the Titanic and the ship began to sink.
Some people survived because he got into a lifeboat. Many other people
died when they fall
into the freezing water.

2. Find and mark the mistakes in the following short biography.

Jack Friedhamm was born to New York in October 25, 1965. He began school at
the age of six and continued until he was 18 years. He then went to New York
University to learn Medicine. He decided on Medicine because he liked biology
when he was at school. While he was to University he met his wife Cindy. Cindy was
a beautiful woman with hair long black. They went along for 3 years before they
decided getting married. Jack began to work like a doctor as soon as he graduated
to Medical School. They had two children named Jackie and Peter, and have lived
in Queens since the past two years. Jack is very interested painting and likes to
paint portraits of his sun Peter.


( +34 ) 608 608 700

3. Find mistakes. Some of these sentences are correct.

1. I has got a car fantastic
2. My mind has gone blank. I have just had a blond moment!
3. Look at my new car. Is nice, and this is new.
4. Have you ever go to Paris?
5. He is the man which practise boxing.
6. My mum did a fantastic cake yesterday. I has been delicious!
7. Pleas, call me back more late.
8. Can you please do me a favour?
9. I will can play the lottery when Im 18.
10. I am not understanding this exercise.

4. Correct the following mistakes:

1. Where did you born?
2. I'll going to explain the problem.
3. She wore her mother skirt.
4. She explained me this.
5. I did not understood this lesson good.
6. She went in the cinema.
7. I saw yesterday in the pub my friends.
8 Did you were to England last week?
9. I bought this speak yesterday. It sound perfectly!!
10. Can I lend your camera please?

5. Check!
1. I'm tired. Let's go at home.
2. Have good holidays.
3. When I am alone, I listen music.
4. What's happen?
5. Oh, it's a great garden!
6. I have a big respect.
7. Oh, the beautiful car!
8. He speaks a good English.
9. I'm enjoyed.
10. I explained her the problem.
11. Describe me this man.
12. She took me all the papers.


( +34 ) 608 608 700

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