Unit8 1marketsystemsbreakdown

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Government II

Unit 8: Activity Breakdown

ESSENTIAL QUESTION 8.1: Explain how supply and demand in different market systems impacts those
For Unit 8, students will learn the material pertaining to the essential question listed above through a
variety of formats. First, students will be able to participate in whole class instruction covering the material
as a class in the classroom setting. These activities will be led by the classroom teacher and completed in
individual or group formats, depending on the activity. Students will also be able to utilize a variety of
other methods to learn the material that best suits their learning styles and needs. These activities will be
more student driven, and will provide students with options on how they will acquire the knowledge of the
content material.
In this packet are the activities approved for Unit 8. Activities listed as being whole class will be done
during the class period under the instruction of the classroom teacher. If you choose to complete the work
from the class period, you may submit that work for the points assigned to those activities. However, you
are not required to submit the work that is done as a whole class. You may instead choose to submit
activities that are done independently outside of the class. The only required activities are labeled with an
asterix (*).
Some activities are labeled as student activities. These are to be completed by the student
independently. Some time may be available in class to work on student activities as well. Students may
earn up to the point values posted next to the assignments based on the accuracy and energy put into the
There are also some activities labeled student created activity. These are possible activities that
students may complete on their own to gain the knowledge needed to complete the course work. No
specific material is provided to the student by the teacher, but students may get help from their peers,
families, or teachers to complete these. As usual, if a student has an idea for an activity that is not listed in
this packet, they may certainly present the idea to the classroom teacher for approval prior to completion,
and earn credit that way.
As students submit their completed work, they will acquire points based on the activity completed. In total,
students will need to accumulate 120 points for the section of Unit 8. These activities, along with other
summative assignments will be used to calculate a students summative grade. All of the teacher created
activities will be available on Schoology. All activities may be submitted through Schoology or on paper.
The work, effort and participation done in class will also be recorded as the students weekly formative

Mini Unit 1: Market Systems

Government II

Unit 8: Activity Breakdown

Market Systems
EFL 04: Economic Systems

Market Basics [notes]

whole class


Capitalism: A Love Story [essay]

student activity


Capitalism: A Love Story [questions]

student activity


Economic Systems [video]

student activity


World Economic Systems in About Twenty Minutes [video]

student activity


Economics Cartoon - Its Everybodys Business (1954) [video]

student activity

The Communist Smurfs [video]

student activity


Crash Course History: Capitalism v. Socialism [video]

student activity


article specific to the content statement

student created activity


lecture specific to the content statement

student created activity


interview specific to the content statement

student created activity


movie / tv episodes specific to the content statement

student created activity

EFL 05 / EFL 06: Supply v Demand


EconMovies: Indiana Jones (Supply and Demand) [video]

student activity

Theory of Supply and Demand [video]

student activity


Econ 2.1 Demand and Supply Explained (1 of 2) [video]

student activity


Econ 2.2 Demand and Supply Explained (2 of 2) [video]

student activity


Econ 2.3 Shifting Demand and Supply [video]

student activity


Econ 2.4 Supply and Demand Curves [video]

student activity


article specific to the content statement

student created activity


lecture specific to the content statement

student created activity


interview specific to the content statement

student created activity

Mini Unit 1: Market Systems

Government II

Unit 8: Activity Breakdown

movie / tv episodes specific to the content statement

student created activity

EFL 11: Income


Minimum Wage Intro

whole class


30 Days: Minimum Wage

whole class


Minimum Wage v. Living Wage

whole class


More Money, More Skills

whole class


Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices [movie]

student activity


Why We Should Give Everyone a Basic Income [video]

student activity

Whats the Right Minimum Wage? [video]

student activity

Wealth Inequality in America, Perception v. Reality [video]

student activity


article specific to the content statement

student created activity


lecture specific to the content statement

student created activity


interview specific to the content statement

student created activity


movie / tv episodes specific to the content statement

student created activity

Mini Unit 1: Market Systems

Government II



Mini Unit 1: Market Systems

Unit 8: Activity Breakdown

Activity Title



Government II

Mini Unit 1: Market Systems

Unit 8: Activity Breakdown

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