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Six sentences have been removed from the article.

Choose from the

sentences A-G the one which fits each gap 1-6. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.
A It took a lot of persuasion because Bolt had been running the distance for less
than a year and was surviving on a diet of junk food.
B But before that he has more to achieve on the track.

e This condition should have made it impossible for him to have a career in
D I ask him what's it like to run so fast, to race the wind.
E 'I try not to let them, but they do.'
F His manager says he runs like a cheetah.
G Winning that race changed his whole life, but for much of the next three years
he was injured.

Discuss these questions.

1 How is Bolt different from most sports people ?
2 How easy is it for a very successful person to stay grounded7
3 When does a successful person become a legend, and why7 Give some examples.

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