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introduces many brand-new fabrication strategies, such as bottom-up molecular se

lf-assembly. Nanotechnology is also enabling many novel devices and circuit arch
itectures which are totally different from current microelectronics circuits, su
ch as quantum computing, nanowire crossbar circuits, spin electronics, etc. Nano
technology is bringottomup self-assembly process.
Utilizing bottom-up self-assembly for VLSI fabrication, minimum line width of se
veral astrons can be easily obtained. As a result, this brings the hope to furth
er continue Moore s law for another several decades.
Nanotechnology is expected to bring a technical revolution to the current microe
lectronic VLSI industry. There are many different strategies for future nanoelec
tronics [5]. For example, nanolithography technologies (such as X-ray lithograph
y, e-beam lithography, ion-beam lithography) can be used for the line patterning
in VLSI fabrication to achieve resolution in nanometer range. But this strategy
still bel - succinct webpage g
iving comparison of IC technologies
-5607422.html - Intel s Cofounder Gordon Moore talks - a good summary of nano
electronics, defines nanoelectronics from microelectronics in favor of spintroni
cs over silicon transistors - physics Professor Peter Grtter s work in nan
oelectronics - Post-CMOS n
anotechnology IIAP from Imec - A nice detai
led paper on Electronics below 10 nm
html - Chip Evolution: IBM Scientists Develop Breakthrough Transistor Technology
with Carbon Nanotubes - nanoelectronic devi
ces - Professor Ronggui Yang s work in e
lectron transport requires a knowledge of solid state physics - recent nanotechnology news
4.html - TRN Magazine article, Chip Architecture Uses Nanowires. -Reduci
ng Power Dissipation in the Sublithographic Crossbar Architecture
Paper by Rober
t Figueiredo of MIT - Jan 16, 2007, HP Researchers Gi
ve Chips a Nano Spin By Walaika Haskins - Nanotechnology by Adity
a Mittal - Electron Transport i
n Quantum Dots by Leo P. Kouwenhoven, Charles M. Marcus, Paul L. Mceuen, Seigo T
arucha, Robert M. Westervelt, and Ned S. Wingreen. - Nanotubes Research at I
BM - Electronic Materials Branch
U.S. N
avy Research Nanotechnology and Physics of Semiconductors
Further Reading:
ngs to traditional top-down fabrication
ing another technology revolution to traditional CMOS VLSI technology.
. As the transistor size continues to shrink, nowadays it is already approaching
the bottom physical limit of traditional optical photolithography process. The
minimum line width of modern microelectronic fabrication process is now comparab

le to the optical wavelength of the exposure light used in the photolithography.

As a result, nowadays VLSI industry is facing a bottle neck to continue shrinki
ng the size of transistors. In order to maintain Moore s law for another several d
ecades, a brand new technology nanotechnology, must be introduced into VLSI indu
stry [4].
via b

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