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By Alister Ewen

Original Photo

Finale Photo

What I have done to change my

This image is good for my advert because it shows my
model in full view and completely focuses on her, it also
has the clothing standing out in the image. To change
my image I have done, I have cropped my photo to
make the model more in view. I have also increased the
brightness by using curves to increase the brightness of
the photo and make my models clothing stand out
more. I raised its out put to 152, and the input to 158 to
allow the model to stand out without it flushing out the
photo. I also increased the brightness and the contrast
to allow my model to stand out with her clothing being
more on display. I increased the brightness to 8. I
increased the contrast to 25 so my models attire is

Original Photo

Finale Photo

What I have done to change my

This image is good for my campaign because my model
is big, and places my model in perfect view and allows
the clothing to stand out. To change my image I have
done, I have cropped the photo to make it focus more
on my model. I also made the photo brighter so my
model stands out more. I used curves to make my
models clothing stand out more and to make her stand
out more also what I used was output at 210, and made
the input at 177. I also used Exposure, to make my
models hair darker a little so it is easier to see. I made
the exposure 0.19. I made the offset 0.0102. I have
cropped, and know my model is on the golden point
using the rule of thirds.

Finale Photo

Original Photo

What I have done to change my

This image is good for my campaign because of how it
allows the model to be in full view and makes the
clothing stand out. To change my image what I have
done is used curve to make my models facial features
stand out more and allow her to be the main focus of
the image what I set the curves to was to make the
output 177, and I made the input to 174. This allowed
my models face stand out more without it being flushed
out. I then used levels which allowed me to enhance the
colour of my models clothing which made it stand out
more, what I did was put the levels on 21, 1.11, and 255
which made her clothing brighter and more vibrant
without it looking to unrealistic.

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